
15 Ways To Show Courage

It takes courage, commitment and determination to do what it takes to live an incredible life, filled with meaning and love. The courageous actions I’m referring to bring opportunities to change your thoughts and shift your perception several times throughout your day. They’re character building and take willingness and practice. They support and strengthen the human ... [Read more]


Show courage

It takes courage, commitment and determination to do what it takes to live an incredible life, filled with meaning and love.

The courageous actions I’m referring to bring opportunities to change your thoughts and shift your perception several times throughout your day.

They’re character building and take willingness and practice.

They support and strengthen the human spirit.

They not only give you peace of mind but they send out a ripple effect to those around you. They impact your present and create an amazing future.
Reminder: My best course, “30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited and Ready” is on sale today at a big discount! Check it out here.

Give up your attack thoughts

When you’re upset, learn to get quiet. Ask for guidance. Stop. Look and listen. Let go of unloving thoughts. Repeat the mantra, “I choose love.” Surrender your negativity until only love remains.

Give up your need to defend yourself

A lesson in A Course In Miracles states, “In my defenseless my safety lies.” Our ego wants to get in the ring and fight. Our higher self knows to stay above the battleground. Get quiet. Stay centered. Go to higher ground.

Give up your need for approval

You only need to approve of yourself. Give yourself what you want from others. Praise and celebrate who you are and how far you’ve come. Be true to yourself. Stay focused on your own life and the universe will take you where you need to be.

Give up the need to complain

Complaining keeps you focused on negativity. Become aware of your complaints. Take responsibility for your life. Get clear on what you do want.  Replace your negative stories with gratitude and appreciation.

Give up the need to numb your pain

Get to know your grief, anger and sadness.  Allow yourself to name and feel your emotions.  You can handle it! Keep a journal. Meditate for ten minutes a day. Practice deep belly breathing. Release. Relax.

Give up the need to judge

Fall in love with every human being on the planet. Each one is a reflection of you. Add “just like me” to every critical thought you have of others. If you want to calculate how much you love yourself take note on how much you love others.

Give up the need to struggle

You are worthy of a good life. Let go of the people, places and things that bring you down. Choose to include more laughter and play in your day. Replace bad habits with good ones. Make choices that lead to a simpler life.

Give up your need to control others

Everyone has a right to live life their way. You don’t know what is best for anyone else. When you find yourself wanting to control others, take a fearless inventory of your own life. Focus on what you need to change.  Get started today.

Give up your need to be famous and in the spot light

Stop waiting for your big break. Don’t try to be someone else. Slow down, be present and become alive in your own life. Take one transforming step at a time. Use your gifts and talents to serve others. Allow your uniqueness to shine.

Give up the need to wear masks

Everyone is flawed. Nobody is perfect. I don’t know anyone who can walk on water or part the Red Sea. Allow yourself to be real. Be vulnerable. Let others see your humanness. You’ll be rewarded with deeper connection.

Give up your fear to take action

Don’t allow your doubts, fears and failure stop you from taking action. Make a plan. Working with your plan, write down actionable steps in chronological order. Make it clear. Begin now.

Give up your need to distract yourself

Don’t bring your phone to the dinner table. Keep it out of your bedroom at night. Limit the time you spend on social media. Take time to notice beauty everywhere. Make time for wonder.

Give up your need to find fault

Stop blaming your ex, your parents, your friends and boss. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let go of your story. Make choices that honor you. Change what you can and let go of the rest. Life isn’t fair.

Give up the need to be busy

Brene Brown says that staying crazy-busy keeps us from looking at the truth of our lives. Pull back the rug. Be willing to get honest with yourself. Examine what you would rather avoid. Be gentle but get honest with yourself.

Give up the need to compare

You are unique and irreplaceable. People need what you have to offer. You were born with gifts and talents that only you can share. Live your life. Don’t put off what your heart and soul are calling you to do.

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If you want to stand in your greatness you have to be willing to live up to your full potential. If you want to set the world on fire you have to be willing to go beyond fear, take risks and live boldly. We avoid our greatness by numbing out on food, alcohol, work, shopping ... [Read more]


Show courage

If you want to stand in your greatness you have to be willing to live up to your full potential. If you want to set the world on fire you have to be willing to go beyond fear, take risks and live boldly.

We avoid our greatness by numbing out on food, alcohol, work, shopping and other bad habits and addictions to avoid pain or fill a void. We avoid our greatness by doubting ourselves, ignoring our intuition and living in our comfort zones.

We can’t set the world on fire when deep down we feel like we aren’t good enough, we don’t do enough and we don’t have enough. With negative beliefs like these it’s impossible to sustain the motivation to do so.

We can’t set the world on fire by wasting time on television, social media, bad habits or addictions will keep you small and unfocused.

Making excuses and comparing your success to others is a complete waste of time. Criticizing and condemning yourself for not being further along on your journey is soul-sucking.

If you want to stand in your greatness and set the world on fire there’s no room for holding back and staying stuck. There’s no room for excuses, bad habits and addictions.

It’s time to give life all you’ve got! When you want something different it’s necessary to do something different.

Want something different? Do something different!

Observe life with the wonder of a child

Become childlike and think thoughts of wonder. Be curious. I wonder how my life can get even better than it is. I wonder how I bold I can be.

I wonder how a new source of income can show up in my life. I wonder what I can do to experience more fun and laughter.

Be who you were born to be

Where are you holding back? Be willing to step into your greatness in every area of your life. Hide less and expose more. Fear less and risk more. Judge less and love more.

Live on purpose. Hold a grand vision for yourself and your future. This is what you’re here for!

Be awake in the moment

When you live with focused attention every area of your life is affected. You find a great sense of peace and joy. Be aware of the invaluable nature of life. Everything is interconnected and ever-changing. Give up control and savor each moment. Find beauty in the ordinary. Awareness will feed your soul.

Accept your humanness

Let yourself off the hook. Surrender mental torture. Forgive yourself. Meditate on your goodness. The energy it takes to condemn yourself and others can be spent on living today and appreciating your abundant, vibrant purposeful life.

Practice non-attachment

Don’t get emotionally hooked into negative media or energy of others. Detach from family, work and modern life. Avoid the darkness. When we are attached to people, places or things we cause our own pain and suffering.

Nothing is permanent. All things come and go. Release. Relax.

Stop judging and start forgiving

Stop all judgment. Forgive yourself. Forgive everyone. Carrying around resentment and bitterness is exhausting. You live in darkness and past stories while missing out on opportunities and miracles available to you right now.

Take your blinders off.  Love is all that matters. Let everything unlike love go. This alone is life-changing. This alone allows you to stand in your greatness and set the world on fire!

Dare to get help and support

If you find it too difficult to make the changes you know you need to make get help! If you could figure this out for yourself, you would have by now.

Seriously, how many times have you promised yourself that you would change and haven’t?

Don’t continue to let yourself down. I know you that you can be successful. Free from bad habits and addictions. Confident and brave. Creative and happy. I know you want something different. It’s time to finally do something different. I’m here to support you.

Begin now. Expect a miracle. Everything is possible. Anything can happen.

My e-courses are available at over 70% off! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get beyond your fear. Grab one and begin now!

My best work is my course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited And Ready. Check it out. Today is the best time to begin something new!

Everyone has fear. Some of us choose to ignore it, deny it and stay stuck in it. Others learn to embrace fear, befriend it and move beyond it. You might envy people who are reaching their goals and living their dreams. You might ask, “Why not me?” “When is it my turn?” The difference between ... [Read more]


embrace fear enjoy the rideEveryone has fear. Some of us choose to ignore it, deny it and stay stuck in it. Others learn to embrace fear, befriend it and move beyond it.

You might envy people who are reaching their goals and living their dreams. You might ask, “Why not me?” “When is it my turn?”

The difference between you and the people who succeed and the people you admire is they are willing to work and overcome their fears in order to get where they want to be.

They are willing to fail, take risks and work long hours. They are willing to face rejection and invest their energy and money. They are willing to do what it takes.

Don’t allow your fear to grip you body, mind and spirit. Don’ allow your fear to wage a fight with you and your dreams.
You can learn to shrink your fear and build your confidence and courage.

The next time fear leaves you in a paralyzing state try these exercises.

1. Track your fears

Write down your fears in your journal. Next to each fear, write down it’s origin. Write down how it has controlled you in the past?

Set aside time and reflect on what you’ve written. Don’t judge your fear. Your goal is to understand it and give it space. Fear loses its hold when you observe it and gain insight into it. Fear loses its power over you.

2. Lean into your fear

Take one small step, then another. Do the things that frighten you. Only action will build courage. Tell yourself, “This fear will pass. It always has and always will.”

Your life expands as your courage and willingness to grow expands. Today lean into your fear by taking small steps. Widen your world today!

3. Relax your body

Learn to live in a relaxed state. Open your fists. Unclench your jaw. Breathe, soften your forehead and slow down your fast-beating heart. Throughout the day, take mini relaxation breaks. Get outside if you can. Even five minutes in nature will change you energy.

4. Record your past success

We fail to celebrate when we succeed. We waste no time beating ourselves up when we fail. Reflect on every decade of your life and look for your successes. This will strengthen your belief in yourself. Begin as early as age five, when you learned how to ride a bike.

You’ll be inspired, amazed and motivated by your list and how it can be used to embrace your fear. Write it all down.

5. Stop your story

Fear is an illusion. Stop making up frightening stories about your past and future. Stop rerunning them like movies in your mind. Stop terrorizing yourself. Your stories are about the pain of the past or the fear of the future.

Bring yourself to the present moment. Focus on your surroundings. The present moment is safe. Learn to live there. Create new stories filled with positive expectations of the future.

6. Make fun of your fear

Learn to laugh at it. Exaggerate the story. Make it ridiculous. Laugh some more. Try and see how crazy it is to put your life on hold and give your power away to something that isn’t real!

7. Notice abundance everywhere

Learn to think, speak and live as an abundant person. Look at what you have instead of what you want. Stop paying attention to all forms of negative media.

Notice how many clouds there are in the sky. Look at the many colors of flowers. Try and count the leaves on a tree.

We live in an abundant universe. Don’t lose sight of that. Celebrate your life. Be generous. Give. Donate. Share.

8. Adopt the success of the greats

Study the success of Zappos, Southwest Airlines, Oprah Winfrey, Victor Frankl, Bill Gates and other greats. Take note of their courageous and bold lifestyle and follow their path to greatness and beyond.

9. Develop self-belief

Focus your attention on being ready and prepared for the wonder, connections, good fortune and awesome experiences, success and joy that are yours if you are willing to work smart, hard and be open to it. You are worthy and deserving. Never forget that.

10. Take your fear and shove it

Let go of feeling embarrassed, looking stupid, being rejected and facing failure. Be willing to fail forward fast. Get through it and get beyond it.

11. View life as an awesome wild adventure

Life can be overflowing with goodness, beauty and adventure or overwhelming with and tragedy and challenges. Stay present and breathe. Be grateful for the entire adventure, hold onto your hat, and enjoy the ride.

Please help me spread the wisdom and love on social media.

  How do you see yourself in the future? What vision are you holding for the bold New Year? What if you did have unstoppable courage?  You have the power to see yourself in a beautiful light. You have the power to design and create the bold life that you deserve! This year what I want for you ... [Read more]


unstoppable courage club post


How do you see yourself in the future? What vision are you holding for the bold New Year? What if you did have unstoppable courage? 

You have the power to see yourself in a beautiful light. You have the power to design and create the bold life that you deserve!

This year what I want for you is unstoppable courage!

It’s the norm to focus on external goals when you plan for the future. I have often told you in the past to reach for the sky and accomplish great things. These are great ideas. I do believe that we’re unlimited in our reach.

But this isn’t the place to begin when you contemplate designing your new year.

The obstacles that hold you back from the future you dream of are often more internal than external.

When you think about 2015, start with deciding who you want to be versus what you want to do or accomplish.

Who do you need to become in order to fulfill your calling and offer your gifts and talents to the world?

Be the person you are capable of being and your vision for the future, your fearless life will materialize.

Learn how to handle discomfort.

Sit still. Be open to feeling your fear and other emotions that come up. Lean into them. Breathe. Be open to the truth. You won’t break. You won’t be swallowed up. Your fear monsters fade, drama is released and you’re left with a clean internal canvas.

Fill it with positive affirmations, meditation and your imagination.

Accept yourself.

You are a loving and worthy human being. Nothing will ever change that. You can do things to dim your light, but you can’t ever put it out. Let your beauty shine. You don’t need anyone’s permission. You set the tone for your life.

Stand in your power and enjoy the freedom of not needing anyone’s approval. When you are true to yourself, you have inner peace. Prosperity unfolds with ease.

Keep the commitments that you make to yourself.

It’s the only way to build self-trust. If you decide to connect more with others, make five new contacts a week. If you say you’re going to improve your finances, track your expenses and stop recreational shopping. If you decide to be healthy, eat right and exercise.

Don’t make empty promises to yourself. Build self-trust and follow through. Everything changes when you can count on you. Miracles happen.

If you have an addiction, get help.

It will never go away by itself. If you could have handled it by yourself, you would have by now! You’ll be locked in a self-made prison until you do. Decide what you need to move forward and go after it like your life depends on it. Because it does! All the success in the world won’t fill the emptiness that lies within.

When you heal yourself, the time, money and energy that was once wasted is now invested in your magnificent future.

Be authentic.

Come from your heart. You’ll have opportunities to sell your soul to get ahead. Don’t do it. There is no fine line. You know in your gut right from wrong. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s wrong. If you do it anyway, you’ll never escape the guilt and self-hatred.

There is no shortcut to change or success. When you accept your humanness, you are free to fail, make mistakes and fall behind. You simply keep learning and growing. You can’t purchase a new reputation. Integrity is priceless!

Give with no strings attached.

That’s love. That’s service. Don’t expect anything in return for your good deeds or generosity. Don’t bring unnecessary confusion and resentment into your life by keeping score. Put your energy into being who you’re meant to become. Give and love without expectations.

You can’t out-give God or the Universe. What you give comes back tenfold.

Share yourself with the world. Your internal work will complement your external work: writing, painting, drawing, dancing, building, inventing and creating. When you’re stuck, take the time to go within. Tweak something internally and begin again.

The world is hungry for what you have to offer, be willing to be and do what it takes to share your warmth, talents and love with the world. It won’t be easy. The right path rarely is. Do it anyway. Claim your dream.

You’re going to do great things.

Something good is coming!

Unstoppable header aweber

I’m committed to helping you build the confidence and courage that I know you’re capable of. I’m going to support you all that I 2015 and beyond!

That’s why very soon, on January 4th, I will launch the Unstoppable Courage Club. It will be a place to get the help you need to reclaim your power, build unstoppable courage and live the life that you always wished you had.

From proven ways to overcome fear, to actions created for making progress on goals and dreams, to letting go of obstacles to help you become more prosperous. the Unstoppable Courage Club will inspire and equip you to become your strongest, most effective self.

You’ll hear more from me about this exciting opportunity in the coming days. Until then, spend some time reflecting on what life could be like if you really did have the courage and opportunity to change it all!

And remember—you really can have unstoppable courage and you do deserve to live your best life! 

With unstoppable courage and love,

Tess Marshall
tess marshall the bold life

Do you have more fear than faith? Do you sidestep living a bold life because you believe that you don’t have what it takes or maybe you don’t feel worthy? If you’re tired of your rut, if you’re sick of paralyzing fear or exhausted from complaining then now’s the time to reinvent yourself and plan ... [Read more]


Overcome fear and live a bold life

Do you have more fear than faith? Do you sidestep living a bold life because you believe that you don’t have what it takes or maybe you don’t feel worthy?

If you’re tired of your rut, if you’re sick of paralyzing fear or exhausted from complaining then now’s the time to reinvent yourself and plan a mind-blowing future.

It’s time to think and do something different, deep down bold and courageously, different.  When life stops working for you, it’s the perfect opportunity to grow forward, one small step at a time.

Create a plan that you’ll stick to, no matter what. A plan that will rock your world, open your heart and place you on a daring adventure for your one crazy and wild life.

The following bold and courageous steps are simple yet shockingly powerful. Implement them one at a time and celebrate your success.

1. Replace fear with faith. Put your faith into your own brilliance and capabilities. Believe that you have what it takes. Really believe.

2. Hush the chattering voice of fear and scarcity in your mind. Count your blessings. Be grateful in advance.

3. Chase your fear. When you run toward your fear, fear takes a different route.

 4. Replace worry with action. The worst case scenario rarely happens. Learn to expect the best.

5. Accept 100% responsibility for your life. Remember, that your approach, attitude, work ethic and intention are just a few things that you can control. 

6. Learn more than is required. For 60 minutes every day, invest your time in learning something new.

7. Create habits that produce results. Be an early riser. Do the most important tasks first.

8. Invest in yourself. Take the best courses. Hire a coach. Make choices that honor you.

9. Start small. Take one step and then another. You’ll build momentum. You’ll soon be leaping.

10. Choose to invest in winning. Give up whining and procrastination. Use your energy to grow and improve.

11. Believe in your potential to be the best. Why not you? Why not now?

12. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. Face fear. Embrace It. Breathe through it. Carry on.

13. Take your fear to the gym. When you are stuck in fear, get active. Run, hike or walk off your fear. Get physical. Get out of your head and focus on physically feeling good.

14. Live your life. Don’t put off what your heart and soul are calling you to do today.

15. Exude positive energy. Believe in yourself. Believe the best about others. Look for beauty in the world.

16. Give up wanting to be liked. Use that energy to make the world a better place.

17. Grow your confidence and courage. Do things you’ve never done. Go places that you’ve never been. Experiment with life.

18. Don’t fret over a setback. Instead regroup, focus and discover how strong and resilient you are.

19. Know what matters. Make the people you love a priority. Know when to quit, close up shop and unplug.  Relax with your loved ones often.

20. Practice being brave. Dedicate yourself to your purpose and passion. Improve your circumstances and live in joy.

21. Choose beliefs that serve you. Release outdated ideas, perceptions and beliefs that hold you back. Write positive thoughts and affirmations on index cards. Review them often.

22. Revisit your past successes. Take refuge in your strengths and abilities. Focus on these for a length of time.

23. Give yourself permission to receive. Ask for what you need. Keep asking until you get a yes.

24. Bounce back from stress, mistakes and failure. Give yourself a break. Recognize that you’re human. Look for the lesson and move on.

25. Live in the present moment. Fear is mostly about the future. In this moment, you can choose to feel safe.

26. Be gentle with yourself. Take a time out. Become aware of what matters to you. Appreciate how far you’ve come.

27. Expect to be afraid when you step into the unknown. Fear is in your DNA. Act in spite of it. Where there is fear, there is power.

28. Welcome fear. It’s necessary for the adventurous life that you want for yourself. You have survived through tough times and great change in spite of your fear.

29. Transcend your limits. Break through barriers. Look for uncommon opportunities.

30. Dedicate your life to doing your best and serving others. This is my definition of success.

31. Believe in an abundant, life-giving and nourishing universe. Expect it to deliver!

32. Set an intention of love. Think love. Do love. Be love.  Infuse love into every aspect of your life. Love yourself, love your life and love the world.

33. Own your awesome! Start with just one of the above steps. Implement it this week. Know that you are worthy. Know that you are loved. I believe in your success!

My e-courses are available at over 70% off! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get beyond your fear. Grab one and begin now!

My best work is my course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited And Ready. Check it out. Today is the best time to begin something new!

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