
Don’t be afraid to be courageous! How often do you remain quiet when you have something to say? How often do you ignore your intuition when you need to take action? How often do you hold back when you know it’s time to move forward? How many times do you fear that you’re not smart ... [Read more]


10 things to live a bold lifeDon’t be afraid to be courageous!

How often do you remain quiet when you have something to say?

How often do you ignore your intuition when you need to take action?

How often do you hold back when you know it’s time to move forward?

How many times do you fear that you’re not smart enough or good enough?

You must have courage in order to take advantage of the unlimited opportunities that life offers you. You must exercise courage in order to live up to your full potential and leave your mark on the world. You must have courage in order to get up again after you take a few blows, fail and fall down.

It’s time to grab your potential by the tail and run with it. When you live a courageous life, you feel alive!

The following 10 acts will help you live a more bolder, more meaningful life:

Have the Courage to Jump into Life

Today is the best day of your life. If you’re not making the most of it, what are you waiting for? Face what’s stopping you and go make your mark on the world. Don’t settle for mediocrity or the status quo.

Grab the reins. Go somewhere new. Do something different. Surround yourself with the best. Dive in with both feet. Carpe Vita!

Have the Courage to Ask For What You Want

Instead of whining or complaining about your needs, learn to ask for what you want. Don’t expect others to read your mind. Learn to clearly communicate your desires. Be bold. Be assertive. Assume that people want to help you.

Expect things to go well. If the answer is no, ask again. There are more than 7 billion people in the world. Someone will say yes!

Have the Courage to Stand in Your Power

Like bees on honey, humans are drawn to external power such as money, beauty, sexuality, jobs, possessions and physical strength. External power is seductive and can be compared and measured. Real power comes from within and is equally available to everyone.

You can’t buy or lose authentic power. Examples of authentic power are compassion, harmony, inner peace and wisdom. When you center yourself in these, you’ll win every time.

Have the Courage to Forgive Yourself

Don’t allow your ego or smaller self to keep you stuck in regret or self-hatred.  Remember you are not your mistakes. You have to forgive yourself. Forgive the situation. Let go, or you won’t be able to move forward.

Honor yourself. Let yourself off the hook. Stay out of the pain of the past. Put your energy into doing something positive. Move on.

Have the Courage to Act with Love

Love is a verb, and an act of courage. Love is a commitment to yourself and others. Learn how to be compassionate and empathetic. Think loving thoughts, speak loving words and take loving action.

Keep loving until all else falls away. Anything unlike love is fear. Do what it takes to shift out of fear as quickly as you can. Love is a moment by moment practice. Practice it often.

Have the Courage to Be Generous

Learn how to give from your heart. Give without expectations. Do not give because you want acceptance, love or admiration. Do not give in order to gain recognition or power. Learn to give from a place of love and joy.

Believe you have more than enough. Give money and time. Share your talents. Give the benefit of the doubt. Give praise and respect. Just give.

Have the Courage to Own Your Fears

Fear can be your greatest teacher. Fear exposes your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and the life that you’re creating. Own your fears. Learn from your fears. Move through your fears.

Grow through your fears! Be open to your fears and the lessons they are teaching you. Living in this way will allow you to create the life of your dreams.

Have the Courage to Live an Abundant Life

Believe that the world is plotting to do you good today. See the universe as a friendly and providing place. Trust that all is well. Believe that there is enough for everyone. Your gain isn’t somebody’s loss.

Count the grains of sand or the waves in the ocean. Sit under the stars at night. Notice the different shades of green in nature. Be grateful for everyone and everything in your life. Live in a state of gratitude. Give thanks in advance for solutions, goodness and wealth coming your way. The best is yet to come. Count on it.

Have the Courage to Be Daring

Be daring. Choose to make your wild and precious life a big adventure. Be brave. Be bold and authentic. Accept your greatness. Your life is your own. Remain open to your own power, trust yourself, and ask for what you want.

Unleash your burning desire to go after your dream. What you do today determines your future. Take action in joy, knowing that the universe will meet you halfway and that people will be put on your path to show you the way and take you to the finish line. Dare.


Reminder: Check out my course, “Take Your Fear and Shove It: Be Bold, Play Big and Shine Bright.” You can get it at a big discount today!


Have the Courage to Trust the Process

Learn to trust life. Trust that things have a way of working themselves out. Trust that you’ll pick yourself up if you fail. Trust that the right people will be put on your path. When you trust the process, you’re able to live in the present moment without worrying about the past or the future.

We are meant to be out there living our dreams and making the world a more loving place. We were born to take risks, grow, and expand. It’s time to be courageous and reap the benefits! That’s my plan. I invite you to join me.

Please help me share the love on social media. You never know who you may uplift!


If you’re feeling stuck one way to pick yourself up is to read and reflect on quotes on overcoming fear. The following 21 quotes are by famous people and friends I admire. I hope they inspire you like they do me! Enjoy! 1. Fear wants us to become obsessed with some event or person in ... [Read more]


Amazing Quotes

If you’re feeling stuck one way to pick yourself up is to read and reflect on quotes on overcoming fear. The following 21 quotes are by famous people and friends I admire. I hope they inspire you like they do me! Enjoy!

1. Fear wants us to become obsessed with some event or person in the future, a year, a month, even a day. It also wants us to look backwards not at our successes, but our short-comings and our failures. Fear losses it’s grip when we stay in the now. ~ Dr. Rob Bell

2. Your story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. ~ Brené Brown

3. Although fear can feel overwhelming, and defeats more people than any other force in the world, it’s not as powerful as it seems. Fear is only as deep as your mind allows. You are still in control. The key is to acknowledge your fear and directly address it. You must step right up and confront it face to face. ~ Marc and Angel

4. Depression, pain, and fear are gifts that say, “Sweetheart, take a look at your thinking in this moment. You’re living in a story that isn’t true for you.” Living a lie is always stressful. And investigating a lie through The Work always leads you back to who you are. Who you are is not an option. You are love. It hurts to believe you’re other than who you are, to live any story less than love. ~ Byron Katie

5. The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear. ~ Deepak Chopra

6. Many of us live our lives out of the fear of what other people think of us. We’re waiting for someone to give us a permission slip that tells us it’s OK to be ourselves. Don’t try to be fearless or pretend you aren’t impacted by fear. Just try to prevent fear from making your decisions for you. ~ Chris Guillebeau

7. Your fear is just as boring as mine is. Everyone’s got the same one. It is not precious. It is not special. It is not singular to you. It’s just the one we all got wired with when we came in. Focus on your unique qualities that deserve to be celebrated and put fear back in its place. Don’t listen to it. Onward. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

8. Do you live in a mine field or a garden? When we live in a minefield mentality, we explode with the weeds of worry, doubt, fear, lack and limitation. Choose to cultivate your inner garden! ~ Michael Bernard Beckwith

9. On feeling fear: Stand fully in the now moment with gratitude, enthusiasm, openness, and readiness to respond to life as it greets you. ~ Michael Beckwith

10. God gives you the sight, the right, and the might to do great things, but you have to develop the fight! Courage doesn’t happen without fear, doubt, and unbelief; courage overcomes all of these things to get the job done. How do we knock off fear or doubt out unbelief? Simple faith in God. ~ Tim Storey

11. The thing that I’m just scared to death of is that someday I’m going to wake up and bore somebody with a film. ~ Stephen Spielberg

12. Fear sells, and it sells big time.  The main staple of the sales industry is fear. The more frightened a person or even corporation is about things, the more likely they are to buy what they perceive as a solution. ~ Tim Brownson

13. Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of. ~ Angelina Jolie

14. Going to a fearless place in your imagination will show you clearly which decisions still have fire and energy, and which lose steam without anxiety as their fuel. The former are endogenous—meaning they arise from your inner essence, not from external pressures—and they’re the foundation of every great leap. ~ Martha Beck

15. It’s easy to take off your clothes and have sex. People do it all the time. But opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams… that is being naked. ~ Rob Bell

16. Here is my biggest takeaway after 60 years on the planet. There is great value in being fearless. For too much of my life, I was too afraid, too frightened by it all. That fear is one of my biggest regrets. ~ Diane Keaton

17. Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.
  J.K. Rowling

18. The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life. ~ Eckhart Tolle

19. Because the truth is, that is the hardest part. And ironically, that is the one big thing standing in your way. Just executing. Nobody can argue with execution. Once you’re getting shit done, you’re on your way. But taking that first step can be terrifying. I get it. I really do. Fear of failure can take over. And lots of us have this fear. ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

20. Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we’re focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide. ~ Gabrielle Bernstein

21. If you don’t do what Fear says…you’ll go ahead and speak up, you’ll sign up, you’ll buy, you’ll sell, you’ll jump. ~ Danielle LaPorte

15 Ways To Show Courage

It takes courage, commitment and determination to do what it takes to live an incredible life, filled with meaning and love. The courageous actions I’m referring to bring opportunities to change your thoughts and shift your perception several times throughout your day. They’re character building and take willingness and practice. They support and strengthen the human ... [Read more]


Show courage

It takes courage, commitment and determination to do what it takes to live an incredible life, filled with meaning and love.

The courageous actions I’m referring to bring opportunities to change your thoughts and shift your perception several times throughout your day.

They’re character building and take willingness and practice.

They support and strengthen the human spirit.

They not only give you peace of mind but they send out a ripple effect to those around you. They impact your present and create an amazing future.
Reminder: My best course, “30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited and Ready” is on sale today at a big discount! Check it out here.

Give up your attack thoughts

When you’re upset, learn to get quiet. Ask for guidance. Stop. Look and listen. Let go of unloving thoughts. Repeat the mantra, “I choose love.” Surrender your negativity until only love remains.

Give up your need to defend yourself

A lesson in A Course In Miracles states, “In my defenseless my safety lies.” Our ego wants to get in the ring and fight. Our higher self knows to stay above the battleground. Get quiet. Stay centered. Go to higher ground.

Give up your need for approval

You only need to approve of yourself. Give yourself what you want from others. Praise and celebrate who you are and how far you’ve come. Be true to yourself. Stay focused on your own life and the universe will take you where you need to be.

Give up the need to complain

Complaining keeps you focused on negativity. Become aware of your complaints. Take responsibility for your life. Get clear on what you do want.  Replace your negative stories with gratitude and appreciation.

Give up the need to numb your pain

Get to know your grief, anger and sadness.  Allow yourself to name and feel your emotions.  You can handle it! Keep a journal. Meditate for ten minutes a day. Practice deep belly breathing. Release. Relax.

Give up the need to judge

Fall in love with every human being on the planet. Each one is a reflection of you. Add “just like me” to every critical thought you have of others. If you want to calculate how much you love yourself take note on how much you love others.

Give up the need to struggle

You are worthy of a good life. Let go of the people, places and things that bring you down. Choose to include more laughter and play in your day. Replace bad habits with good ones. Make choices that lead to a simpler life.

Give up your need to control others

Everyone has a right to live life their way. You don’t know what is best for anyone else. When you find yourself wanting to control others, take a fearless inventory of your own life. Focus on what you need to change.  Get started today.

Give up your need to be famous and in the spot light

Stop waiting for your big break. Don’t try to be someone else. Slow down, be present and become alive in your own life. Take one transforming step at a time. Use your gifts and talents to serve others. Allow your uniqueness to shine.

Give up the need to wear masks

Everyone is flawed. Nobody is perfect. I don’t know anyone who can walk on water or part the Red Sea. Allow yourself to be real. Be vulnerable. Let others see your humanness. You’ll be rewarded with deeper connection.

Give up your fear to take action

Don’t allow your doubts, fears and failure stop you from taking action. Make a plan. Working with your plan, write down actionable steps in chronological order. Make it clear. Begin now.

Give up your need to distract yourself

Don’t bring your phone to the dinner table. Keep it out of your bedroom at night. Limit the time you spend on social media. Take time to notice beauty everywhere. Make time for wonder.

Give up your need to find fault

Stop blaming your ex, your parents, your friends and boss. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let go of your story. Make choices that honor you. Change what you can and let go of the rest. Life isn’t fair.

Give up the need to be busy

Brene Brown says that staying crazy-busy keeps us from looking at the truth of our lives. Pull back the rug. Be willing to get honest with yourself. Examine what you would rather avoid. Be gentle but get honest with yourself.

Give up the need to compare

You are unique and irreplaceable. People need what you have to offer. You were born with gifts and talents that only you can share. Live your life. Don’t put off what your heart and soul are calling you to do.

Please help me spread the wisdom on social media. Thanks!

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You are capable of leading a courageous life. You are strong, resilient and brave. It takes practice to overcome fear. It takes awareness to give up excuses. And it takes determination to move beyond obstacles and take action. There are unlimited examples of people accomplishing great things all over the internet. There are limitless opportunities ... [Read more]


How to become courageous and leave your mark on the world

You are capable of leading a courageous life. You are strong, resilient and brave.

It takes practice to overcome fear. It takes awareness to give up excuses. And it takes determination to move beyond obstacles and take action.

There are unlimited examples of people accomplishing great things all over the internet. There are limitless opportunities for you to do the same.

Choose to take part in living a courageous life. Choose to take bold and brave action. It’s vital that you move consciously and consistently move forward.

It’s okay to fail but don’t allow yourself to fall back. Pick yourself up and keep moving. Life is exciting. Take part in it.

The choices you make today create your tomorrows. Drink in the everyday beauty, be inspired by everyday people and live up to your full potential.

You’ll never regret taking a chance and being committed to live on the bold side of life!

Great Acts of Courage

Some of the people we honor and respect for their acts of courage:

Mother Teresa dedicated her life to serving disadvantaged and poor.

Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon.

Physician, Mae C. Jemison became the first African American woman ever admitted into the astronaut training program.

Anne Frank documented her life hiding in an Amsterdam attic during the Nazi occupation and died in Belsen concentration camp.

Oprah Winfrey is the greatest black philanthropist in American history, was born to a poor single mother in Mississippi.

Anna Fisher, American astronaut was “The first mother in space.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. a civil rights leader did much to change the United States’ policy on racial discrimination.

Helen Keller campaigned tirelessly on behalf of deaf and blind people.

Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.

Dalai Lama a spiritual and political leader led non-violent resistance to Chinese rule in Tibet.

Nelson Mandela fought against the unjust system of apartheid.

A school girl, Malala Yousafzai defied threats of the Taliban and is now a global advocate for human rights, women’s rights and the right to education.

“There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater.

But sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now.” ~ Veronica Roth

Reminder: My best course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited and Ready is available at a big discount, today. Get started now, here.

Everyday Courage

Everyone has the capability to be courageous. Bravery doesn’t belong to a chosen few.

The following are examples of ordinary courage.

Learn something brand new that is outside your comfort zone.

Shut off your digital devices for a weekend.

Leave a toxic relationship.

Ask someone to mentor you.

Give a speech to an unfamiliar audience.

Learn a new language and visit that country.

Hold someone accountable.

Praise five people every day.

Go within and get to know yourself.

Tell the truth.

Keep your promises.

Take 100% responsibility for your life.

Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it.

Make someone feel important.

Stand up against racism, prejudice or ageism.

Get involved in a charity you believe in.

Make a generous donation to someone who is struggling.

Be adventurous: Climb a mountain, skydive or bungee jump.

Learn how to speak your mind, stand up for yourself.

Teach someone to read.

Ask someone for the help you need.

Waste nothing and live on less.

Communicate important messages by calling on the phone.

Be genuine. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Take a trip to a place you’ve never been before.

Declare your love for your family and friends.

Run a marathon.

Make a life plan.

Get out of debt.

Do good. Share your gifts and talents.

Take the journey less traveled.

Surrender your fear and be brave in the world.

Please help me share this post. Some may need to uplift their thoughts about life today. Thanks so much.

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Yesterday, I observed a family of nine at the beach enjoying a birthday celebration. It was an easy breezy kind of day. It was a simple outdoor picnic at the Atlantic Ocean. They enjoyed plenty of sunshine and swimming under heavenly blue skies. As the day ended, we watched as they all piled into one ... [Read more]


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Yesterday, I observed a family of nine at the beach enjoying a birthday celebration. It was an easy breezy kind of day.

It was a simple outdoor picnic at the Atlantic Ocean. They enjoyed plenty of sunshine and swimming under heavenly blue skies.

As the day ended, we watched as they all piled into one small car to leave Sombrero Beach. There were three adults in the back seat and each one placed a child on their lap.

Next, the mother climbed in the front seat and a smaller child sat down on the floor between her legs as the father drove away. They sped off without any crying from the children or complaining from the adults.

This is proof that no matter what your circumstances, you can live an easy breezy life and be happy.

Coming from a family of ten it brought back a lot of memories. My siblings and I used to pile into our 1957 Chevy when we rode from the farm to church together. We sat on each other’s laps for the 45-minute drive.

On the farm, my siblings and I spent our days working from sun up to sun down.
When we weren’t in the fields, we were at the Farmer’s Market selling our fruits and vegetables.

Difficult childhood!

And easy breezy as well.

Our lives were far from perfect, yet we learned how to be happy and have fun. We made forts in the woods and dressed the barn cats in our dolls’ clothes.

There were two ponds on our 88-acre produce farm. The ponds were used to irrigate the crops, but we used them for swimming in the summer months and ice-skating in the winter, as well.

Ease doesn’t always come from external things. Ease also comes from within.
Life is what we make it.

We’ve all heard this before. The problem is that too often we forget.

Give yourself permission to have fun

Life doesn’t have to be difficult. You decide how much you laugh and how often you play throughout your day. You decide how to make it, light and easy or intense and difficult. Each day ask yourself, “How can I enjoy today?” “What can I do to feel good?”

Live in the light

Let go of worry. When you find yourself in a dark place, do what it takes to flip the switch. Do what you can in any given situation and let the rest go. Remind yourself that 85% of what you worry about never happens. Put yourself in the present moment and move on!

Share what you have with others

My sisters and I shared beds, clothes, boots and shoes. We shared food, friends and toys. Share your time, talent and money. When you learn to share, you double your joy. Be a generous person. Live an abundant life.

Live simply

Take control of your finances. Get out of debt. Stop buying stuff you don’t need. Shop for clothing at yard sales or second hand stores. You can do this one choice at a time. Get a roommate. Eat out less or not at all. Choice by choice you can make your life easier.

Let go of anything that brings you down

End toxic relationships. Change a bad habit. Quit an addiction. Stop eating junk food. De-tech your free time. Spend time alone and reflect on the changes you need to make.


Contact a coach, therapist or support group. If you’re online, you have more help available than ever before. There are numerous places to get help that are completely free. Get over yourself and connect to the people who can take you forward.

Stop making excuses and move on

You have only one life to live. Drop your excuses.  Begin to create your easy breezy life today. Choose a life of happiness and joy. Help others do the same. It’s what we’re here for!

My e-courses are available at over 70% off! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get beyond your fear. Grab one and begin now!

My best work is my course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited And Ready. Check it out. Today is the best time to begin something new!