Today Is Magic Monday!
Leave the best comment and receive a copy of “Invitation to Greatness.”
Invitation to Greatness
by Katherine Nuyens MA,
A Creative Workbook for Inner Reflection for:
Inner Reflection
Self Expression
Clearing Blocks
Creating New patterns
Using this workbook you will embark on the path to greatness and discover:
- We are responsible for our present situation by our past choices.
- We can change our mind about how we see the world.
- We can learn to see the perfection in others and ourselves.
- We can release the pain of the past. We can heal the pain.
- We can let go of the blame, forgiving ourselves and others.Forgiveness heals.
- We can accept the power of love within ourselves. Love is our essence.
- We can create the life we want and deserve because we are actually the cocreators of our experiences. We write a script and author the roles.
Katherine’s expertise is in facilitating empowerment for her clients with self-healing tools and techniques. Her commitment is best seen through the development of her clients’ own inner strengths.
Her recent book, INVITATION TO GREATNESS – A Workbook For Personal Growth, is a powerful tool in the genre of change technology. She has been reviewed as a refreshing new voice and a disarmingly honest therapist.
Katherine continues her cutting edge workshops and therapy from her home-based Center in the state of New Jersey.
8 Ways to Think Well of Yourself
1. Believe in your worthiness. You are worth taking care of. You are worth celebrating. You are worthy of success and you are worthy of happiness.
2. Own your charisma. When you love yourself and treat others with love you are irresistibly attractive. Your age, body type, or physical appearance becomes less important. Your radiance can light up a room.
3. Develop your true identity. A good attitude, playfulness, the quality of your everyday choices and nurturing g your spirit all add to your what Robert Browning called “imprisoned splendor.”
4. Surround yourself with people who recognize your value. Who holds you in positive regard? These people belong to your personal fan club. Besides my spouse and mom I think my biggest fans are my 12 year old grandson and 15 year old granddaughter. Next would be my daughters their families and friends. I spend as much time as I can with them.
5. Get over the weight thing. We live in a culture obsessed with outward beauty. We all have a natural weight and our bodies know what it is. You don’t have to count calories or step on a scale.
The only thing necessary is to listen to your body. It will tell you what it wants and doesn’t want. Take all the energy you spend dwelling on your weight and put it towards your dreams and goals.
6. Give up being a victim, blaming, rescuing and entitlement. These will cause unhappiness and ugliness. Take 100% responsibility for your life. Own your “stuff” make the necessary changes and move on.
7. Spend time in silence. When is the last time you were alone with your thoughts. Sit still and listen to the stillness. Breathe in love, breathe out fear. 10-15 minutes each day of sitting in silence will rock your world.
8. Do something bold, daring & thrilling. Lance from Jungle of Life told me recently that he went sky diving. That’s thrilling!
I want to go on a safari in Africa. It doesn’t have to be something big.
Like Lisa from Travelin Local it can be right in your own back yard. When you think well of yourself you make daring and bold plans for yourself. Don’t delay!
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What bold, daring and thrilling thing have you done lately?
Or what bold and thrilling thing do you plan
on doing soon?
I think the boldest, most daring, and thrilling thing I have done lately is start my business. In today’s economy there are quite a few naysayers that I’m thrilled to prove wrong.
I’m also in the early stages of planning my next Paralympic Sailing Campaign. While I did not make it to Beijing last time around, I learned so much about myself. The journey itself was well worth it and the experience is invaluable. I would be a fool not to do it again.
Mark Lewis’s last blog post..Interview with Sailor Geoff Holt