“Inner Productivity: A Mindful Approach to Efficiency
and Enjoyment in Your Work” -Chris Edgar
Today I’m reviewing Chris Edgar’s new book. If you are underpaid, over worked or unhappy in your workplace I urge you to consider getting a copy today.
What makes Chris Edgar’s book stand out from other books on productivity is he empathizes focusing on your inner experience instead of changing your outer circumstances.
Chris gives us mini case studies derived from his coaching and exercises, that help you look within, transform your specific patterns of thinking and feelings that hold you back.
The exercises in each chapter allow you to cultivate your “inner productivity.” When you connect to your inner self you become empowered to act new ways, choose a new perspective and achieve greater results.
“I’ve broken down what I call “inner productivity”—the ideal mental and emotional state for finding the most productivity and satisfaction in your work—into three elements. I call these and Attention, Intention Foundation.” Chris Edgar
1. Attention
It’s necessary to become aware of our inner experience at work; our thoughts, feelings and sensations. Everyone has a different perspective of what happens at work. My unique perception doesn’t make it reality. It’s just my perception.
My perception is where my power lies. By changing my perception I change my experience and become more focused and motivated, even enjoying what I do.
“When we simply keep ourselves aware of the difference between reality and our inner experience of it, we start to see that we actually have some choice around how we experience the world. Just recognizing that we have this kind of choice can have powerful effects.” Page 31
2. Intention
Chris uses the word intention to mean a clear idea of the goal you’re working toward, and a passion about that goal you can physically feel.
“The lack of a clear, driving intention is a common reason we have trouble following organization and time management strategies.”
” When we come upon a goal that actually gives us a bodily feeling of inspiration, we transcend productivity tips and tricks to accomplish what we want and start enjoying what we do with ease, our motivation feels natural, and we produce our best-quality work.” Page 72
3. FoundationIt’s necessary to develop unconditional love and acceptance for ourselves. Entering the zone is impossible if we fear making mistakes, compare our work to others or feel inadequate.
“If you have a deep-seated appreciation for yourself that doesn’t depend on how your career, relationships, or any other aspect of your life is “going,” productivity, and the state of flow, are more ready available.” Page 138
“If your self-love is solid enough, you won’t be paralyzed with self-criticism or fear of failure. This is why I call your sense of unconditional and acceptance your foundation.” Page 139
If you want to be free of boredom, stress, fear, worry, comparisons, anxiety and shame at work grab a copy of “Inner Productivity” today.
Often we wait until January to think about what changes we want personally and professionally in the New Year.
I would encourage anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life and work in 2010 to join me in reading the book and putting the exercises into practice. Get a head start on 2010. I wonder where our blogs would be six months from now!
Chris Edgar is an author, speaker and personal coach who focuses on helping people follow their true callings in their careers, and find more enjoyment and efficiency in what they do. Find out more about Chris’s book, Inner Productivity, and his work at http://www.InnerProductivity.com.
“Foundation” spoke volumes to me. I find that a lot of people, including myself, have had problems with self-love. I’ve seen people gain a tremendous amount of weight, stay in unhealthy relationships, and wake up every morning to go to a job that literally makes them sick physically, mentally, and emotionally because they fear failure of not maintaining a job, being single, or the thought of not reaching their weight loss goal. I agree with Chris that self-love and sense of unconditional and acceptance should be everyone’s foundation. I will be picking up a copy. Thanks for the review.
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