Paper is to write things down that we need to remember. Our brains are used to think. - Albert Einstein
There are few things I know about having an online business. It’s easy for me to feel constantly overwhelmed; the learning curve for technology never ends. Social media is 24/7. There is always a task left unfinished or a new project brewing.
At the end of the day, I’ve learned to say enough and stop at a decent hour. I let what’s unfinished go. It will be there tomorrow, I tell myself.
I remember these same feelings as a young mother. I was 22 years old with four daughters. I was in constant motion with the everyday never-ending work it takes to be a parent and run a household.
I often had to overlook dirty dishes, a messy car and mismatched clothes. At the end of the day, I had to say ‘enough’ and let what didn’t get done go.
No matter what your job, a constant sense of overload can cause stress, illness, workaholism, fear of failure or relationship problems.
When we don’t stop and reflect on our accomplishments and successes we often feel like we’re not enough, we don’t do enough and we don’t have enough.
The best thing we can do in today’s information age is give ourselves positive reinforcement and positive recognition by recording what we did right and what went right in a success journal.
Doing so has allowed me the freedom to shut off my electronics at a decent hour every evening. On weekends I balance time spent on social media with hiking, going to movies and festivals and other enjoyable offline activities.
There’s simply no room for fear.
I can do these things guilt-free without feeling I’m missing something or being left behind.
Other benefits of recording your success
An increased sense of self-esteem and self-confidence
Life is brighter and lighter when you recognize your brilliance and power
The opportunity to celebrate big and small accomplishments
A prolonged focus on what you get right versus what you get wrong
You build momentum for your future goals
Increased energy and enthusiasm
A head full of positive thoughts and feelings of success before falling asleep
An accumulative effect on your self-worth
An increased ability to tackle big problems without doubt
You create a life-long feel-good habit
Increased self-love when you give yourself the credit you deserve
Your journal serves as an instant pick-me-up when you make mistakes or fail
Create a sacred ritual
Buy a special journal and pen
Decide if you will write in the morning or evening
Light a candle and play quiet music
Record your successes at the same time every day
End your time with gratitude and self-praise
Choose to reward yourself at the end of every week
Keeping a success journal allows you to enjoy the journey rather than always being future oriented, chasing a goal or dream.
When you celebrate your success every day, you strive less and thrive more. You breathe easier and create more good times for yourself. You are at peace with yourself and the online world.
I believe everything is better when shared. Help me spread the word on Facebook and Twitter below.
Great idea! I’ve tried other journals- gratitude, personal, busness, financial- but never thought of a success journal! Thank you!