33 Ways Successful People Overcome Fear & Live A Bold Life

Overcome fear and live a bold life

Do you have more fear than faith? Do you sidestep living a bold life because you believe that you don’t have what it takes or maybe you don’t feel worthy?

If you’re tired of your rut, if you’re sick of paralyzing fear or exhausted from complaining then now’s the time to reinvent yourself and plan a mind-blowing future.

It’s time to think and do something different, deep down bold and courageously, different.  When life stops working for you, it’s the perfect opportunity to grow forward, one small step at a time.

Create a plan that you’ll stick to, no matter what. A plan that will rock your world, open your heart and place you on a daring adventure for your one crazy and wild life.

The following bold and courageous steps are simple yet shockingly powerful. Implement them one at a time and celebrate your success.

1. Replace fear with faith. Put your faith into your own brilliance and capabilities. Believe that you have what it takes. Really believe.

2. Hush the chattering voice of fear and scarcity in your mind. Count your blessings. Be grateful in advance.

3. Chase your fear. When you run toward your fear, fear takes a different route.

 4. Replace worry with action. The worst case scenario rarely happens. Learn to expect the best.

5. Accept 100% responsibility for your life. Remember, that your approach, attitude, work ethic and intention are just a few things that you can control. 

6. Learn more than is required. For 60 minutes every day, invest your time in learning something new.

7. Create habits that produce results. Be an early riser. Do the most important tasks first.

8. Invest in yourself. Take the best courses. Hire a coach. Make choices that honor you.

9. Start small. Take one step and then another. You’ll build momentum. You’ll soon be leaping.

10. Choose to invest in winning. Give up whining and procrastination. Use your energy to grow and improve.

11. Believe in your potential to be the best. Why not you? Why not now?

12. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. Face fear. Embrace It. Breathe through it. Carry on.

13. Take your fear to the gym. When you are stuck in fear, get active. Run, hike or walk off your fear. Get physical. Get out of your head and focus on physically feeling good.

14. Live your life. Don’t put off what your heart and soul are calling you to do today.

15. Exude positive energy. Believe in yourself. Believe the best about others. Look for beauty in the world.

16. Give up wanting to be liked. Use that energy to make the world a better place.

17. Grow your confidence and courage. Do things you’ve never done. Go places that you’ve never been. Experiment with life.

18. Don’t fret over a setback. Instead regroup, focus and discover how strong and resilient you are.

19. Know what matters. Make the people you love a priority. Know when to quit, close up shop and unplug.  Relax with your loved ones often.

20. Practice being brave. Dedicate yourself to your purpose and passion. Improve your circumstances and live in joy.

21. Choose beliefs that serve you. Release outdated ideas, perceptions and beliefs that hold you back. Write positive thoughts and affirmations on index cards. Review them often.

22. Revisit your past successes. Take refuge in your strengths and abilities. Focus on these for a length of time.

23. Give yourself permission to receive. Ask for what you need. Keep asking until you get a yes.

24. Bounce back from stress, mistakes and failure. Give yourself a break. Recognize that you’re human. Look for the lesson and move on.

25. Live in the present moment. Fear is mostly about the future. In this moment, you can choose to feel safe.

26. Be gentle with yourself. Take a time out. Become aware of what matters to you. Appreciate how far you’ve come.

27. Expect to be afraid when you step into the unknown. Fear is in your DNA. Act in spite of it. Where there is fear, there is power.

28. Welcome fear. It’s necessary for the adventurous life that you want for yourself. You have survived through tough times and great change in spite of your fear.

29. Transcend your limits. Break through barriers. Look for uncommon opportunities.

30. Dedicate your life to doing your best and serving others. This is my definition of success.

31. Believe in an abundant, life-giving and nourishing universe. Expect it to deliver!

32. Set an intention of love. Think love. Do love. Be love.  Infuse love into every aspect of your life. Love yourself, love your life and love the world.

33. Own your awesome! Start with just one of the above steps. Implement it this week. Know that you are worthy. Know that you are loved. I believe in your success!

My e-courses are available at over 70% off! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get beyond your fear. Grab one and begin now!

My best work is my course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited And Ready. Check it out. Today is the best time to begin something new!

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  • Sandra Pawula September 28, 2014, 10:21 pm

    Tess, I’m totally keen on this idea: “Replace fear with faith.” I also love the suggestion of spending 60 minutes a day learning something new. As always, you’re not afraid to nudge us forward!

  • Tess September 29, 2014, 8:20 am

    It’s simple but not easy. Switching fear for faith is simply exchanging one thought for another. Repeatedly. Until there is no fear left. One hour a day is doable and it all adds up. It’s my new plan!

    • Sandra Pawula October 1, 2014, 12:31 pm

      I love that you are on this too, Tess!

  • Peggy September 29, 2014, 1:13 pm

    Hi Tess,

    #33 – Own your awesome! So many people don’t own their awesome or even think they’re awesome. Shine the light right here ’cause I’m totally owning my awesome 🙂


  • Elle September 29, 2014, 1:14 pm

    Like Sandra, I love replace fear with faith. It’s such a powerful tip. Learning to trust our instincts, launch out into the deep of life in faith that wonderful things await, might not, as you say be easy, but the rewards for living life in this way are huge. Thanks for this reminder Tess.

  • Melissa September 29, 2014, 3:56 pm

    You know I realized the other day that I am more willing to do new things the last several years. ANNNNDDD it feels great! Now I want to keep adding more. So #17 really resonated with me. All I can say is ‘just do it!’ #17~Grow your confidence and courage. Do things you’ve never done. Go places that you’ve never been. Experiment with life. –

  • Cathy Taughinbaugh October 1, 2014, 2:59 pm

    Hey Tess,

    This is such an inspiring post!! They are all great, but today, #6. Learn more than is required – jumps out at me. I do feel that I need to be a life long learner and continue to push myself beyond what I think I’m capable of to achieve the results that I want!

  • lynne October 7, 2014, 4:36 pm

    HI, this is very informative, I like #24 “Bounce back from stress, mistakes and failure. Give yourself a break. Recognize that you’re human. Look for the lesson and move on”, learning from life’s lessons will lead us to the path we want to pursue in life. Just have faith and keep moving forward. Thanks for sharing. Great post.

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