Today our guest is a dear friend, Courtney Carver of Be More with Less, a blog about simplifying your life and really living. You can learn how to create a life with more savings and no debt, more health and leass stress, more time and less stuff, and more joy with less obligation.
While you can't predict the future, or avoid the unexpected, you can begin to create a simpler life which will result in less complication and more joy.
Harnessing the power of simplicity doesn't mean getting rid of all your stuff, quitting your job and living in an RV, but it does require a solid assessment of what is making your life so difficult.
Ask questions like:
- Do I wake up refreshed?
- Is most of my day relaxed or rushed?
- Do I live in a chaotic environment?
- Do I eat on the go or enjoy my meals?
- Am I in debt?
- Am I living paycheck to paycheck?
- Do I shop for things I need or things I want?
- Do I spend more than I make?
- Am I optimistic about my future?
- Am I more likely to be elated, satisfied or frustrated?
- Do I fall asleep easily?
The answers to those questions will clearly answer this next question. Could I benefit from simplifying my life?
If the answer is a resounding yes, don't be overwhelmed with the changes you need to make.
Instead focus on small shifts like …
- using cash instead of credit
- selling or giving away a few items each week
- scheduling fewer appointments
- waking up 5 minutes earlier to start the day with a stretch
- volunteering for an hour a week instead of unwinding at the mall
- cleaning off your nightstand to create a calm space where you sleep
If you think you thrive on stress and busyness, and define your worth by what you get done instead of who you are, compare that with the possibilities that simplicity offers.
- When you aren't so busy, you can be kind.
- When you aren't in debt, you can be giving.
- When you aren't taking care of stuff, you can take care of people.
- When you aren't rushing, you can linger over a meal.
- When you aren't stressed, you can be calm.
- When you aren't interested in more, you can revel in less.
Making the choice to change, combined with small shifts, will allow you to harness the power of simplicity. Create an environment that invites calm over chaos, patience over frustration and hope over gloom.
Your life didn't get complicated overnight, so appreciate that it will take time to make it uncomplicated. Instead of being overwhelmed with how far you have to go, celebrate your progress and enjoy the benefits you gain each day.
What simple shift can you make today to simplify your life?
Courtney Carver is an artist and consultant specializing in simplicity for life and business. Connect with her on Twitter or read more at Be More With Less.
Photo by Michelle Meiklejohn
Please share your thoughts below.
Last week, I took out my spending budget for the week and used cash for all of my purchases instead of debit. It really helped me evaluate whether or not I should purchase something. Spending cash makes you much more aware of how much you value something or not. It also makes you not want to spend your entire budget so you have more left to save. Even with grocery shopping.
“using cash instead of credit” is a great tip!