Fear can feel heavy. It can be convincing, conniving and gripping. It’ll lock you in a mental prison. Fear can feel light. It can be nagging, boring, or weightless like a shadow you can’t escape.
Fear can is part of life.
Don’t allow fear to keep you from traveling to new places or meeting new people. Don’t all fear to steal your possible connections, opportunities, and happiness. You either give your fear your life energy or you don’t. You decide.
Tips for the next time you’re in a scary place:
Create an in spite of attitude. In spite of my fear, I will take my first step or make the first move. In spite of my fear I will create a plan, ask for support, and begin.
Invest in yourself. Take a class, learn a new language. Find a mentor. Grab a copy of my course “Take Your Fear and Shove It!” Don’t sit there, do something!
Bet on your success. You can only plan and prepare for a limited amount of time. Take action today. Don’t convince yourself that you’ll fail before you even begin. Bet on yourself. Own your talent and strength. Dig deep for courage and get started.
Praise your efforts. Encourage yourself. Take breaks. Breathe. Create positive self-talk. Rock your talent. Strut your stuff.
Dedicate yourself to deep stillness. Sit in a quiet place and breathe through your fear. Learn to develop a quiet strength within. Live in the present moment. Stay out of fear-induced pain of the past and uncertainty of the future.
Write yourself a permission slip. Allow yourself to dare, to risk, and to fail shamelessly. Write another one to get back up and try again. Repeat.
Create distance from your fear. You are not your fear. Talk to your fear. Ask fear, “What message do you have for me today?” Decide if there is any validity to the message and take any necessary action. Next, inform it that you’ll be taking care of yourself today.
Thank your fear and put it in an imaginary box, lock it, and throw away the key.
Great tips Tess
I like the first on – “In spite of my fear, I will take my first step or make the first move”.
You have to trust your gut feeling and go for it… fear drives change. If you don’t push through, you’ll never know what’s on the other side.