My 26 year old, favorite nephew flew in from St. Louis last weekend to run the Phoenix Rock n Roll Half Marathon.
We ate a delicious and healthy lunch at ‘Nourish’ on Friday, the new vegetarian restaurant in town. Later, as I dropped him off at his friends, I told him I’d be 'hooting and hollering' for him at the nine mile mark on Sunday.
I was jealous of the 30,000 runners that had entered the two races. I had been walking and hiking for the last seven months while allowing a knee injury to heal. A few days earlier, I ran two miles without pain. I was ecstatic!
Race Day
Ninety minutes after the race began I spotted Matt coming toward me, I cheered and ran over for a hug. He invited me to run the last four miles with him.
In my jeans and street shoes I hesitated for only a few seconds and spontaneously jumped in beside him!
I leaned into it and lifted my knees high as I soaked up the energy of the runners around me. I felt 45 years old instead of 56. I loved every second of it as I was reminded of all the reasons I run. As we neared the final shoot, I congratulated Matt and exited to the sidewalk.
Walking towards home I decide to sign up for the Seattle Rock n Roll Marathon being held this June!
A few reasons I run and why you might enjoy it too:
1. A new identity
The closest I came to organized sports in my childhood was tag and kickball at recess. As a young adult, I was overjoyed when I discovered being dubbed an athlete was as easy as crossing the finish line at my first 10K.
As fast as my legs could carry me, I eventually ran in half marathons, 25Ks and became involved in a full blown love affair with running.
2. Nature at its best
Running at dawn has allowed me the privilege to witness an awesome sunrise or a spider web glistening in the morning dew.
At Reeds Lake, I’ve seen ducks and ducklings cross the road in perfect marching order as they headed off for their swim of the day.
I’ve discovered turtles sunbathing on rocks in swampy ditches where cattails thrive.
I’ve been pelted by hail, drenched by rain, dirtied by mud, blown sideways and backwards by the wind and blessed by the first, perfect and blissful blue-sky-days of spring.
Moments like these are often missed by those who hit snooze for an extra 10 of shut-eye. In a high tech, cubicle world, running is an opportunity for an experiential life.
3. No worries
I’ve used running for stress relief from out-of-control teens, a sister’s cold shoulder, my mother’s breast cancer, a client’s sudden death and petty fights with hubs.
I’ve used running to celebrate a new job, a wedding anniversary, a daughter’s graduation and the undeniable joy of grandchildren.
Over the years, my worn out running shoes and music have become best friends, as I take my thoughts to the streets, and allow my sun kissed cheeks to brighten and lighten my mood. There isn’t anything quite like it.
photo credit: familymwr
What activities do you enjoy? Who inspires you?
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{ 61 comments… read them below or add one }
I’m cheering YOU on!!! Awesome-ness!! YOU – committing to the Seattle Marathon!!
Race environments are always so filled with energy (even at the end when I feel lime my energy has been zapped!!).
I’m right there with you on running – and how good it is physically/mentally/emotionally.
Rock on!!
Rock and Roll Marathon on!!!
.-= Lance´s last post…Not Your Typical Kelly Blue Book =-.
I’m still inspired by your marathon last year! It feels so good to be back on the go. Thanks for all of your support! I appreciate you.
Congratulations Tess! I’ll be cheering you on from 3,000 miles away!! I’m always in awe of those who decide to run marathons, half marathons, 10k’s, 5k’s (I ran one once), or just down the block. My knees hate me if I even think of running. Although, I told them to be quiet when I tested for my black belt. I HAD to run 3 miles under 33 minutes. I did it in 30. And I thought that was going to be the “worst” part of black belt testing
Run an extra mile for me…!
.-= Peggy Nolan´s last post…Baby It’s Cold Outside =-.
I’m in awe of all you do as well. Martial arts? Are you kidding me and all that you’ve earned. I bow down to you. You’re on amazing lady and I’m happy we’re blogging buddies.
Go Tess,
I love the way you jumped into the race. I’m cheering you on for Seattle. The way you mix running with experiencing nature is stupendous ~ a lift almost all of us could use.
I confess to being a potato. No couches here, but I sit too much. But I am getting out in the garden more and doing a tiny practice of Qigong. So I aim to move…just not as boldly and as far as you! Bravo!
.-= Sandra Lee´s last post…Free Yourself with Free Writing =-.
Every little bit counts and not everyone has my crazy energy. I wish I had a garden. We travel too much for me to take proper care of it. Thanks for sharing. I’m spontaneous and a little crazy and that’s why I jumped in. He’ll never forget that experience.
Yard work and karate are ways that I use to de-stress. My mind is always busy and activity turns that off and often brings clarity to a problem. This year I’ve started training at home again after those years of being ill. I feel good; twenty years younger
Love and peace.
.-= Simon Hay´s last post…The Earth is Our Life Force =-.
Isn’t life grand? Especially when we can feel 20 years younger? You go!
I used to love to run. I competed in racing and jumping hurdles when I was a girl.
Your article brings back all those wonderful memories. I had a bad accident with my leg and after the cast came off I couldn’t run without being in terrible pain. I’ve been a very fast walker ever since though!
Moving does help release so much stress. And, when we’re out early in those quiet times we do get to witness the miracles of nature like you described.
Can’t wait for all this ice and snow to subside so I can walk without fear of slipping!
.-= Angela Artemis´s last post…What’s in The Box Outcome to A Remote Viewing Experiment =-.
I’m sending sunshine your way! I had only time for farm work and more farm work as a girl so I’ve made up for it!!! And fast walking…that’s great and probably better than running. That’s what all the non runners tell me;)
Lovely post, Tess. I can’t wait to get back to running in the spring. With icy temps and snow, I’m not much for cold weather running, so I’ve taken to my home gym and am conditioning myself for spring. I know exactly how you feel about running. Nature is the best part for me. I clears the head and makes you feel like you can do just about anything. Well done.
.-= Katie´s last post…Let Love =-.
Well PX90 is pretty damn cool. I saw you’re back at it in the forum. I still remember that post you did about running with your hubs and how he told you how beautiful you are. And he’s right of course.
Hi Tess,
My first thought you jumped into the race much like you jump into need to be “ready” just do it–love that about you!
I used to greatly enjoy running..early morning or late evening around my marina or on the beach. Lap upon lap soaking in the sunshine or moonlight, the ocean and all around it. Giving praise for the beauty around me and the vastness of the sky and ocean..Then came cancer which “forced” me to rest. I began a consistent yoga practice, lots of beach walks, and as always I enjoy sailing, hiking, kayaking, laughter, music, creating.
I am inspired by everyone who creates and who tells a story from their heart.
.-= Joy´s last post…Self Love Series- Lessons From the Gentle Barn =-.
Yes I love stories from the heart as long as I have a box of tissues near by. Consistent yoga is awesome and beach walks…I’d be jealous but then I have the mountains. I get to Lake Michigan when we go back and it’s super wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Oh how I love running! It’s the one thing that gives me the greatest sense of control over my life (odd as that might sound). When I run, it’s ME being my best. I run five days a week most of the time, and each run has its own personality. Some days, my body is light and free. Other days, my legs feel heavy and it’s tough getting to 5 miles, let alone 7 or 8 (my usual goal).
When I started running it was because I was from a running town: Utica, NY (believe it or not) where the annual Boilermaker Road Race is held. It had consistently been ranked as one of Runner’s World Top 10 Road Races in the US, and drew upwards of 10,000 people a year from all around the world to run it. Needless to say, Utica is a big running town. I became part of that, and it was one of the best things I ever did.
I have a hard time walking without wanting to run. It’s just “in me.”
Loved this post, Tess, and of course, love you, too! Runners unite!
Megan I never knew this story. How cool is that! How old were you when you began? I remember getting that magazine back in the day! I had a late start but I’ve more than made up for it. 7-8 miles 5 days a week is pretty damn cool.
Hi Tess,
How wonderful that you found something that provides you with so much satisfaction. It’s nice to have something that takes us out of our problems and helps us to realign ourselves. I enjoy fishing when the weather is nice. I also love getting lost in reading. I don’t know that I have someone who directly inspires me. So I try to be my own inspiration! Thanks for this great post Tess!
.-= Dandy´s last post…Cognitive Distortions- Win against it =-.
Fishing? Love it, we had ponds on the farm we fished in with my dad. Mostly sun fish we threw back in. But it was fun!
Stretch your legs out and run like the wind. Feel your body to let go of your body and one begins to float on air. One picks an outer course to eventually pursue an inner course where one’s destination is also up in the air. Be wild and free and run with your hearts content. Nothing stops a runner who lets go of the steering wheel. Without being in control of our speed and our outcome, one travels as if they are standing still and the world then seems to be running to us. Nothing is more moving than racing without cause and therefore effect. One is then faced with perpetual change and motion which is the wind beneath your winged feet. Resistance and friction retreat. Then once in motion, one stays in motion with an effortless stride.
I will be rooting for you Tess.
What you write is so true and most days I do let go of control. In races my goal is to finish. I just love them and have not failed yet. Great insights and advice.
Hi Tess, That is so awesome that you’re doing a marathon! WOW. Wow also on your previous track record (pun intended!).
I’ve never been much of a runner–though I’ve done plenty here and there–because it jiggles my shoulders out of wack (painfully) and sometimes my knees (also painfully). That’s from old ski injuries. I grew up ice skating in winter and hiking a lot in summer, and I started inline skating almost 20 years ago and was really serious about it, racing and stunts and endurance (60 miles sometimes, 25 often though that only takes 2 hours or so), for a long time. I still skate, but not regularly. Gotta get to it as soon as the weather clears up! I walk daily–fast and long and break into a run sometimes–for now, and some other stuff.
I totally get the nature aspect! Being outside is the best, even here in my suburban neighborhood. Good luck with that marathon! I’m really impressed!
.-= Leah McClellan´s last post…Thank God Almighty We Are Free At Last =-.
OMG Leah, I love inline skating. Never went as far as you did, never! I usually went out for 10 miles. It’s funny you mention it because I need a new pair and hubs wanted to get me some a few weeks ago. Now you’ve inspired me again;)
How cool that we both love it.
I’m with you Tess.
I run five times a week not because I want to set world records, but so I can decompress from stress and do something that’s just for me!
Keep running sister – I’ll be right there with you!
Didn’t know you were a runner. Woot woot!
I used to love running, Tess, but for some reason, it doesn’t feel good to me anymore. I love reading your descriptions – so exhilarating. And I’m cheering you on when you run the marathon.
Yoga is my thing. A vigorous practice in a warm room, sweat, challenge, strengthening – I love it and I love how it makes me feel.
I wish I could fall in love with yoga. I’m thinking of doing that hot yoga. There is a studio near my home. People rave about it. Ever do it?
Nice post, Tess! You have great imagery in you writing. It’s as if I was there watching you run the last four miles with your friend.
The sport that keeps me motivated is any form of martial arts. From the traditional forms of kempo to the latest in boxing. I just love to practice it and challenge myself to be faster, stronger, and wiser in my training. There’s always something to work on, improve on, and maintain in the field of martial arts.
Wow Elmer, welcome and thanks for sharing. I’m grateful for your compliment. I’m making an effort to improve my writing. Thanks for noticing.
Running at dawn sounds delightful, Tess. I have friends who are marathon runners (you can visit John’s site at, he and his partner run all the time) but running is not for me. In fact I am, sadly, quite the couch potato! Ho hum.
Enjoy the journey.
.-= Mandy Allen´s last post…A New Year Begins =-.
OK Mandy I’d like to inspire you to get off the couch. Just move! I know you can do it. You’re missing out on an incredible feeling;)
Hi Tess .. having just had my long comment scrunched I’ll start again .. probably shorter!
Congratulations on getting running again .. wonderful news & so pleased the knee is healing properly .. Seattle should be amazing ..
I used to play squash 5+ times a week, at school it was hockey and tennis .. have never been a runner .. would love to do it .. but the next best thing is walking up the hill and down again to see my Mama ..
Enjoy getting back into the swing of training .. cheers Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…Food- Food- Glorious food and memories and- and Part 1 ! =-.
I love the way you put that about the hill and your mom. Hugs to both of you. Thanks for stopping by.
Tess — YOU GO GIRL:~) I loved that you jumped into the marathon and ran with your nephew. I loved everything you said about why running works for you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me, but I do love walking for the same reasons and I used to do this more than I have been, lately.
As I’m not a morning person, I tend to do my exercise later in the day and, with winter, this has made my walking a bit more challenging. But I’m making excuses, aren’t I? I just need to pick a time and put on the sneakers and GO.
I appreciate the encouragement and the good reminder. Thanks:~)
.-= Sara´s last post…Children of the Holocaust =-.
Yes just think of the feeling you’ll have when you finish. That’s how I motivate myself for strength training. I love walking as well. And always walk when injured with hubs.
Tess, you are FABULOUS! I’m so excited for you – Iove that you jumped in and ran the four miles with your street shoes on and then felt inspired to sign up for the Rock n Roll marathon.
I’m not a serious runner, but the reason I enjoy running is (1) I feel unstoppable (2) I feel free (3) It feels like my mind stops and I’m simply present (4) I feel my body alive and working – and I love the physical exhaustion afterwards because I feel so incredibly alive – and feel I’ve taken myself to it’s limit.
I’m so thrilled for you!!!!! Unstoppable Tess
.-= Aileen ´s last post…Dared to be Awkward and Fulfilled a Dream =-.
I’m not sure I’m so serious. I’m slow and make no attempt to get faster. I’m just serious about exercise in general. I seem to be better with distance than speed. Remember what you see in me is in you … unstoppable Aileen, the dancer!
I support you and I am deeply honored that you celebrate your life using your two gorgeous feet.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not taking your ability to be athletic and run with the wind for granted. I’m behind you 100%.
Shaka that, girlfriend!
Love and Smiles,
.-= JaneBeNimble´s last post…Goodies =-.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways;)
So fun to read your post about running. I enjoy it to and ran a half marathon with my daughter last spring which was such a great experience. Have been slacking off lately, but miss it, so reading your blog gave me that extra boost to go out and start running again. It is great. I love listening to my favorite music,which makes it my own wonderful experience. We should keep at it while we still can!
.-= Cathy Taughinbaugh´s last post…26 Reasons to Forgive =-.
Yes do go out and run…just a little bit every day will make you feel better.
I love running with daughters. We’re blessed to be able to do that.
Hello Tess!
I know just how you felt when you jumped into the race. Also it reminded me of the time my youngest sister ran along side of me for a bit at the 20 mile mark of the Heart of San Diego Marathon. You may well know that the Rock N’ Roll Marathon started here in San Diego. I was on the Press Truck for the very first one. I helped with the Kenyan Runners after the race. Mike Long was one of the founders of this race series. Mike was very close to me. He was my Best Man when I got married…one of my brothers…and he all ready had three brothers Their mom Margarette was constently tested by the Long Boys. They were nortorious for their mischievousness, and Mike was the leader of the gang. They were originally from Michigan. Perhaps you met Mike at a race somewhere? Mike’s home in South Mission Beach was always a place where a runner could stay while they were in San Diego to train. From World Class to the non-competetive runner. I sure took a lot of showers at his house after a run! I would like to leave this link to a foundaion that Mike set up:
He was a legend in Ethiopea and Kenya. And we all miss him dearly. This is what running is all about…what you described in your post and the friendships made along the way.
Thank you for reminding me of this.
Perhaps I should run another marathon? You got me thinking now!
Spelling last night! Better off using spell-check when I am exhausted. Stage hand work has been like a “marathon” each day. Pretty beat up right now. Today off but tomorrow back to it again. Then we have to take out ALMOST NORMAL at our Balboa Theater Sunday. We will work until about 5:00 a.m. striking out the huge 3 level set and loading it back up into 4 tractor trailers.
Have a nice weekend and don’t work too hard.
Wow I had no idea how they began. I just know I love them. And thanks for the story of all those boys and their mother. Orginally from MI which part? Love San Diego. Love running. Thanks for sharing this with me. Rock on!
The family was from Lansing. Mike’s dad was with the Michigan State Police Dept.
It was fun to be around the early years before the Rock N’ Roll got started here.
Mike and I were teammates on three Tecate to Encenada races. Our best finish was 13th overall…our other team finished 7th one year.
So many great athletes have come out of San Diego. This city was a natural fit for Mike. The Rock N’ Roll Marathon was his “calling”. I was by his side at one of his most lowest points in life. But he picked himself up and did some remarkable training…I did some with him like Masters Swim class, cycling, running, rough water swimming at La Jolla Cove. I remember doing a triathalon with him. Mike best my time and he was 9 years older!
So he picked himself up and knew his “calling”. He was instrumental in the development of The Rock N’ Roll Marathon and it’s “Series”, plus the Entoto Foundation. These are only two things of his legacy… not to bad in the face of failure.
Tess you have “inspired” me. I going to try hard to do the training so that I can make it up June 25th to Seattle.
“Runners Unite!”
It offers the opportunity for me to drive up with my two daughters and have a very meaninful experience. Mike was present for my eldest daughter’s christening, so I know he would be there in spirit.
Lets keep in touch about our training.
I have a selection of Local Crew stagehand t-shirts if you would want one for the race…like Kiss.Shakira,Black Eyed Peas,Duran Duran,Depeche Mode,System Of A Down,Rob Thomas…
From a Runner and Stagehand I would like to say thanks for the “Inspiration” and
Who inspires me? Hmmm, I think: you!
I can’t believe you jumped in and ran 4 miles on the spur of the moment. Sheesh!
I have always loved running. When I was a software engineer in the Bay Area, I ran just about every day, sometimes upon waking up but my favorite time was at lunch. It relieved stress and set me back on track, kind of like what meditation does, only better!
I used to do 10K’s all the time, and my favorite was the Bay to Breakers. So fun! You’re right, the crowd and other runners just sweep you along in an energizing high!
But now I live in the desert, at about 6000 ft., and although I’ve tried running regularly it never quite sticks. I’m used to the elevation now but the climate is tricky. Instead, I tend to do more mountain biking during the 3 seasons that permit that.
Anyway! Your excitement has inspired me to think about how I can get a bit more aerobic exercise going, even in the cold right now. I know how energizing that is. Thanks for that!
.-= Patti Foy´s last post…Enhance Your State of Mind in Minutes with This Easy Tool =-.
I’ve always wanted to do Bay to Breakers. Always! Is it too late? Hard to get in?
I like the sounds of where you live and for me biking is hard! Running another thing in common.
You know, I don’t remember them limiting the # of participants at all. Or maybe I was always just so eager I didn’t have to worry about it. It’s a BLAST. And you must wear a fun costume. Or some wear nothing at all, or just barely. Whoo-hoo! I can give you some other tips if you decide to do it.
.-= Patti Foy´s last post…Enhance Your State of Mind in Minutes with This Easy Tool =-.
You’re 56 Tess? I thought you were 33.
I do love running, am due for new shoes.
At times it’s hard, but on those times running is magic there is nothing compared to leaping gazelle-like along the trail.
THIS is way inspiring, thanks!!!
Activities I enjoy are lifting 5lb dumb bells for my arms which are getting way buff. I also like dancing, stretching and donut-lifting.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…My Alexa Rank — a poem in 55 words =-.
Ha Ha Jannie,
I’ll come over for a run and doughnuts soon. Love to you!
SEVEN!! My feet are size seven. 7.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…My Alexa Rank — a poem in 55 words =-.
You inspire me to take up running again, Tess! What I love about running is it is such a fantastic way to celebrate nature, the great outdoors, being healthy and alive all at the same time. I just love how you jumped right in, soaking in the energy from all the other runners and your nephew.
Am cheering you o nfor the marathon! xox
You are inspiring ! I love that you jumped in and lived in the moment. That’s a way to live everyday!
.-= ayala´s last post…He Warms My heart =-.
Great story Tess
I’ve never been much of a runner or an athlete for that matter. Being the shortest kid, I was always picked last for team sports. So, I truly embrace yoga as an adult, and being strong and powerful in my own way, in my own body is liberating, centering and grounding.
I do love nature, music, reading, and driving alone too. The lyrics of songs often inspire me as well as authors quotes. And, of course how people use their lives and overcome troubles, even the little ones.
.-= Marci´s last post…Crush Stress with Loads of Laughter =-.
Tess: I especially appreciated this post because I honestly have been in search for years on how I can fall in love with running. There is something great about it that I think I am missing
I think it really is a mind over body thing for me and I am continually working on it. I was inspired to read your post and appreciation for it
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations Tess. I can definitely relate to what you say about using running to let off excess energy — I usually use tae kwon do and yoga for this, and I do find that I get less spun out by situations that might otherwise push me off my center when I keep up my routine.
Funnily enough Tess, even though I’m running the marathon this year I don’t enjoy flat road running as much as I used to, I much prefer mountain running although I don’t do it that often. There’s something un-paralleled when reaching the peak after a great journey.
My other passion is of course badminton, I play at least 3 times a week…there’s a certain rush that comes from returning a shuttle that’s coming at you at nearly 200mph and then jump smashing. Totally awesome!
.-= Amit Sodha – The Power Of Choice´s last post…Should A Spiritual Soul Be Involved With Politics =-.
Dear Tess, I just love how your incredibly beautiful spirit radiates in this post. You brought so much joy to my heart. You are an amazingly courageous soul with an indomitable spirit. I just love that about you. I wanted to hug you after reading this. You inspire me. Need that right now. So much love to you, Robin
PS Also consider yourself (((((((((((HUGGED))))))))))))))))))
What a wonderful story….to the visual of jumping in with your jeans on, to the courage it took to just make the decision to commit to the marathon! I will look forward to hearing about your journey!!
This completely resonates with me..being a born-again runner five years back. I am currently training for another marathon. Got the wonderful opportunity to be in a training class by Jeff Galloway (the 1970s olympic althlete who is the run/walk guru) last week while he was in town. As there were only 7 of us, I got a chance to really talk one on one with him. My impressions were:
1. running is secondary. The life joy running brings is primary
2. everyone can commit to a goal and acheive it, no matter what their story
3. runners are some of the most supportive, fun, and wonderful people around.
Good luck, Tess…..I’ll be cheering and training right along with you!!!
.-= Little Lessons Under the Big Sky´s last post…Trash Talk Thursday- Discouraged =-.
Running is the one exercise that I love more than anything. The pain, the high you get when you break through it, the zone I so often found myself in. And yet, I can’t do it regularly. Injured my knee a couple years ago and every time I think its better, it acts up again. So I put a brace on it and walk. And yet I still hope to get back to running, so this post inspired me.
Running in a big race is tough to match. Training for my first marathon was fairly boring and sometimes painful. I thought “I’ll just overcome this personal challenge and leave it behind.” That was before I joined the crowd of 8000, before the start gun blasted, before the river of people flowed at once down the 26 miles to each reach a personal milestone. It was so awesome that I’ve run one or two every year since then, I’m up to 8. And now I love the training. I listen to audiobooks and run by the water, taking pictures of beautiful and interesting things, and rescue the odd crashed intoxicated bicyclist.
Alex | Perfecting Dad´s last post…Rewards Without Psychological Damage- An Essential Tool for Parents