Are you so busy doing what you have to do that you don’t get around to doing what you want to do? Do you allow time for wonder and spontaneity? Do you make room for joy?
It can be tempting to live in fear, give up on your dreams and live a life without meaning, purpose or happiness. Don’t!
This is your one-and-only life. You get to design it and plan it. You make the choices and decide what’s possible. This is your opportunity to be fearless and live your dream.
My Southwest Quest
I’m currently on a quest to fly to every city Southwest Airlines flies into. There are 5 countries, 90 destinations and counting. I’m going to do an act of kindness in each place and stay with an online friend in each city.
Salt Lake City, Utah was the first stop on my quest. I was there to visit Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon. I found both places to be breathtaking and stunning in their natural beauty.
Everyone’s dream is different. Think of how you want to live your life. What is your heart calling you to do?
Be fearless and live your dream. Here’s how:
1. Accept your greatness. When you are open to your own power, you are able to trust yourself, ask for what you want and be bold enough to move forward. You simply lose all doubt. You know you can do what you set out to do. You are willing to be great in any role or situation, because you are!
2. Design the blueprint. You create the rules. Yes, this is your one amazing life and you get to do with it whatever you choose. If you’re unhappy with your life, reflect on the choices you’ve been making. Rethink what’s not working. Make a new plan.
3. Unleash your burning desire to go after your dream. Be willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Take action in joy, knowing that the universe will meet you halfway and that people will be put on your path to show you the way and take you to the finish line.
4. Be still and live a centered life. Practice being aware of your breath; it connects you to your center. Watch your breath when you’re sitting in traffic, crammed in an airplane seat or riding a hot shuttle. Quiet your mind and simply breathe in the moment. Keep calm and be kind.
5. Don’t torture yourself with procrastination. How long have you been putting off your dream? How would your life look if you would have filled that time with action steps? Stop your excuses. “I don’t have enough money.” “I don’t know the right people.” “It’s too late.” I’m not smart enough.” Commit to a life of joy and prosperity. Start now.
6. Release your fear of scarcity. What if you believed there is enough for you? There always will be. Your dream and your abundance have been waiting for you to claim them since the day you were born. Raise your energy. Expect the universe to have your back. Believe that things are happening for you! Be willing to receive and feel worthy.
7. Remember your commitment to purpose and passion. Don’t listen to your inner critic. Don’t buy into your negative chatter. Remind yourself that you are here to live a life worth dying for. A life without limits. A life that uses up your energy, time and money in a good way.
8. Pray. Pray for the strength to do what you need to do. Listen to your inner guidance. Look for signs that you’re on the right path. Ask for Divine Order. Call a prayer line and have others pray for you. I believe in the power of prayer.
9. Choose friends that are going your way. Find others who are traveling the same path. Create a mastermind group. Help each other get ahead. Don’t waste time and energy on jealousy and comparison. We are here for each other. When one of us succeeds, it touches all of us.
10. Endless possibility. Take care of your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial health. Fall in-love with yourself and be of service to others. When you do, you’re ready for anything. You’ll heighten your vibration and be available to all that the world has to offer. In this realm, miracles happen!
11. Be daring. Be brave. Be bold and authentic. Your life is your own. Don’t make excuses or apologies. What you do today determines your future. Choose to make your wild and precious life a daring adventure. Let me know how I can help.
My e-courses are available at over 70% off! You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get beyond your fear. Grab one and begin now!
My best work is my course, 30 Days of Bold: Feeling Excited And Ready. Check it out. Today is the best time to begin something new!
Tess, You look younger and more beautiful than ever! I’m so happy for you. I can’t think of a more wonderful place to be than in the heart of this magnificent nature.
I’m a big fan of “be still and live a centered life.” At the same time, I’m wondering about procrastination! 🙂