Begin With Your Mind
1. Replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones.
2. Open up. Talk about your problems with someone you trust.
3. Write out your problems in a journal.
4. Think before you speak.
5. Avoid worry and anxiety. Breathe deeply.
6. Get enough sleep.
7. Watch little or no TV.
8. Refuse to gossip.
9. Reconcile with family and friends.
10. Be patient.
11. Use daily affirmations.
Keep An Active Lifestyle
12. Learn to love moving your body.
13. Play outside.
14. Walk, ski, roller blade, hike, swim, run
15. Just get going. Keep moving and work up a sweat!
16. Do yoga or Pilates.
17. Do something unpredictable.
18.Set realistic goals.
Take Care of Your Body
19. Understand your body.
20. Eat less and eat healthy.
21. Drink plenty of water.
22. Pay attention to your body.
23. Try a new fruit or vegetable each week.
24. Floss and brush your teeth regularly.
25. Wash your hands regularly.
26. Eliminate or cut down on junk food.
27. Do a juice fast.
Pamper Yourself
28. Visit a spa .
29. Get a manicure & pedicure.
30. Get a Massage.
31. Learn to enjoy your own company.
32. Write a love letter to yourself.
34. Burn candles and relax.
Do Things You Enjoy
35. Take time out.
36. Read.
37. Dance.
38. Play games.
39. Listen to music.
40. Spend time with friends.
41. Grow a garden.
42. Bike to work.
43. Do scrapbooking.
44. Find a new hobby.
45. Appreciate yourself.
46. Hike.
47. Be social.
48. Volunteer.
Eliminate Stress
50. Focus on best case scenarios.
51. Stop whining and complaining.
52. Don’t compare yourself to others.
53. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
54. Let go of toxic people.
55. Learn to mediatate.
56. Let go of trival things.
57. Let go of grievances.
58. Don’t take things personally.
59. Ask for what you want.
60. Love yourself.
61. Keep things in perspective.
62. Just say no.
63. Cut clutter
64. Detox your calendar.
65. Be responsible.
What a lovely post. All good suggestions and reminders. This is one for the refrigerator!
Suzanne McDermott’s last blog post..Leaves and Trees