How do you distract yourself from the delight, calm, and joy of the present moment?
How do you distract yourself from realizing you already have it all?
Nobody loves me…
I’ve gained 10 pounds…
I’m getting older…
I hate my job…
Nobody listens to me…
The world leaders don’t know what they’re doing…
When I have ____________ I'll be happy.
Wanting what we don’t have is a distraction that steals our happiness.
Competing, criticizing, complaining, and comparing are about discontentment.
If we took all of the energy we put into distractions and decided to enjoy our lives, we would be different people and the world would be a better place.
I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.
It’s our egos or lower selves that convince us otherwise.
All forms of media shout at us daily that we are lacking in every way possible.
In order to feel safe we must have something bigger, something better or we must do something different.
Anybody that has access to a computer and is reading this blog has their basic needs met.
The only thing lacking is our awareness of how much we have and our appreciation of it.
When I find myself in a state of ‘wanting for more,’ there are several things I do to turn myself in a new direction.
Living in a state of lack and fear makes me miserable!
The problem isn’t external. The problem lies within me. I cause my own misery.
Yes it’s always me doing it to me.
It’s never my boss, teenager, spouse, friend, health, bank account, weight or age.
Nobody else has the power to keep me from realizing that I already have it all.
When I can own how blessed I am a more loving person, I take the high road, and I make my life a bold adventure.
We spend large parts of our lives online reading and writing about how to grow personally and professionally.
It’s not enough to read or write about it. Knowledge isn’t enough.
We all know.
It's necessary to practice what we know.
Practice is a verb…practice slowing down, practice patience, practice appreciation, practice going the extra mile, practice minimalism.
With enough practice you learn how to live in the present moment and be happy.
There is less of an urge to compete, compare, and strive.
You realize you already have it all.
The following 5 steps help me.
1. Create a daily spiritual practice.
2. Keep a gratitude journal.
3. Seek support.
4. Simplify your life.
5. Serve others.
These steps are simple enough, but not easy.
Easy is talking, reading, and writing about living your best life.
Living a life of love is challenging.
Why then should you bother?
Because that’s where your fulfillment and purpose lies.
That’s where you’ll find joy in the moment, instead a repeat of yesterday’s complaints and today's desires.
That’s where you’ll learn to laugh and cry, to hurt and love, to live and grow.
And recognize you already have it all.
I have a guest post Katie Tallo's blog Momentum Gathering. If you haven't read her work you're in for a real treat!
Great stuff! Gratutude is extremely powerful, and you can use it any time you like. While walking into a meeting you are dreading, “What am I grateful for about my job? About this office? About the people I work with? About my boss?” It can be a complete game-changer.
Keep up the great work, Tess!