Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing there is a field. I will meet you there. ~ Rumi
Fear is future orientation. It’s imagining what could go wrong but hasn’t gone wrong yet. Fear is running a mental movie of the worst-case scenario repeatedly in your mind.
My 16-year-old grandson is having surgery (Posterior lumbar spinal fusion) in June. A steel rod will be anchored to his spine while added bone fuses together with existing bone. Once the bone fuses, the spine doesn't move and a curve can't progress.
I currently have a clear vision, a mental movie of the desired outcome in my mind. I have a vision that includes Andrew healed in advance. I watch him playing baseball and golf post-surgery.
Fear and worry have no part in the movie. He is young, strong, positive and bright.
He'll be better than fine. I know it in my mind and I feel it in my heart. There is no reason for him not to be. I have no doubt that the outcome will be positive.
What do you imagine for your future? What kind of movie do you play? What outcome do you expect to get?
Tips for an awesome future
1. Choose to spiral upward.
Own your strengths, gifts and unique talents. Acknowledge all that you have to offer the world. Know that you are wiser than you think you are. You are unlimited. Love and value yourself. Talk yourself into greatness.
2. Witness your fear.
Write your fears down in a journal. What are your fears trying to tell you? Hear them out. What kind of action steps can you take to quiet your fear? Do what you need to do and release the rest. In order to get something new, you must fundamentally change how you think, feel and act.
Are you ready for something new to transpire?
3. Take five swings.
Take small action steps daily towards your dreams. Ron Scolastico says, “If you would go every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp ax, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down.” Note how fear fades with action.
Five swings for Andrew
1. Pray and invite others to pray.
2. Send positive blessings to the hospital, Andrew, his family, the surgeons and all those involved in his healing in advance.
3. Play my movie. See and feel everything unfolding as it should.
4. Believe that everything is in Divine Order and let go.
5. Be grateful in advance for Andrew’s healing.
What five swings are you willing to take today?
4. Know the cost of fear.
Fear causes stress that affects our health, our decision-making process and our freedom. It’s just as easy to focus on a positive outcome as it is a negative one. We can choose to learn from suffering and pain or joy and inspiration.
Which outcome are you unwaveringly committed to?
5. Challenge your thoughts.
Don’t get carried away in the web of fear-thinking. Stop exaggerating your problems. Look for hidden benefits, solutions and blessings.
Hubs and I will spend two weeks in July with Andrew as he recovers. I’m looking forward to having the undivided attention of an otherwise busy teen. We’ll make happy memories.
6. Invest in faith. The same force that holds the stars in the sky and turns an acorn into an oak tree are at work beyond what you can comprehend. Trust that the Universe has your back. Trust that everything will work out as it should.
Believe in a future you can’t experience with your senses. Have faith in a future you cannot see. There is immense power in this.
Would you please include Andrew in your thoughts and prayers? Thanks in advance for adding positive energy to my vision.
Please share your thoughts below.
Great article. Simple, clear and direct. You have real action steps. And I am very grateful.