My interview today is with Chris Guillebeau, he is the founder of the Art of Non-Conformity, a project that teaches people how to change the world by achieving significant personal goals and helping others do the same. He is a writer world traveler, entrepreneur.
Click here to join his "small army of remarkable people."
Tell us about the World Domination Summit and how it came about?
I went on a 63-city "Unconventional Book Tour" to meet my readers in every U.S. state and Canadian province. At every stop I heard fun stories of what people were doing and how they wanted to connect with other like-minded people. The next step was to scale the experience, bringing 500 people together from all over the world to Portland, Oregon for a weekend adventure. Naturally, this required a team effort and I'm grateful for everyone who came alongside to make it happen.
Who has inspired you to do what you do?
Lots of people. I lived in West Africa for several years because I was inspired by the story of a surgeon from California who spent two decades there. After I moved back to the U.S., I found inspiration in people who were pursuing big goals or otherwise changing the world. These days, I'm also greatly inspired by many of the people in the AONC community—I feel like I have been gifted with relationships with engaging, motivated people and it's all I can do to keep up.
What are the 3 most important things on your daily to-do list?
3) Be aware
What fears do you face and how do you manage them?
It's a long list. But mostly I'm afraid of giving up or giving less than my best. A friend of mine, Todd Henry, has a message called "Die Empty" about how you should live life to the fullest. I have a similar perspective, so I try to do everything I can to embrace all the adventures I can.
What advice to you have for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to live life on their own terms?
The sooner, the better. A lot of people defer their plans or dreams because they perceive that something stands in the way. "When I finish school…" "When the kids are grown…" "Just two more years in this dead-end job…" Obviously, everyone's situation is different and I don't like to assume that one answer will work for everyone — but I also believe this kind of thinking can be dangerous. It just leads to something else later that serves as another excuse for life avoidance. So the more you can do now, without waiting, so much the better.
What books are you currently reading?
I just finished The Tiger by John Vaillant. Up next is The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead. I tend to read more fiction or general non-fiction than business books.
If you had a sixty second message for the world what would it be?
It's shorter than that: "You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to. You can do good things for yourself and for others at the same time."
Get his book, The Art of Non-Conformity from Amazon.
Get his manifesto free, A Brief Guide to World Domination.
Chris's wife Jolie is an awesome artist.
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