Today is Magic Mondays – 1/7 of Your Life!
I forgot who I chose as the winner for the starbuck’s gift card on June 15.
If it’s you please contact me and give me your mailing address. I’m so emabarassed!
Attention readers!
Personal development expert, Steve Pavlina is giving away an autographed copy of his book to the person who leaves the best comment today!I promise I’ll remember today’s winner:)
Steve Pavlina is widely recognized as one of the most successful personal development bloggers on the Internet, attracting more than two million monthly readers to his website.
Steven’s book gives 7 universal growth principles to achieve major breakthroughs in your habits, career, finances, relationships, health, and spiritual development.
He will be offering a workshop October 2-4 in Las Vegas based on the principles in the book.
This is a great time to step up the spiritual beliefs and principles you believe in. Doing this keeps you from falling into the negativity of the media and keeps you sane and peaceful during our current difficult times.
Steve’s purpose in life is:
to live consciously and courageously;
to enjoy, increase, and share peace, energy, passion, and abundance;
to resonate with love and compassion;
to awaken the great spirits within others;
and to fully embrace this present moment.
Can it get any better than that? Sign up for the FREE Personal Development Insights newsletter to achieve new breakthroughs.
There is Joy in Being Wrong
I believe one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life thus far is to know I don’t have to be right to be happy. I also believe this has contributed greatly to the success of our marriage. I learned this lesson when I was 35.
There isn’t an argument when one of two people doesn’t have to prove themselves right. There isn’t an argument when one doesn’t have to have the last word. There isn’t an argument when one doesn’t have to win. There isn’t an argument when one doesn’t have to make “it” mean so much.
If you want more peace in your relationships learn to find joy in being wrong. It allows you to lighten up and best of all it sets you free.
The person who leaves the best comment below wins Steve’s autographed book!
Thanks for allowing me to make your Monday meaningful!
What tools do you use to create happy and loving relationships?
Hello Tess,
Certainly, this one the best things I have learned about relationships! When you can lay down the desire to be “right” you can pick up joy and peace in it’s stead. As you said, there can’t be an argument if one of the two individuals involved behaves in this way. I don’t know any better advice you could have offered. I only wish I had learned it years earlier! =)
Keith’s last blog post..Think Big!