With Unstoppable Courage Create Your Bold New Year

unstoppable courage club post


How do you see yourself in the future? What vision are you holding for the bold New Year? What if you did have unstoppable courage? 

You have the power to see yourself in a beautiful light. You have the power to design and create the bold life that you deserve!

This year what I want for you is unstoppable courage!

It’s the norm to focus on external goals when you plan for the future. I have often told you in the past to reach for the sky and accomplish great things. These are great ideas. I do believe that we’re unlimited in our reach.

But this isn’t the place to begin when you contemplate designing your new year.

The obstacles that hold you back from the future you dream of are often more internal than external.

When you think about 2015, start with deciding who you want to be versus what you want to do or accomplish.

Who do you need to become in order to fulfill your calling and offer your gifts and talents to the world?

Be the person you are capable of being and your vision for the future, your fearless life will materialize.

Learn how to handle discomfort.

Sit still. Be open to feeling your fear and other emotions that come up. Lean into them. Breathe. Be open to the truth. You won’t break. You won’t be swallowed up. Your fear monsters fade, drama is released and you’re left with a clean internal canvas.

Fill it with positive affirmations, meditation and your imagination.

Accept yourself.

You are a loving and worthy human being. Nothing will ever change that. You can do things to dim your light, but you can’t ever put it out. Let your beauty shine. You don’t need anyone’s permission. You set the tone for your life.

Stand in your power and enjoy the freedom of not needing anyone’s approval. When you are true to yourself, you have inner peace. Prosperity unfolds with ease.

Keep the commitments that you make to yourself.

It’s the only way to build self-trust. If you decide to connect more with others, make five new contacts a week. If you say you’re going to improve your finances, track your expenses and stop recreational shopping. If you decide to be healthy, eat right and exercise.

Don’t make empty promises to yourself. Build self-trust and follow through. Everything changes when you can count on you. Miracles happen.

If you have an addiction, get help.

It will never go away by itself. If you could have handled it by yourself, you would have by now! You’ll be locked in a self-made prison until you do. Decide what you need to move forward and go after it like your life depends on it. Because it does! All the success in the world won’t fill the emptiness that lies within.

When you heal yourself, the time, money and energy that was once wasted is now invested in your magnificent future.

Be authentic.

Come from your heart. You’ll have opportunities to sell your soul to get ahead. Don’t do it. There is no fine line. You know in your gut right from wrong. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s wrong. If you do it anyway, you’ll never escape the guilt and self-hatred.

There is no shortcut to change or success. When you accept your humanness, you are free to fail, make mistakes and fall behind. You simply keep learning and growing. You can’t purchase a new reputation. Integrity is priceless!

Give with no strings attached.

That’s love. That’s service. Don’t expect anything in return for your good deeds or generosity. Don’t bring unnecessary confusion and resentment into your life by keeping score. Put your energy into being who you’re meant to become. Give and love without expectations.

You can’t out-give God or the Universe. What you give comes back tenfold.

Share yourself with the world. Your internal work will complement your external work: writing, painting, drawing, dancing, building, inventing and creating. When you’re stuck, take the time to go within. Tweak something internally and begin again.

The world is hungry for what you have to offer, be willing to be and do what it takes to share your warmth, talents and love with the world. It won’t be easy. The right path rarely is. Do it anyway. Claim your dream.

You’re going to do great things.

Something good is coming!

Unstoppable header aweber

I’m committed to helping you build the confidence and courage that I know you’re capable of. I’m going to support you all that I 2015 and beyond!

That’s why very soon, on January 4th, I will launch the Unstoppable Courage Club. It will be a place to get the help you need to reclaim your power, build unstoppable courage and live the life that you always wished you had.

From proven ways to overcome fear, to actions created for making progress on goals and dreams, to letting go of obstacles to help you become more prosperous. the Unstoppable Courage Club will inspire and equip you to become your strongest, most effective self.

You’ll hear more from me about this exciting opportunity in the coming days. Until then, spend some time reflecting on what life could be like if you really did have the courage and opportunity to change it all!

And remember—you really can have unstoppable courage and you do deserve to live your best life! 

With unstoppable courage and love,

Tess Marshall
tess marshall the bold life

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  • Sandra Pawula December 14, 2014, 6:58 pm

    Dear Tess,

    This is so important to realize: “The obstacles that hold you back from the future you dream of are often more internal than external.” I like this new angle on planning the new year!

    I’m so excited about your Unstoppable Courage Club. Can’t wait to hear more.

  • Tess December 14, 2014, 7:01 pm

    It’s so true isn’t it? We get in our own way and forget that only we are responsible. No blaming the economy either! Yikes. Forces one to go within and figure it out or stay stuck.

  • Cathy Taughinbaugh December 15, 2014, 3:18 pm

    Love this idea Tess to start an unstoppable Courage Club! Looking forward to hearing more in 2015!

    • Tess December 18, 2014, 2:25 am

      Hey Cathy,

      I can’t wait to share! xo

  • Michelle December 15, 2014, 5:36 pm

    Oo la la! The suspense! How are we supposed to wait until January 4th! 😀

  • Tess December 18, 2014, 2:24 am

    Patience my friend. Patience!

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