photo credit: stickystarfish
Post interesting and fun photos of yourself with an untold story.
Create videos giving your best advice. (Coming in May)
Tell a true story about a past mistake or failure and the lesson learned.
Share a success secret you've been keeping to yourself.
Tell a inspiring story about another blogger.
Share stories about connections with your online blogging friends.
Personalize your about pages with juicy and unusual information.
Have your spouse, best friend or partner post an article.
Share a childhood lesson and include a childhood photo. Relate it to today.
Share your biggest fears and ask for advice.
Interview other bloggers about their success and best advice.
Share you notes from a recent conference you've attended.
Contact 5 other bloggeers. Ask each one to brainstorm your best idea.
Promote your friend's and favorite blogs.
What kind of outrageous blogging ideas can you share? What has worked for you?
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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{ 32 comments… read them below or add one }
Love that list, Tess. I’ve even done a couple of them, so I must be doing something right!
One idea that I’ve seen work real nice is the Picture Story. Sara Healy does this at A Sharing Connection on a regular basis, and it’s a lot of fun. Rather than badly explaining the concept, you could check it out here:
I always look forward to these as it gets me using my imagination, and it’s clear that many of her regular readers enjoy them too.
Oh, and by the way, Sara didn’t pay me to spruik this. Promise!
.-= Tony Single´s last post…Melancholics Anonymous =-.
I am still learning and not doing nearly enough to promote and grow my blog, but one thing that I know always helps is to be transparent and comepletely authentic in what you write. Write from the heart.
Those are great ideas Tess, I am going to start using a lot of them in the near future.
.-= Lana – {Daring Clarity}´s last post…Sex and Money – Two Of The Most Powerful Tools For Conscious Growth …Are They? =-.
Great ideas! I’m definitely going to be bookmarking this post!
What’s worked for me? Well, the more popular posts at my site and also fun for me to write are posts with stories about everyday life. I think many people can connect with these stories — and sometimes don’t we all simply want to be entertained?
I like your list, Tess. I’m with Dani — this one is getting bookmarked!
Enjoy your day and weekend.
.-= Lori Franklin´s last post…JBN Guest: The Tao of Blogging, by Brad Painting =-.
Thank you for sharing! Once again, you inspire us to move past the current place we are in. I love that! I will incorporate the ideas I don’t already use into my blog.
I think these are also ideas for connecting in life. Like Lana says, write from your heart; I think “live” from your heart. Then life falls into place, peacefully, joyfully. And, I’ve also checked out Sara’s blog–beautiful!
Awesome energy Tess–awesome! Have an excellent weekend full of much delight:)
.-= Joy´s last post…Transparent beauty….. =-.
Tess -
An excellent list. I agree with Lana – the posts that really hit home for me are always authentic and personal. What outrageous ideas have I used? Clearly not enough, although you’ve inspired me to write about how I ended up dressing up in a chicken suit and getting a free frozen yoghurt whilst on vacation last week…
.-= Phil – Less Ordinary Llving´s last post…How to stop holding yourself back and make it happen =-.
Hi Tess .. those are great ideas .. I’m getting to the point of being able to do more with my blog – and when I’m there I’ll definitely use some of your ideas .. and be more interactive with my own blog!
As Phil says .. don’t hold yourself back .. sometimes for a while it’s a necessity .. the mind formulates as we go .. still does and I had another big idea this week – the chicken is working .. no doubt the egg will arrive and follow on with lots more eggs as I move forward. Getting to know your customers is key ….
All the best – Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…Fancy a Cornish Cream Tea? In Cornwall, in Tokyo or at home? =-.
Yes I agree your blog rocks because of what you do but also for me it’s your humor! And I know and appreciate Sarah and her blog! Just never thought of doing it myself.
Yes when I write personal stories from the heart I always get a great response. I think you’re an expert at it, Lana. I think your readers would agree. Have a great weekend.
Thanks you also inspire me …you have a ton of energy;)
Yes stories that entertain…Jannie Funster is a rock star when it comes to this method.
Thanks for stopping by and bookmarking my article. It’s a compliment coming from you.
You’re a great example from living and coming from your heart. I don’t think one can be done without the other. Do you? Have a sunny time on the magical beach this weekend.
A chicken suit and free yogurt??? Where’s the photos of this…that will go viral!
Thanks for stopping by and thank your chickens for me;) I love eggs.LOL
.-= Tess The Bold LIfe´s last post…Bold Blogging Ideas =-.
Hi Tess.
What I get from this post is ‘be the love that you are’ and be generous and you make me realize that there are so many wonderful and different ways to love your fellow bloggers and give to them.
Pay attention, be present to whom you visit and follow your heart in action when you see that there is something to be done or to give.
Tess, great way to inspire us to give and set an example, love Wilma
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…Wilma on Being a strong basecamp =-.
Once I wrote a post about the reasons I love my wife, Mary Beth. She was inspired to write her own post about the reasons she loves me. Of course, I approved her article as a guest post.
My readers really enjoyed the duality of the point-of-view.
Thanks for stopping by and being a part of my life and blogging community. You care and you rock. I’m only reflecting your goodness.
That’s an awesome think to post. If we all declared our love and why the world would be spinning with love!
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Bold Blogging Ideas =-.
Post a list of things that bring you joy — and then do at least three of them!
.-= Joy´s last post…Day 129 – Western Medicine =-.
Wow Tess I LOVE your ideas! You always come up with such neat things. I will certainly intend to put some of these ideas to work
As for me, I had a blast doing my bucket list, where I listed special things I wanted to do, with each blogger who has touched my life in some way, at some point in my life
.-= Evita´s last post…The Simplicity of Healing =-.
Great ideas, Tess. I suppose the boldest thing I’ve done so far is to tell the story of my life through song, and sing a bit of each song on the blog. And I like to throw a song on there now and then, as the mood hits. And I’ve loved doing the Meaning Mondays series. I don’t know if it’s bold but it’s been a life changing experience for me to share with readers, and hopefully inspire them to create more meaning in their lives. Oh, one more – Eric at Eden Journal invited me to be part of his “campfire” post, where he gathered a group of blogging buddies around a virtual campfire to talk about a specific topic. I think that’s a brilliant idea, and we’re doing another one on Thursday, I think, on the topic of friendship. There’s probably no end of creative ideas for blogging, so thanks for posting this and getting my creative juices flowing!
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…What Did You Love As a Child? =-.
Hi Tess,
I’m still learning how to be bold on my blog, but the posts I enjoy the most from other blogs are the “interview a fellow blogger” posts. I always seem to learn something new about the blogger being interviewed, even though I may have been following their blog for a while. It’s just a great way of keeping that feeling of connection alive and well.
.-= Topi´s last post…Accountability =-.
Great ideas Tess!!
I use a lot of these tips indirectly but some of these are really great ideas and will be helpful for me in creating valuable content. Thanks for sharing!!
Hi Tess,
These are fantastic suggestions! The next time I get blogger’s block, I can take a look at this post to come up with lots of ideas.
One of your ideas that has worked really well for me involves personalizing your about page. I have a page on my blog titled “100 things about me” which lets people know a lot more about who I am. I took the idea from Jenny Blake who did the same thing on her “Life After College” blog.
People have responded very positively to knowing a lot more about me. I know as a reader, I like to feel a connection not only with the writing, but also the person who is doing the writing.
I hope you’re having a great weekend!
.-= Greg Blencoe´s last post…How to get your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend =-.
My boldest blogging tip of late might be having the courage to walk away from blogging when it stops fueling your soul. Take a break, don’t worry about statistics, and go wherever your heart leads you. Give ten times more to others than you expect to get yourself. Give your best content away as guest posts. Join forces with other bloggers and do joint blog-columns.
Another great post, Tess; thanks for helping people shine!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…The Letting Go (A Poem) =-.
Outrageous blogging stories ha?
I don’t know if it’s outrageous but I was trying out Laura’s “Creating fame out of thin air” by a contest. Picnik approached me for gift membership cards and I received some 40 submissions, which was very impressive. So holding a contest, not a drawing, but an actual contest with objective and a monetary prize value works. I then did it a second time and received even more submissions. The prize was $20 for a book of your choice from Amazon all S&H paid for, courtesy of Prolific Living
! And I am learning about more ways to be “outrageous” here too thanks Tess
Hi Tess! Great fun being outrageous – your list is great!
Hi Tess, I have gone through some soul searching of late to determine the real reason why I blog, and now that I’ve discovered it, I can certainly be more bold. For me I think that will really be sharing my story and a bit more of myself. Why I write what I write and do the work that I do.
That and I will begin reaching out more to fellow bloggers, because I have more clarity in my own direction.
Thank you, always for the reminder to be bold! Bold is a fun place to be.
.-= Stacey Shipman´s last post…So Much More than Food =-.
Tess, you are awesome, awesome, awesome!!
LOVE the idea of having a spouse post.
LOVE the idea of sharing a big fear, I do have one.
And …”juicy and unusual information” hmn, that get my wheels a -spinnin’!
OUTRAGEOUS?? That’s not really my style.
Hello Tess,
I have done a few of these and working on many others. As I am new to blogging. Thanks for the good checklist.
.-= Cheryl Paris´s last post…How To Avoid Relationships that Sap Your Soul =-.
Hi Tess.
Can you wait? (Hmm… introducing secrets might work too, lol.)
I find lessons learned and inspiring stories appeal the most to me; I like to read them as much as I like to write them. And I love promoting other bloggers too. More to come on that in a couple of months (blog anniversary)
.-= DavinaH´s last post…Are You With Relationship? =-.
Dear wonderful, delightful TESS!!
I just have LOVED your comments. Wow, you are something else, that’s for sure. And I have stopped in and read some of your posts and soooo enjoyed myself. I have yet to master your proficiency and yet fullness in blogging. I am still verbose! LOL!! I was just recommending you to a group of ladies the other day. And have so missed being here and interacting with you. Getting book ready….
I don’t often print out posts, but this is another of yours I just printed out and tacked to my wall. I can REALLY use this one. I often think of you in so many ways and things you have told me, but I am really trying to let sink in your advice about delegating. I’ve recently have been doing that more and EVERY time I do it, I think of you. It was such a foreign concept for me that it has taken awhile to grasp, but I AM grasping it and very much LIKING it.

What is interesting is that right when I started to grasp what you told me I started to get all these requests from blo9ggers wanting to guest post. Now, isn’t THAT amazing!! LOLOL!! Oh dear.
Also, just an irrelevant side note: I’ve decided to let my gray grow in. I’m seem to be highly allergic to hair color, even the most organic natural ones, so gray and glorious it is, at least for now. LOL! I am feeling rather distinguished; isn’t that what “they” say men are who have gray hair?!!
Anyway my beautiful, wise and funny friend. I am just happy being here. AND I LOVE this post. I can really use it. I honestly didn’t want the list to stop because the ideas are so juicy. Maybe you will do list TWO!!
Lots of love and hugs coming from me to you. Always. Rob
.-= Robin Easton´s last post…Are Your Maps Holding You Back? =-.
Yes! We get to see some Tess videos. I’m excited. I know your energy and enthusiasm will come shining through.
I do need to spice up my about page. Good idea. What juicy tidbits can I put on there? Hmmmm.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Performance Evaluations from Hell – and how to survive them =-.
I love the list Tess!
Things I do:
I blog about other bloggers.
If I see a good post, I want everyone to read it, too…so I’ll tweet it, share it on Facebook, send the link out in email, and post it on a forum I moderate.
I blog about my own *stuff* – because the human condition isn’t unique – so if I can help one person get through the same thing, then I’m making a difference!
I’ve interviewed my husband for a blog post and I’ve let my stepson “guest post” on my blog.
I’ve shared photographs my mom and my daughter have taken…
I love a good quote!
.-= Peggy´s last post…Your Moment of Bliss =-.
That’s a great idea…things that bring me joy…a zillion things!
That was one of the most creative and touching lists I’ve ever seen…it came from your heart and was important…relationships of course!
I loved your singing and it was truly unique and the campfire group how fun and crazy that would be. I love it…makes me thing of what other creative groups there could be?
I’m doing interviews and now want to be more creative with them…unique so that’s what I’m playing with right now. Stay tuned!
Yes valuable and creative content…continuously. Wouldn’t that be great!
I love your about me page. I’m not sure I could come up with 100 tips that people would be interested in. Another about page is at http://www.Jannie I love her creativity.
Your ideas rock. I’ve been walking away while traveling and it takes courage. Thanks for being a leader. And it’s true about my best to guest posts which is why I slowed down. When I’m stuck I don’t have a right to send something out to another’s blog. In the end it pays off. Thanks for your ideas and time.
Wow thanks for sharing what works for you and it would really be fun on special dates or birthdays etc. Great!
I love your blog and just sent it to a friend over the weekend. You ARE creative all the time. It’s what makes your blog so interesting. Never afraid to be who you are…an example for all of us.
I love your new clarity and blog changes. It’s fun watching you grow and succeed.
You are so fun and funny on your blog. I’m not sure I’ve seen another like yours…and that’s a lot of blog reading. Unique and genuine Jannie. Don’t ever change.
Being new to blogging is a fun place to be. Thanks for being part of the community here and I hope you continue to grow with us.
Yes and you do so well sharing your stories…I’ve learned a lot from you and your old avatar sticks in my mind! You’re simply unforgettable!
I’m so excited that I teach you new things because you’re my shero! And print out my stuff? I’m thrilled because I only want to help others grow above all else.
You are the second friend oh…third counting Julie to allow your gray to “be.” Not sure I’ll ever be there or even want to be…we’ll see as I age and grow and change. Thanks for giving me some of your precious time and I’ll see you at your first book signing;)
LOL I new I would be held accountable for that video stuff:) Thanks because that’s exactly why I did that!
You are so you and brave and fun. That’s how I see your blog and life. Thanks for giving me a front row seat to awesomeness!
.-= Tess The Bold LIfe´s last post…Bold Blogging Ideas =-.
Personal experiences seem to resonate with people more than anything else that I write. For me it is about letting the thoughts and words flow.
.-= Mark´s last post…Am I Wearing Rose Colored Glasses? =-.
I like to ask my FB and Twitter followers questions about life, love, and adventure and then I post all of their responses as a list on my blog.
Helps show how similar we all are and offers inspiration to those who need ideas to make their lives better.
.-= Susan Liddy´s last post…Do You Forgive and Forget? =-.
I love your blog and just sent it to a friend over the weekend. You ARE creative all the time. It’s what makes your blog so interesting. Never afraid to be who you are…an example for all of us.
Morgan´s last post…free 100 dating sites
Wow thanks for sharing what works for you and it would really be fun on special dates or birthdays etc. Great!
Genelyn´s last post…online games