Today's interview is with the boldest guy online, Joel Runyon. Let him inspire you. Read on!
Joel, for those who don't know you, introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your philosophy at Impossible HQ.
I’m a former UPS worker who four years ago, got sick of waiting around for stuff to happen to me and telling myself I couldn’t do things.
I decided to start doing the things I wanted to do – even if I felt they were impossible and at least try them. I started a list, I taught myself how to blog & began to write about my experiences to keep me accountable.
The site has grown and now I run IMPOSSIBLE, which has a blog, podcast and a Youtube channel.
The site isn’t just about me anymore, we focus on pushing your limits within your fitness, mindset and business although I still share my experiences of trying to tell a good story with my life by pushing my limits and doing the impossible.
Define the impossible.
Impossible is this idea that lives on the edges of what you’re capable. Most people think in terms of black and white – either you can do it or you can’t – but impossible is this sort of idea to constantly push the limits of what you think you’re capable of and see what happens.
A lot of times that leads to doing things you’re scared of, unsure of or pretty much guarantee failure – but that’s how you move forward. Over time, you find that if you aren’t scared of the work, are consistent & persevere, the impossible isn’t.
What was the question that changed your life? What is your impossible list? What's the last thing you crossed off it?
Are you telling a good story with your life? I looked in the mirror & I realized I wasn’t. So I decided to change that and start doing the things I told myself I wanted to do.
My impossible list is a list of things I decided I wanted to do. When I started (as an unemployed kid living in my parents basement who couldn't get a job at Starbucks), it all seemed IMPOSSIBLE.
But, I decided that no matter what, I was going to give them a shot & at least see IF I could do it.
Over time, I've crossed several things off the list & it's sort of evolved to be an ever growing list of challenges that push me to & beyond my limits.
What's your best advice for someone who wants to live without limits but is afraid to get out of their comfort zone?
Take a cold shower. It sounds stupid, really uncomfortable and probably not very much related to your major goals in life, but if you can’t spend 5 minutes in the shower (something you do every day already) and choose to be uncomfortable, then how will you ever be able to choose to do something uncomfortable outside of the shower – when it comes to your real life?
If you need help, we built an app to help.
How do courageous people handle fear?
The same way everyone else handles it. Close your eyes and jump. Get out of simulating reality in your head & start living it.
The only difference between courageous people and cowards is that courageous people to the thing they’re scared of.
What final advice do you want to leave our readers with?
Stop living life in your head & go out and live it in real life. Life is a loss less scary than you think it is & a whole lot more awesome – if you let it be.
Joel Runyon is a blogger and doer of the impossible at IMPOSSIBLE. He has ran a marathon on every continent! And so much more. Truly one who walks his talk.
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Great post. I’m a big fan of the IMPOSSIBLE site and the premise behind it. Joel also has an awesome lost of accomplishments which makes me want to push past my own comfort zone!