By the time I leave this Earth, I should have improved our relationships here and now, so that in the next generation sons, daughters, and friends have my shoulders on which to stand so it's easier to make their contribution. ~Eddie Albert
Love is simple, but not easy.
It's no secret that in every relationship, the work begins after the initial magic wears off. When you write "be kind, laugh, and forgive," at the top of your "to do" list you can take any relationship from positive to precious.
It's impossible to change anyone but ourselves. Most of us know this, yet it doesn't keep us from trying.
Love is messy. Yet with a little willingness, a big commitment, and continuous action, it doesn't take long to create change.
If you want increase the 'hotness factor' in your relationship keep the focus on your behavior. Like sunshine and water help a garden flourish, loving thoughts, words, and actions help a relationship grow, bloom, and thrive.
Don't aim for perfection. There is no such thing. Go for continuous improvement.
The following tips will get you started in the right direction.
Practice patience. Don't expect another to go at your pace.
Allow struggle to bring you closer together. Become a team.
Be self-revealing. Learn to share your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Be deeply compassionate. Put yourself in your lover's shoes.
Give each other alone time. Learn to hold your own hand.
Accept each other’s flaws.
Do unexpected favors for each other. Go the extra mile.
Put love notes in a purse, jacket pocket or wallet. Add an element of surprise.
Go to bed at the same time.
Cuddle and snuggle when you are together. It adds an element of safety.
Initiate sex. Keep your thoughts and hands on each other.
Use bathroom etiquette. It's about responsibility and respect.
Listen non-defensively. In your defensiveness your safety lies.
Declare your home a nag free zone.
Text or email, “Have a great day. I love you.” Small things can go a long way.
Kiss for a long time. Make it mean something.
Laugh at each other’s jokes. Lose the intensity.
Remember how blessed you are to have each other.
Initiate sex. Keep your hands on each other.
Keep your focus on what is right and good.
Use these two sentences often, “I care about you. How can I support you?”
Be patient with each other. You’ll argue less.
Renew your spirit. Spend time in nature together.
Practice gazing during meals.
Schedule fun and play. Be adventurous.
Your happiness lies in the state of your relationships. Take 100% responsibility and make small, everyday improvements, You'll never regret the investment you make in "forever."
I think touching is key to any relationship – Holding hands, hugging, kissing, sitting close to each other.
As is looking – Checking each other out, appriciating each other, flirting.
In my opinion that is what keeps love going, though of course without communication as well as all the other advice you shared, you will not get far.