photo credit: lepiaf.geo

Excerpts from the book:
“Freedom from the burden of false responsibilities… real reconciliation with lovers, friends, and family… the grace to forgive old foes completely… a growing sense of a loving and compassionate intelligence unbound by passing time: these gifts and more come to those who learn to let go.”
“You are always right where you need to be to take the next step beyond yourself.”
“We can spend our time struggling, in vain, to make others into what we want them to be, or we can see the inherent flaw in thinking this way, and — rather than trying to change others to suit our needs — see through the false idea that someone else is responsible for our fulfillment.”
Among many others, his popular titles include: The Secret of Letting Go, The Lost Secrets of Prayer, Apprentice of the Heart, Let Go and Live in the Now, Letting Go…A Little Bit at a Time, and The Essential Laws of Fearless Living.
Visit for information and to sign up for Guy’s Free Self-Improvement Starter Kit.
Blame Accountability
Limitation Infinite Possibilities
Judgment Acceptance
The need to be right Right mindedness
Control Surrender
Hopelessness Faith
Masks Authenticity
Isolation Connection
Chaos Calm
Greed Gratitude
Excuses Responsibility
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Sounds like a GREAT book. One thing I need to let go of is negativity. It’s not always easy!
Positively Present’s last blog post..things to make (other than money)
I am willing to let go of guilt. I need to learn to live in the moment and accept the mistakes I make. I have to move on and realize being upset, angry, sad, etc. over it will not help. Feeling guilty just makes people feel bad about themselves and that is something we should all LET GO!
Masks. That’s what I’m willing to give up. Too often, I’ve hid behind a “mask”. And the truth is, oftentimes people see right through these masks anyway. And even if they don’t, are we not only limiting ourselves, and hurting ourselves by not letting the real “us” shine through – good and bad. I’m working on this one, and something I’ve been focusing on the last couple of years. And it’s been liberating. Am I there completely? No. And I may never be, but I’m willing to keep working on this one, hopefully getting better at it along the way.
Responsibility. That’s what I’m claiming. Just yesterday I passed responsibility onto someone else, when really it was me. So, as much as I like to think I take full responsibility, I was reminded just a few short hours ago that this is one I also haven’t fully embraced. And I think that by taking responsibility, even when things don’t go as expected, we still can show our credibility by taking responsibility for that which we should.
Thanks for this Tess – something I needed to read, today especially…
Lance’s last blog post..This Is Funtertainment
I’m finding it easier to let go of obssessing about bits of my t(w)eenagers’ lives as they’re correspondingly old enough to start obsessing about their own!
janice’s last blog post..Re-invention 101 and a Special Book Launch Giveaway
Think of guilt as wasted energy. Mistakes aren’t mistakes if we learn from them. Call them lessons instead. Also you’re probably much harder on yourself than anyone else. One more thought we all make them because we’re all human. Lighten up and have a great week.
I think the final mask only comes off when we die. If your as real off line as you are on you’re doing great.
Responsibility…I had to do this as a therapist. I couldn’t teach clients to take responsibility if I wasn’t. My policy was if they didn’t give a 24 hour notice when they missed an appt. they paid anyway. Same for me if I screwed up my schedule and missed they got a free session. With my ADHD I missed more than I would like to admit!
I hear you! I did too much obsessing over my kids way too much! I still get tempted once in a while but know better now that they’re adults. God’s got their back is what I like to remember.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life
Every thought and feeling is meaningful until you sense you outgrow them. The idea of being ready to move on to the next stage of your life is something you discern as you raise awareness and learn lessons on some unseen level. The book described in this post empowers readers to take new kinds of responsibility for who they are and where they are going. It begins within.
Liara Covert’s last blog post..5 Ways to strengthen self-worth
I am having trouble letting go of my youngest daughter…I am afraid she will end up on the streets she is a good person, but I can not “take care” of her any longer – I know she will survive but it is so hard to say so many “no s”
I apparently am having trouble letting go of this migraine headache today…
sorry can’t write more on this good post
Patricia’s last blog post..Hesitation
Thanks for this Tess. I’m willing to let go of seeing myself as a burden or nuisance, which can get in the way of me getting how much I truly have to offer. The more I can let go of that way of seeing, the more I end up accomplishing.
Sometimes, I just have to be right. I will fight to the end just to prove I’m right with everyone, including my friends. But, just because I’m right doesn’t mean I’m happy. Fighting with others doesn’t make anyone happy. So I’m ready to surrender the need to be right in return for having more peace. Sometimes, it’s better to just admit defeat and have peace.
Hi Tess. I am willing to let go of feeling like I have all the answers. Boy, what a weight off my shoulders.
Hey, so I won last week’s prize — yippee. What do I have to do to claim the prize. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now I can’t say I never win anything
Davina’s last blog post..Positively Breathing — Affirmation 4
I’m so grateful I have and have had the wisdom in to drop so many disempowering thoughts and judgements. I’m at peace with life and it’s ups and downs. I’ve been on a spiritual journey since I was 18. I’m so aware of anytime I’m on the wrong path it only takes minutes to choose again. I love your blog and comments. They are so full of wisdom!
Letting go of daughters and allowing them their mistakes and own path is one of the most difficulat things mom’s have to do. (I don’t have sons) I know you know these things however here are some thoughts to get you unstuck.
1. Our children have their own lessons to learn and they aren’t ours.
2. Our children have their own Higher Power they won’t be let down.
3. Our children have their own inner wisdom. They listen to it when they are ready.
4. Our children have a right to their own mistakes.
5. Our children have the right to be different and think differntly than us.
6. Our children have everything it takes to succeed and live a prosperous life and when they are ready they will.
7. See her with a smile on her face and send her light, love and blessings each time you have your doubts.
Hang in there and take care. Your headache may go away when you release her.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life
I’m ready to let go of control and to embrace the concept of surrendering. I have recently started a meditation practice and this is helping me let go of control.
Stacey / Create a Balance’s last blog post..Authentic Happiness Series – Part Five (Design Your Life)
A burden and a nuisance? No way. You are part of the healing of our planet and we need you, your wisdom and all you have to offer! Yes get out of your own way it’s a silly place to take up residence. Also thanks for being so honest with your feelings and inner thoughts. It’s what makes my blog a great place to be and I’m grateful.
What is your fear of being wrong? Intimacy is my guess. If you apologized people would become closer to you and ultimately this is what you want. You deserve better in all of your relationships. Take chances in your safest one and it will become easier. It’s freedom to be wrong. I love it. In fact there is joy in it!
I understand that. I think it’s our ego wanting us as coaches to know it all! Yes it’s very freeing to say “I don’t know.” I do that with my clients and it makes them feel more human. The truth is we don’t have to know all the answers. No human being does. Lifes a mystery and sometimes we forget that~
Oh for some reason I can’t get my emails from another computer. I am away from home and I’ll connect you when I return. Thanks for participating. If there is a way to contact you on your blog I missed it. Email?
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life
I will let go of all the bad stuff, blame, excuses and my old mismatched socks. (Not the new mis-matached ones I found at the yardsale,) but the ones I’ve had for 15 years or so. I will send them to a proper rag-bin burial.
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Bord on a wire, 9 & 10 1/2
Love the quotes! Indeed we are but one step away from making incredible changes and growth in our journey. I am willing to let go of it all and to claim only that which comes back to me.
Mark’s last blog post..None Of My Business
We had miss matched socks galore while raising kids. In fact we decided squirrels were sneaking in and taking matches! Crazy!
Thats a great idea. Let go and own what comes back
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life
book sounds really cool. reminds me of the sedona method – magic stuff.
i’ve thought about this one a lot… and that’s kinda what i’m most willing and excited to let go of.
let go of wanting to be controlled by the contents of consciousness.
inspiring stuff
alex – unleash reality
Not trying to write the best comment… just observing that I really need more calm in my life but am still working on it. I’m improving, though. I am much better than I used to be in my twenties.
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post..A Rose Garden
Hi Tess
I am willing to let go of all everything. The tricky part is sometime what we let go find its way back to us. And it is up to us to be mindful enough to be aware to send it off again.
I am also willing to claim all that is my part. My favorite on your list are: Accountability, Faith and Gratitude.
Thank you for sharing.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Giovanna Garcia’s last blog post..Bruce Lee the philosopher!?
Hi there Tess – I especially like “Freedom from the burden of false responsibilities” and “the grace to forgive old foes completely” – these are indeed gifts for the taking. – R
Robin’s last blog post..mysqlerror
I think you just need to sit in your rose garden and watch the world go by. That would be calming and heaven!
Yes those are 3 of my favorites as well. Faith…we always have it but do misplace it as in other things. Accountability have had it since I got married at 17. Gratitude, I want to live in the state of gratitude!
To this day as a parent I’m still tempted to take on false responsibilities. How crazy is that?!?
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Mondays = 1/7 of Your Life
What are you willing to let go of? I have so much to let go of. I think we all do really?? I know I’ve changed so much in the past four years since shifting directions in my life, but when I read your list I thought I could work on a lot of those areas.
What are you willing to claim and why? Right now though I’m going to work on Calm, need calm…peace.
Even typing those two words makes me feel more ahhhhhh
jenn’s last blog post..Benny and class