photo credit: tiffanywashko
Peace is a chain reaction of love. – A First Grader
Each moment we can choose again -
to extend a hand; to smile and laugh;
to forgive and forget; to love and be loved.
I wish you happiness and health;
love and laughter; and peace and prosperity.
With boldest wishes for the Holiday Season and New Year,
Tess Marshall
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free ebook, How to Be Bold. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Happy Holidays to you and yours, Tess. May your New Year be filled with peace.
.-= Jill´s last post…Here is what I DO know =-.
Right back atcha, Tess! And ditto what Jill said.
Man, this commenting thing is easy!
.-= Jay Schryer´s last post…A Christmas Story =-.
“Peace is a chain reaction of love.” This is brilliant. Kids are just so darned wise, aren’t they? Beautiful message, Tess.
Happy Holidays!!!
.-= Lisis´s last post…All I Want For Christmas Is… =-.
That is a wonderful quote. Leave it to the child.
In fact, I often listened to the “stories” my niece would make up on the spot. I knew she was channeling brilliant wisdom. Indeed, there always WAS a pertinent message she was sharing, without even realizing it. Parents are just so lucky…
Wishing you all that’s beautiful, Tess, all the warmth of love and kinship, this holiday season. Merry Christmas!
.-= Julie´s last post…Nothing =-.
Being here is a gift. So today, I thank you for gifting this site to the world, sharing your amazing goodness with so many.
Peace and joy to you and your family.
.-= Lance´s last post…Let’s Review =-.
Happy Holidays, Tess! May you roast many marshmallows and be surrounded by chocolate.
.-= Hayden Tompkins´s last post…The Magic of Christmas – Literally! =-.
Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. Peace to you as you strive to be a “messenger of hope”.
.-= Heather Plett´s last post…Waiting for hope =-.
Hi Tess. I’m astounded by this first grader’s quote
Wishing you all the best this Christmas.
.-= Davina´s last post…Haiku, Take Me Home =-.
Thank you and peace to you as well along with wonderful success in all of your endeavrs in 2010!
I only want to make life easier for everyone! My plan for 2010 is to ask for gentle lessons;)
Yes kids are brilliant. Maybe we should all shrink back to kids again!
I say You’re Welcome!
I spent most of my parenting years envying those without kids. Not something I’m proud of but I’m being honest. 4 in 4 years when I was so young was just plain overwhelming. However I sure enjoy every word that comes out of the mouths of my grandchildren. Even Mac’s teenage craziness is sweet to me. Probably because she couldn’t upset me if she tried!
Joy, peace and love to you and yours! Your snowman arrived and it melted;)
Heather I see that I follow you on Twitter and finally went to your blog. I loved what I read!
Me too! Out of the mouths of babes…
Love the photo–definitely encapsulates joy and peace….miss my NY snow days:) There used to be a day I thought it was okay to just plop down and eat snow…
All that you share here is an absolute blessing. You’ve definitely helped to enrich and enlargen my life with your wisdom, humor, boldness…..
Much peace to you and your loved ones. And “gentle lessons”–I love that and am looking forward to seeing how that unfolds in your life:)
Oh Tess those are such beautiful wishes. Thank you so much and also to you. Happy Holidays
.-= Evita´s last post…Book Review: Angels – A Pop-Up Book =-.
Love, peace and blessings to you too, my friend!!
It was a joy getting to know you this past year. Here’s to more blogging to come!! Never-ending blogging, I hope.
.-= Jannie Funster´s last post…A Peanuts Christmas Song For You =-.
Happy holidays, Tess!
.-= Positively Present´s last post…there is beauty in believing =-.
You are a light to many people. We are lucky to have you out in the blog-o-sphere teaching us how to be bold and extract joy from life.
I hope all your dreams come true in 2010.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Hard, Fun and Beautiful – Dancing Delight Edition =-.
ya very very happy holidays to you and all of you as well i am new to this site just joined it liked it a lot its going pretty good nice topics as this one and i want to comment on this and now i have just done it thanks!
.-= Zubair Khan´s last post…Infernal Hell’s Vengeance Sees the Light of Day in the Land of the Rising Sun =-.
Tess…thank you for the simple Christmas Message. You know I love “simple”. The time, effort and wisdom you have shared this year can have no value attached – it is priceless. Thank you for everything.
BTW…that 100 Day Challenge seems like an awesome way to start the new year.
.-= simply stephen´s last post…holiday wishes for 2009 =-.
What a beautiful sentiment to enter with the new year! Thank you and blessing to you, too!
.-= Joy´s last post…Day 17 – Popcorn =-.
Hi Tess – wishing you, your family and friends, and everyone – the happiest of times and the most successful 2010.
Your words say so much – and we all have so much to give, share and learn from each other -
Blessed times – Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
.-= Hilary´s last post…Mum and Hardwick – decking out the tinsel .. =-.
Your funny, I used to plop down and eat snow myself back in the day. In fact if there was a fresh field of it near me I may do that as well! Thanks for the compliments and happy holidays. You’ve been a gem in my life this year!
I figured we could all use some beautiful wishes!
Yes here’s to another year of getting to know each other and more laughs. Can’t get much better than that.
Same to you!
Thanks and I feel your a blessing especially in the workplaces of the world. Shine on!
Welcome and thanks for stopping by.
Your welcome. Happy 2010!
Yes we do and I’m glad we’re here for each other;)
What a wonderful compliment. Know that I appreciate you for coming by and stating that…you’re so kind!
Awesome post/wishes Tess ..The warning at the beginning of the post made me curious…Happy Holidays and I wish you love ,laughter, peace and prosperity too ..Thanks for sharing ..
.-= Fatibony´s last post…Celebrate the highlights of our life as we approach a New Decade 20-10 =-.
Beautiful poem…happy holidays, Tess and here’s to a bold 2010!
Dearest Tess,

Now thats brilliant writing
Peace, love and immense abundance are my Seasons wishes for you and your family.
Happy holidays my bold and loving friend
Lots of love and Hugs,
.-= Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…Take Advantage Of Five Things{Inspiration from Prophet Mohammed(S)} =-.
Happiness to you at the New Year and always, Tess.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, such awesome words of wisdom.
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last post…Happy Holidays To You & Yours =-.
Great poem! Loved the thoughts. Best wishes to you this holiday. It is such a blessing to meet you and share in your bold living.
.-= Angelia´s last post…Christmas Dreams =-.
The toboggan photo is funny. It reminds me of how my sister recently took photos of her dog on a toboggan in the snow. Regardless of the season you experience where you are, you can always choose to focus on what feels right. You can call this ‘getting into alignment’ or simply being kind to self. Thanks for all the positive energy you send out into the world. You inspire.
.-= Liara Covert´s last post…What is stillness? =-.