A 'bold living' lifestyle is about fun, play, and travel as much as it is about personal growth. It's easy to fall into a state of constant ambition and striving, with technology available 24/7.
I was visiting Farmer's Market in Portland when I captured the above photo. I witnessed her boyfriend purchase the bouquet of flowers, and caught her state of bliss. Anne Morrow Lindbergh believed, "Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day…like writing a poem or saying a prayer."
Tammy Strobel wants to know how you infuse magic into your relationships. I think it can easily be done with flowers!
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. ~Oprah Winfrey
I visited Michigan to celebrate Daughter No. 1 and attend her 39th birthday party. The year she was born I graduated high school, pregnant and married. I'm amazed at how far my family has come, and how blessed I am.
There is never a finish line and always more to learn.~Cathy Taughinbaugh from Treatment Talk
Nobody escapes challenges, tough times, and tragedy.
Remember when you are going through any turmoil, there is always an opportunity to grow and begin again.
Today you have 100% of your bold life ahead of you. Choose to live it fully, through the good and the difficult times.
Living a bold life requires that you never give up, even when your world is turned upside down.
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. ~Emily Kimbrough
A couple of weeks ago, I took a mini vacation with my grandson. He begins his Freshman year of high school in September. We enjoyed both the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. I've decided to retire from traveling until December when Daughter No. 4 gets married this winter!
I'm currently writing an e-course for all of my readers who want to experience a fear-less and bold life.
Andrew Olson, of Growthable has a great article on "How to Create Your Life on Purpose."
What does bold living mean to you? What's fun and exciting in your life?
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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{ 44 comments… read them below or add one }
Wonderful! I love success stories of women who married and started families early on! They are few and far between but each one is a wonderful story! Great photos!
sheila´s last post…Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Nature Hike
Hi Sheila,
Thanks for your kind words. I do have a wonderful story and it included a lot of hard work. That’s why I loved Cathy’s quote. Relationships are work, commitment, and a lot of forgiveness and love. It’s all good no matter what kind of family one has!
Hi Tess,
I LOVE all the photos! You look fantastic, everyone looks happy and the one you took of the girl with the flowers says so much!
It is great to hear you are having a great summer and celebrating life in such beautiful ways. To continued joy, fun and laughter
Evita´s last post…How to Balance Your Energy for Happier Living
Hi Evita,
We are happy and we do have a lot of fun! It’s good to remember we are here to for that very reason. I remind myself any time I want to throw a pity party;0)
You have had a wonderful summer!! Your photos and quotes are great, too. Your e-course sounds very interesting.
What does Bold Living mean to me? Living the life you want and going after the dream you’ve always had. Kind of like the Nike slogan of “Just Do It”! It sounds easy but takes a lot of guts.
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…Laugh And The World Laughs With You…Literally!
I know you have the guts it takes! I also know by your photos of your family how much travel and fun you have together. I’m going to go just do my body sculpt class at the gym….later!
Hi Tess,
Bold Living to me means – I face my fears and do it anyway!
I take chances and risks that take me out of my comfort zone.
I push myself to go the extra mile when I feel like giving up.
I dream big and go for it – even if there’s a chance I may fail.
I’d rather try and fail than not try at all and wonder for the rest of my life.
That’s Bold Living to me!
Boldly going where I’ve feared going before,
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition´s last post…Karma, Being Present and the Path to Eternal Happiness
I think I’ll remember 2011 and blogging as the year we met and laughed our way from Sedona to Phoenix! Can’t wait to read you new book. Let me know how I can help you.
Hi Tess,
Live it Bold and turn up the volume. Be proud & thankful for what we achieve in our lives. Thyank you for this inspiring post.
be good to yourself
I have to turn down the volume…I have ADHD and I can be loud and crazy. I’m always working on softening! I’ll help you turn up your volume…how about that? Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Tess!
Thank you for including my words in your lovely post! You have been an inspiration to me with your blog and all that you have accomplished in your life!!
Living Bold to me means not being afraid to take the chance and go after what you want. But as you say, all of it takes hard work. Life can be exciting and fun right up to the very end.
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…Life Lessons from the Highway
It was such a gem and hit me at the moment I read it. Knowing there is no finish line helps me live in the moment. In fact I think I’ll eliminate dead-line from my vocabulary as well. It sounds a little sick doesn’t it. LOL I think we mirror each other’s sparkle!
Hi Tess!
So glad your summer has been so rewarding. For the last two weeks, we’ve had family here from Oklahoma visiting. There’s just nothing like being with those you love and adore.
That’s awesome to hear you’re working on an e-course. Have fun creating!
Have an awesome week, Tess!
Ken Wert´s last post…Live instead of Die
How fun to have family visit. Two weeks is a long time! Good for you. My daughters and I laugh about having more frequent but shorter visits. I think it comes from having all girls and 4 years apart. Who knowsss??? Whatever works is good. Thanks for quoting me a couple of weeks ago. I appreciate you.
I often buy myself some cut flowers, just because they make me happy. I feel great carrying them home and smile every time I look at them in their vase.
I don’t think it’s so much about looking for an activity that’s fun and exciting, but rather in finding the fun and excitement in everything we do. That’s what living a bold life means to me – making every moment count, even if, or especially if, it isn’t obvious how to do that.
Melody | Deliberate Receiving´s last post…Take This Job and Love It
Hi Melody,
I love what bold means to you. A while ago I wrote a quest post on changing the words. ‘I have to’…to ‘I get to.’ When I remember to look at everyday activities like that I do find fun and joy in all I do. It’s that perspective of mine that gets twisted every once in a while.
I love the picture from Roshelle’s birthday. That is priceless.
You must work with her! Yes she is so fun and enjoys Henri so much. He adores her!
Thank you Tess, some of the lines in your post really hit home this morning and were exactly what I needed to hear.
Don’t you just love it when that happens? Thanks for stopping by and letting me know.
Hi Tess, oh gosh I haven’t traveled for over 2 months, and I am doing the first thing you mentioned: working 24/7. Your photos look So happy and relaxed and what a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing your bold living. You really look amazingly vibrant in that last beach photo
Farnoosh´s last post…Episode 4 of The Daily Interaction: Having Fun
You’re being very productive and moving on to the next level. Come back and talk to me if you don’t find yourself taking a break or a vacation when it’s time. Thanks for your compliment!
I am seriously too serious. Take life too seriously.
But I am trying to lighten up. Really. And think I’m actually improving in that area. To me, that’s living more boldly: learning to have fun while I’m chasing after my dreams.
Emily´s last post…Save Money On Groceries: Reduce Food Waste
Great because if we aren’t having fun or being joyful while we’re chasing our dreams…what’s the point. Enjoy the journey.
Tess, you’re one bold chick! You’ve stuck it out, hung on in there in the past, and seen it through so that you can see through the scene with the flowers in the picture. It’s bold to love, bold to show it, even bolder to declare it to the world, and boldest of all to make it a lifetime commitment. I salute your beautiful boldness!
John Sherry´s last post…How To Be Born Again Without Needing Religion
I love what you’ve written! A mini post in itself. Thank you!
Hi Tess,
Living the bold life is the only way to live. What’s the alternative a dead and dull existence.
One thing that I remind myself is that before I know it I will be 80 or so years old and have less life ahead of me than behind me so I want to make sure that I spend my time and energy on things that are truly fulfilling for me.
Great topic and very inspiring.
Justin | Mazzastick´s last post…The Importance Of Breathing Exercises
You’ve summed it up well… a dead or dull existence. I would rather have a short full life than a long empty one. I’m on your side!
I takes a lot energy, determination and courage to live a bold life because living a bold life requires that you continue pushing on even when there’s hundreds of reasons why you shouldn’t
If that’s not the truth. My ego wants to repeatedly tell me those 10o’s of reasons! Thanks for encouraging all of us.
To me it means having faith in the basic goodness of the universe, trusting that things are exactly as they should be, choosing to live in joy rather than fear. Great question.
Galen Pearl´s last post…God Bless That Ol’ @#&!
What a wonderful reminder for all of us. Thank you!
PS–I meant to ask, is that a farmers market in Portland, OR, where I live? Next time you are here, let me take you out for a meal!
No that’s the Portland Farmer’s Market. We did go to and LOVE Seattles as well! I’ll let you know when I visit again!
Hi Tess,
“Living a bold life requires that you never give up, even when your world is turned upside down.” I am taking this statement to heart right now, as my world is a bit upside down presently!
Not a complaint, mind you, just an observation. Life is like that sometimes isn’t it. and as you wisely advise, I must remain bold and nver give up. Thank you for bringing this back to my full attention today.
Oh yea, that is a GREAT picture of you on the beach! What a radiant young woan you are and obviously full of joy!
I’m happy I was able to help in a small way. Please let me know if I can do anything else to help you. I care about you. xo
Tess, you are truly fabulous! I love these photos and the stories they tell. Living bold is a phenomenal choice – I’m still not “there” yet but working towards it
little by little.
“Today you have 100% of your bold life ahead of you. Choose to live it fully, through the good and the difficult times. ” I say a hearty YES!
Aileen | Kaizen Vision´s last post…4 Easy Ways To Bring Feng Shui Into Your Home
Thanks so much for the love! I think a ballerina is bold! I’m referring to the Nutcracker of course.
Bold living to me means doing what you believe in in spite of naysayers and detractors. Knowing and being yourself with pride with all your perceived positives and negatives. Standing for something you believe in, something that folks can absolutely define you for and not wavering from that. Seeking and knowing Truth.
pea´s last post…Sublime
Thanks for all of the FUN! And a very happy birthday party! Can’t wait til 40!
Always Love,
xoxo Rosh
I better mark my calender for next years party or are you coming here? xoox
Hi Tess, to me, bold living means not wasting each and every day/moment, follow our passion and live life to the fullest. I used to be a stubborn person but recently I’ve been taking baby steps to try out new things and accepting some changes in my life. I’m doing this because I realize time is too short; You never know when it’s the end. Gotta LIVE now.
Good for you, thats all you have to do is continue to take baby steps and move forward with passion. Great job!
Hello my friend! Bold living means ‘following your dream’ to me. Or, more practically, following your gut. I know first hand what life feels like when you don’t!
Mr Broadway and I are planning 2 big trips the end of this month in order to take the first big step in relocating, it’s a very scary but exciting life change! And a bold move for me