When you were a kid were you excited about Valentines Day? Did you make your own cards or purchase them at the store? Was there a party at school or did your mom bake cookies at home?
Today with so many people learning and wanting to be more frugal we can celebrate without spending a dime.
Because our relationships provide our greatest opportunities to give and receive love we can celebrate as by passing out random acts of love and kindness to everyone, our spouse, children, friends and coworkers.
When Saturday arrives you will be glowing. Live it, feel it, celebrate it…love. Tell everyone.
How will you be more loving in celebration of Valentines Day?
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Valentines Day/Week can be a good reminder for all of us to share our love, to be love!
I have had some fun Valentines Days, however none that stick out in my mind. I barely remember it as a child.
Mark’s last blog post..Valentines Day – Just Another Day to Those Who Are Romantic
“celebrate without spending a dime” – liked a lot.
Best tings in live come for free
Hi Tess,
I’ve never been big on Valentine’s Day because I find it a commercial rather than personal occasion. Still, I like your advice about taking the opportunity to do random acts of kindness. I’ll try it this year!
Daphne’s last blog post..Site Update: Getting Better Everyday
Thanks for joining me in celelbrating love!
I agree bringing joy to others can be done with hugs, laughter, and play.
I agree about the commercialism that’s why I choose to celebrate differently.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Bold Love for February 14th
I’m definately taking your advice to heart.
I’m planning a Valentine’s Day I will never forget! Actually I don’t usually celebrate Valentine’s Day but I’ve made a decision that LOVE should be spread to all those around us (not only on Valentine’s Day).
pastfirst’s last blog post..My boyfriend is addicted to internet porn. What can I do?
My mom always made Valentine’s Day special for my twin sister and I. I remember crafts, crafts, crafts. In hindsight, I think this may have be the 1 gene my mom has in common with Martha Stewart (smile). I recall going to the wholesale house and purchasing plastic hearts & ribbon. My twin and I decorated those hearts w/ our Love and filled them w/ conversation hearts. Our final touch was a pink satin ribbon that allowed us to hang them on their school lockers. Those gifts meant the world to my friends. They thought it was so neat and very thoughtful. I have many memories of making crafts with my mom to supplement luxurious gifts that we could not afford. Not sure I was always happy about it growing up. However, I realize how much meaning, thought, and effort went in to designing each heart–specific for the friend I wanted to share my love with. In fact, 15 years later, friends of mine still remember the special gifts my twin sister and I shared with them.
I was once told…’people are either asking for love or giving love.” I am open to receiving love this Valentine’s Day and the other 322 days that remain in 2009 : ). Valentine’s Day is a good reminder but honestly, we should not have to be reminded to fill other’s love tanks or our own.
Afterall, as Alik has mentioned, it is absolutely FREE to fill another’s love tank and your own : ). It is merely making the effort.
Love to all!
Hi Tess,
I love this idea!! Spread some love, what a great way to be a valentine to the world! And the thing is, when we start spreading love, it often goes beyond where we spread it – and that’s pretty awesome!
Lance’s last blog post..So Much More Than A Football Game
Pastfirst, Thanks for joining the cause. Enjoy!
What a great mom you have! Martha Steward? Who would of thought?
Thanks for dropping by, yes we never know where our love will go and who it will help.
Tess The Bold Life’s last blog post..Bold Love for February 14th
Well, I was such an organized girl and sent nice tins of chocolates and cards to my family in Canada, one to my sister and one to Mom & Dad.
Mailed them last Monday so they should get there by this Friday at the latest, which is great. So proud of me.
Here — gonna just jump for joy and hug every stranger I meet on the street. (Well, in my mind I wil.)
Jannie Funster’s last blog post..Blogging Poems
Hi Tess.
I WISH I could say Yayyy, Valentine’s Day! But I can’t. It’s never been one of my favourite holidays because I’ve NEVER been in a good relationship during that holiday. I’m such a romantic and I’ve always allowed myself to be disappointed. I like your perspective though… about what can you give on Valentine’s Day, not just about what you can receive. I will keep that in mind. I already feel better about it.
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