Most of your fears place you in the future with a sense of lack. You may fear that you’ll never have enough time, money, friends, support or love. You may fear you'll never live a bold life.
You may be afraid that you’ll always be stuck in the same job, relationship or place.
Think about your top three fears.
Fill in the blanks:
I’m afraid of __________________________.
I’m afraid of __________________________.
I’m afraid of __________________________.
What do they say about your personal beliefs? How do they keep you stuck?
Read through the following three fears and the possible negative beliefs behind them. See if you can relate.
1. Fear: I won’t have enough money to support myself.
Negative beliefs:
I’m not smart or talented enough.
Nothing ever works out for me.
There aren’t any good jobs left.
There’s not enough to go around.
2. Fear: I’ll always be alone
Negative beliefs:
I’m unlovable.
I’m not thin enough.
Nobody cares about me.
I’m not pretty/handsome enough.
All the good people are taken.
3. Fear: I don’t measure up.
I don’t have enough.
I’m not good enough.
I’m damaged goods.
I’m not capable.
I’m going to be left behind.
Our fears create our reality. If you think you won’t have enough, you never will. If you think that you’re not lovable, others will support your belief. And if you think you don’t measure up, you’ll always feel inferior.
You have the power to invent a bold life. Canadian author and pastor, Basil King said, “When you live boldly you summon mighty forces.”
10 Steps to Summon Mighty Forces:
1. Reinvent your reality.
You create the world that you see with your belief system. Choose to surrender your old beliefs and invent new ones.
2. Decide what kind of life you want.
Get an image of it in your mind. Write down affirmations to support your new vision. Hold your vision. Never let go.
3. Map out a strategy.
Decide what steps will take you to your dream. Give up what will get in the way. Take action.
4. Make new friends.
Reach out to the people who will support your new beliefs and challenge your limits. If you get rejected, try again. On the other side of rejection is a life-long friend.
5. Make a commitment.
Be willing to do what it takes. Every day, do your three most important tasks first. Track your time. Keep moving forward.
6. Prepare for the best.
Do what it takes. Wake up early. Focus. Do your best work. Ask for support. Surrender perfection. Plan to have a happy ending.
7. Challenge yourself.
Take a risk. Don’t avoid what’s difficult. Do something different. Put yourself out there. Walk on the edge.
8. You are OK.
Bring to mind your past successes. Remind yourself of your strengths. Bring up the “feelings” that came with your previous accomplishments. Sit in the “after-glow” in advance.
9. Be grateful in advance.
Write a letter in your journal and thank your friends and colleagues, in advance, for helping you accomplish your goal.
10. Manipulate your mind.
Learn to shift your perception when you catch yourself in doubt and fear. See your future through new lenses. Choose to believe that the best is yet to come. Look around and notice good things happening everywhere.
If you live in a world of fear and scarcity you’ll attract more fear and scarcity. Choose to invent a new reality. Make it one of possibility, miracles and love. I’ll meet you there!
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Photo: Arvind Balarman
Hey Tess.
We’re all scared. Of something. Or things. I’ve never worked with a person who has no fear. As in, zero fear about anything. And I’ve worked with many. But then, in relation to our life, our future and what we might do with both, the issue is not really ‘fear’ (as such) but rather, what we do despite it.
We can manage it or be managed by it.
We can recognise it for what it is without being determined by it.
We can feel it without falling into an emotional tailspin.
We can acknowledge it or we can pretend it doesn’t exist.
We can give up or get up.
Of course, our responses are all optional but what’s not optional is fear itself. It’s an unavoidable part of the human experience. A daily reality.