photo credit: Harry ValeIt’s Magic Monday!
Two of the biggest challenges we face as professionals in the 21st century:
1. There’s too much information
2. Knowledge doesn’t translate into action
So how do you turn that information and knowledge into results you can see, feel and experience?
Answer: Cath Duncan’sBottom Line Bookclub …
(it may revolutionize the way busy individuals read and learn.)
When one joins the bookclub they geat a packaged seminar each month. Today Cath is offering the person who leaves the best comment the
The August package is the Bottom-line on Martha Beck’s book “Finding Your Own North Star.”
Cath has created a program that enables busy professionals and those of us who are serious about our personal development to assimilate the essential understandings, knowledge and wisdom which the true leaders of today have to offer.
Cath takes the best and most useful personal and leadership development books out there and extracts the most useful ideas in those books.
She then creates a downloadable 45 to 60 min seminar articulating the key concepts presented in the book, weaving these ideas together with her own insights as a coach and providing written exercises for deeper learning.
Cath presents The Bottom-line in a clear cut and no-nonsense manner. Her soothing voice and practical exercises enable listeners to get a rich appreciation of the material which she presents, and all this in a fraction of the time it takes to read the book.
I highly recommend Cath’s Bottom-line to anyone who wants the short cut to personal development that leaves no stones unturned.
The Bottom-line Bookclub provides proven accelerated learning principlesthat’ll give you the quickly help you convert your knowledge into real changes, so you can create the life you desire – it’s good stuff!
With the Bottom-line Bookclub, each month you get:
1. An audio “Bottom-line” Seminar
2. A manual and workbook
3. An audio of an interview with the author
4. Daily emails (Mon to Fri) with self-coaching tips
5. Access to a members-only social network
6. Access to exclusive members-only discounts
The winner will get this free for the month of August!
Cath’s other blog is at Mine Your Resources. She is a certified Martha Beck Life Coach! How cool is that? And she is also a resident Life Coach for the Local Independent Blog. There’s so much about Cath that you just have to pay her a visit to see it all. While you’re there thank her for making our “Monday Magical.” __________________________________________________________________________
Books and Their Impact
What books or book have had the most impact on your life? Why?
The person with the best comment wins The August Package from The Bottom Line Bookclub!
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck. I read in my early 20’s it helped me break free from my past and move forward.
I like the bottom line book club, a great idea.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Giovanna Garcia’s last blog post..How to make a wise decision?
Another powerful – but brain-frazzling – question Tess, you bad woman!
Cheryl Richardson’s Life Makeovers was the first real signpost at the start of my journey towards becoming a life coach. Other coaching and personal development books that I’ve loved have been Victoria Moran’s Charmed Life, Covey’s 7 Habits, Barbara Sher’s Wishcraft, Julia Cameron’s Artist’s Way, Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance, the CD of Byron Katie’s Loving What Is and so, so many more….it feels like keaving out friends.
There have been other books – before and after – that have been more powerful, or sent by synchronicity with such force, I feel I’ve had my face slapped to pay attention.
Jane Eyre was the first book that ever inspired me to be brave enough to be myself. The Desiderata has been with me since the early 70’s. Katherine Mansfield’s work felt like a soul-homecoming and inspired my university thesis.
I’ve just re-read the whole of the Harry Potter series which always reminds me of the awesome power of authors to create entire worlds that feel as real to us as anything in our daily lives. Rowling’s a living genius.
I had a wave of nostalgia reading about the work Cath does. I had a bookclub like this once that had to be abandoned due to family illness. I’ll head over after I submit this. Another great find, Tess! Thank you.
janice’s last blog post..Holidaying at Home: The East Neuk of Fife
Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordan MacKenzie taught me about creativity and the corporate world. I’ve never fit into any box someone had tried to create for me. I find my own ways to stay alive and creative in a world of meetings and hand-waving. I’ve never looked at doors the same way after reading this book.
Elizabeth M
Wuthering Heights. When I was first married, I was intrigued by a song by that name by Kate Bush, that my husband had on an album. I checked out the book at the library to see what the whole story was. Up to that time in my life, I had never read classics, only sci fi and pathetic excerpts from real books in high school literature. I loved the book and thought, Hmmm, maybe some books are considered classics because they are good. I started reading good books, and developed a love for literature and words. I am up to about 300 on my 1000 classics-to-read-before-I-die list, and hope to get a masters in English when my kids are out of school.
This is going to sound bizarre, but …. the dictionary. I don’t think I could single out one book among the many that I’ve read and reread and say that it had the most impact on me. Every one sitting on my bookshelf has contributed something to my experience. When I was younger, I would read with a dictionary by my side. I would stop and look up any word I didn’t understand the meaning of. The dictionary improved my vocabulary and helped me gain a deeper understanding of any book I happened to be reading at the time, and to understand it as the writer intended. It also helped me win a few rounds of Scrabble.
Carolynn’s last blog post..My Favourite Season
Oh yes how could I forget about Scott Peck’s book. He touched millions of people with that. Myself and daughter being two of them. I was even in a discussion group planned around the book.
Jane Eyre was the first book I read that I couldn’t put down. I was 14 years old!
Most of the books you mention I have read. Katie’s is amazing. That woman’s work changed my life. Now excuse me while I do my “work.”
Giant Hairball? Never heard of it, now you have me running to the library. Good for you for being you!
300 classics on your 1000 classic list? You are an amazing woman and reader! Wow. I’m amazed. I need a list like yours!
What a wise thing to do. And no one else probably even considers the impact this tool had on us. Leafing through a dictionary…a thing of the past. How sad.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Monday Freebie from The Bottom Line Book Club
Hi Tess,
The book that made the biggest impact on me was “Family First” writtten Dr. Phil McGraw. I made myself do every one of his writing excersises and it really did help me to learn and understand that I am my own person—and regardless of my experiences with family as a child and young adult, I can parent my own children differently and better. I was able to let go of all sorts of fears, sort through legacy beliefs that were holding me back, and face the ghosts that were haunting me. The book revolutionized my parenting style and changed my life for the better. Was it fun? Was it easy? No way! I have certainly enjoyed other self-help books (and of course non-fiction) books so much more, but this book was worth my time and attention in a life changing way.
The Bottom-Line Bookclub sounds like a great concept! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Jodi at Joy Discovered’s last blog post..Excuses, Good Friends, Great Lessons
Louise Hay books especially You Can Heal Your Life. That book made me realize that I have the power to change my attitude, outlook and why bother to keep anger. That book has helped change my health. I would also have to say in some ways the book The Secret. Why because it came out as I was switching careers into the natural health field. It was at that time that I was open to thinking differently. I’ve doing that stuff for years without realizing what I was doing. It helped me understand thoughts/words a little better too!
jenn’s last blog post..Mini get away
Wow what an impact! I know the books, seminars and other things I did and read that improved my parenting had more impact on my family than anything else ever.
This was probably the best investment you ever made. Because the repercussions are endless!
Yes Louise’s book had an impact on me as well. I read it when my mother had breast cancer years ago. Thanks for reminding me of another powerful book!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Monday Freebie from The Bottom Line Book Club
Wow that sounds like a fantastic idea based on something that will really be able to help people. Thanks for sharing it! I’m definitely going to check it out.
Caity’s last blog post..Free Passes and Dad’s Birthday
Every book I’ve read has hugely impacted my life — always in different ways, revealing a new layer that was ready to be exposed.
Most recently it was an author Tess recommended, Byron Katie. I’m reading “A Thousand Names for Joy” now, but last week finished “Loving What Is.” I finished it on the plane to a big family wedding, where that book allowed me to actually enjoy myself and my family… EXACTLY AS THEY (and I) ARE. Wow!
Thanks again, Tess. Amazing recommendation and the layer it exposed was so necessary this past weekend.
With joy & gratitude,
Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord’s last blog post..You Might Be An Empath If…
It’s great to see you on my blog. Yeah. I think you’d like her bookclub. What a great idea!
Oh aren’t her books exciting? Especially when you apply what she says.
Way to go new blogging buddy. Personal growth is exciting!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Monday Freebie from The Bottom Line Book Club
Oh my goodness.
The King James Bible.
And “The Long Winter” in the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. It makes me appreciate every morsel of food that I’m lucky enough to partake of . You know they had nothing to eat but wheat for 2 whole long months that winter? It just humbles me to no end at the bounty that is before me every day.
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Yep, Problogger Darren Rowse And Me – We’re Like This. Like This, I Tell Ya.
Hi Tess .. well that’s asking a question .. I was an avid reader as a child .. started with the fairy storys – Brothers Grimm .. Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and The Frog Prince: I’d forgotten they all came via the brothers! The Water Babies .. then onto the Angeliques of this world, then the detective novel era for me Agatha Christies, Ngaio Marsh, etc then the thrillers, and so on ..
The personal development books, I love the entrepreneurial biographies .. and now quite honestly I read Wikipedia rather too avidly .. but then I extract so much wonderful information that I had absolutely no idea about .. and due to my blog I am reading and learning so much than I ever would if I hadn’t started it .. I have masses of reference books anyway ..
& The Diving Bell and the Butterfly; Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary – so African, so evocative!!; Longitude; etc etc
the world of books is our oyster – pearls of wisdom – I’d love to be able to read more and whole books – but my time will come again ..
Thanks Tess – it’ll be great to see everyone’s list ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..Would Dew Ponds be a help in climate change?
I second that “I’m humbled by the bounty that’s before me every day. How’s that for the abundance mindset. You go Jannie.
Wow what a reader and your time sure will come. You inspire me!
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Magic Monday Freebie from The Bottom Line Book Club
Where did my comment go?
I said Crime and Punishment… it taught me about the desire to go on living.
Hitting submit. Again.
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post..Happily Ever After
I’m glad we finally received your comment! I appreciate your book, ideas and time!
Oh gosh that is so hard to answer. Honestly I will have to say Eat Pray Love. It’s not the best piece of literature out there…but it was such a great story. I felt like I identified with so many things she spoke about. I also wanted to open myself up spiritually like she did. And I did! So if anything, this was a precipice to my spiritual awakening…
Caroline’s last blog post..Well…hello there!
The Holy Bible has had the greatest impact. I’ve read it from front to back, it’s full of amazing stories and some great wisdom for life. Vered, I too loved Crime and Punishment, it takes you right into the human psyche under incredible guilt.
I think the book that had the most impact on my life was Illusions by Richard Bach. I read it when I was a teenager and it changed the entire way that I look at the world. It was the first book that caused me to question my reality and what was possible. In the book, there is a man who has an incredible gift – one that many believe to be impossible for humans to have. While reading it, I kept thinking… “Is this possible? Is it true?” and that made me second guess my entire definition of things and opened that crack in the doorway of perception.