Don't delay living the bold life.
My sister was diagnosed with adrenal cancer on Saturday. She will undergo surgery at the University of Michigan this week. It is her only shot. There will be no chemotherapy or radiation. One surgery. The prognosis is not good.
I’m asking you to send my family your love, prayers, blessings and good thoughts.
I’m reminding you that life is short.
I'm reminding you that it takes unexpected twists and turns.
I'm asking you to give up your Someday Syndrome.
Someday I will say "I love you." Someday I will get a new job. Someday I will ask her out on a date. I will get a physical. Someday I will get out of debt. Someday I will make amends.
Take time to reflect on how you spend your time and life energy.
What are you putting off? What do you need to own? What do you fear changing?
Don’t delay. Don’t waste time. Time is an illusion. Don't wait until someday.
Someday never comes. Ever.
This moment is all we have.
Our moments add up to our days. And how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
It's your responsibility to live an awesome life, to leave a legacy, and to leave the world a better place.
The following life changing steps can make your life bold, honest, and meaningful.
Connect. Soul-to-soul. Heart-to-heart. Face-to-face. Involve yourself in deep conversation. Speak your truth. Listen deeply. Increase your flesh-to-flesh connection. Hug. Kiss. Touch. Gaze. Repeat as often as possible.
Heal your deepest wounds. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Forgive God. Let go of all your ego garbage. Do a deep internal cleanse. Shine bright from within. Let go of hatred and fear. Make room for love. Heal your deepest wounds. Let me know if you need help with this step. Seriously. Free yourself once and for all.
Quit the news in all forms. How much time do you waste watching or listening to the news, fearing the news and talking about the news? It’s not good for your soul. It will steal your joy and dull your aura. Turn off the dark and turn up your light. Get rid of your addiction today. Power off today.
Quit chasing the shiny. Stop spending money you don’t have. Stop buying stuff you don’t need and will never use. Use the time and money you save and do something good for others. Use the time and money you save and spend it on making your dreams come true.
Create amazing adventure. Use the money and time you save to fill your life with bold and exciting, unusual experiences. Turn off your time and mind wasters. Do what you haven’t done before. Go where you haven’t been before. Choose one experience and begin with one small step in making it a reality.
Unneed the approval of others. Stop spending time with people you don’t like. Learn to accept and feel good about yourself. Dare to go against the crowd. Unmake the rules. Believe in yourself. Give yourself the love and acceptance you want from others.
Apply what you learn. Don’t purchase another self-help book, course, or workshop unless you commit to making changes. The advice I'm giving you is free, here. If you need to go to the next level get, "Take Your Fear and Shove It!" Commit. Start. Right. Now.
Leap. Don’t wait. Stop ruminating on why it won’t work out and what will go wrong. For every mistake there is a new beginning. You will fail more than you succeed in life. Get help. Fear not.
Love. Be bold and brave in your love. It's the bottom line. Love yourself. Love everyone. Love life. Let the rest go. It's not worth missing a moment of the good stuff. The best stuff. The bold stuff. Love is the bottom line.
What will you do different today? What will you do with the rest of your life? I’m going for bold.
photo: imagery majestic
Sending you and your sister so much love! You are a strong and shining light.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder to live my life. You continue to remind me, and I am taking steps … perhaps I will now leap a bit sooner than I’d planned.
Know that I am here if there’s anything at all I can do …. before, during, or after her surgery. Know that we are all sending you both love, peace, and healing.
~ Jane