photo credit: House Of Sims
I was listening to Micheal Beckwith, minister at Agape International in California and he suggested everyone needs to go on a Cheerio diet.
The Cheerio Diet is a no worry diet. You can have as much as you wish of the following:
1. Nosa Ball Soup. There was a healer who would listen to clients problems while repeating silently to herself, ‘ Not So, Not So, Not So.’ The reason being she didn’t want to put her faith in the problem or allow negativity in her mind. The clients were healed in her presence.
When you are faced with negatiivity repeat, Not So, Not So, Not So.
2. Cheerios. Often friends, relatives, neighbors or coworkers will complain, whine, gossip or bring other negativity into conversations. If you can’t remove yourself from the situation as you listen, “Zero it out” in your mind” Or “Circle it out.” Don’t worry about what you don’t want to come about!
Zero out negativity by repeating: Oh, oh, oh need to go!
3. Grateful fruit. Eat it often. Everyday be grateful for something. Nest be grateful for all challenges. Challenges help us learn faster and grow quicker.
Live in a field of gratitude. This is mature gratitude, feeling grateful for no reason at all. This makes you available for grace.
Live in a state of gratitude!
That’s it…the Cheerio Diet!
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Hi Tess,
I really needed this today. I have endured a lot of negativity at my work place when I changed jobs. I was around very positive people before. I wish I could say I influenced my new co-workers but, sadly, I did not. However, there are times when their energy saps mine and their negative thoughts invade. Thank you for NEW weapons to counter them with.
Angelia Sims´s last post…Take a ride with me…..
Whew, I was happy to read this fully and really love it Tess, though at first sight I have to tell you, I cringed at the thought of eating “cheerios” –
This is great. It reminds me again of Cheryl Richardson’s work. We should not even have to subject ourselves to being “puked” on.
I think however though, if one can truly master the above ideas and not get sucked into a situation, then lending an ear just even for the other person to vent is not such a bad idea.
This is why today, I actually don’t mind people sharing their problems with me (to a point of course), because I do not personalize them, internalize them or make them real in any way shape or form. They just “are”.
Anyhow, great post

Evita´s last post…The Winner of The Path: Afterlife DVD & Your Thoughts On Death and the Afterlife
Mental diabetes is what I realized I had.
When my level of negativity by taking in too much bad mind food got to an unacceptable level I needed to take mind insuline.
This is too about watching the intake, I can do this diet and keep my mind levels healthy.
It is interesting how much drama and mental junk food we take in when we are not careful.
Bliss to be validated that it is okay to keep your heands over your ears and your hands before your eyes.
Wilma Ham´s last post…My daughter and I on ‘why should you?’.
“Live in a field of gratitude. This is mature gratitude, feeling grateful for no reason at all.”
Tess, I loved this line. Just yesterday I was reading, again, about how gratitude is the only prayer. Your post today just consolidates that, and I love the playful attitude you bring while giving such wise advice!
Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last post…What are Your Relationship Expectations?
I totally understand the coworker thing. Some times are light is just to bright for others. Just keep sending out love out and it will come back at you tenfold.
I understand what you’re saying. It’s about staying centered and grounded when one chooses to listen and/or help out. I just stay centered in love, I learned it when I counseled people in prison. It was a wonderful lesson learned in a difficult place.
I just love you and your sense of humor. Will be posting your article next week.
Daphne, b
After hitting the publish button I thought for a minute it may not be serious enough but hey who says we have to learn from intense stuff all the time. Besides if it’s good enough for Michael Backwith it’s good enough for me.
Tess The bold life´s last post…A Bold Diet for Bold Times: The Cheerio Diet
Much like Daphne, I love the sound of the “Grateful Fruit” diet. A bit of that every day sounds like a pretty great way to live! In fact, I think if we’re able to sit at a computer and read this post of yours – right there we have so much to be grateful for. And the list just goes on from there!
Glad to be having this diet with you, Tess!
Lance´s last post…Happy Work
Hi Tess!
These are great tools! I like the playfulness of them. Something about the first one, repeating not-so, not-so, not-so, really calls to me. I’m a fan of Michael Beckwith, thank you for sharing this!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jodi at Joy Discovered´s last post…Is Life Fair?
Hi Tess,
Fabulous “diet” tips. I love how people were healed just by the gal saying “Not So”.
My favorite is the grateful diet. I don’t think anyone can have such a bad day they can’t find at least five things to be grateful for. For me, there have been times when I would doubt that, but when I would stop and really think about everything I encountered that day, my list would start slowly growing.
Barbara Swafford´s last post…Tapping Into A Larger Audience
This made me smile. When I first read the title in my email, I thought it was going to be about how we westerners could save money and get happier by eating less and eating better, starting with cereal for breakfast instead of a fry up.
We Scots say “cheerio” instead of bye bye, and “Cheers” is often used as a combination of “I appreciate it + bye!” so maybe we could expand the list by saying “Cheerio!” to anything that makes us feel less than vibrant, and sign off our emails with “Cheers!”
I collect easily remembered acronyms and short phrases, so my fave was Not so
Nice one, Tess – keep ‘em comin’! You always get me thinking, even first thing in the morning.
janice´s last post…Life Laundry…revisited
Yes let’s eat grateful fruit today and always at and away from our computers!
Didn’t know you enjoy M.B.! I ordered CD’s and a DVD and workbook yesterday about visioning beyond manifestation. Want to borrow them when I’m done?
I’m grate fruit for you! XO
Tess The bold life´s last post…A Bold Diet for Bold Times: The Cheerio Diet
Hi Tess,
Otherwise it seems so much negative energy and time is spent on other peoples flaws that you start to doubt yourself. I truely believe when you find the best in people you are so much more aware of the good in life .
I love the simple everyday rules this implies ! My rule of thumb at work
is when someone talks down about someone is to say …………
(I am not sure I have never walked in their shoes )
It did take a while but now they do not even include me in the office gossip !
This doesn’t mean that you dont have down time or that I am perfect .
But I think I have a better chance of pulling myself out of a distructive pattern faster .
Well it is one of the last weekends to fly fish the Muskegon River !
So I am going to meet my son for a sneak away Friday ! Yey .. Being a College Senior his life is very busy & stressful . And I will take this day
and hold it in my heart before he embarks on a career .
Have a fantastic Weekend !
Mary Beth
Too many times we empathize too much and become wrapped in the feelings of the other person. I never thought to repeat “Not, So.” This is a simple hack that will allow you to keep your emotional distance, while still being able to find a solution.
Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Hard Fun and the Beautiful – Dog Paws Edition
Perfect post for me today – Thank you for this great timing – synchronicity.
I first thought you were talking about the Cheerios diet about heart health that I saw on TV….the commercial and then I wasn’t so sure I wanted to read the post….I am so happy it was not!
To do this cleansing diet I have been on for 5 weeks, I combined all my journals with a gratitude page beside the statistics page…this is the page I read the most and encourages the most.
I love the Not So
I think MB will be the leader of our continuing education seminar Spring of 2010 – though he has canceled two times now…
fun post – thank you for sharing this wisdom
Patricia´s last post…Walking the … Visitor
I love this diet. I can certainly see how it can add years to your life!
vered – blogger for hire´s last post…Patrick Swayze Can Finally Rest in Peace
Okay, this is fantastic. My favorite (and I already used it before I got to the end of your post!) is “Not so, not so, not so, not so.” I’m using it, and will report back!
I’m going to add it to my affirmation calendar, actually… Thanks, Tess!
Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Giving Our All
Finally a diet I can follow! Not so, not so, not so…so cool! I will try this right away…
Caroline´s last post…Six word Saturday
Oh, this is fantastic! I love it! I actually do eat a lot of Cheerios but now I can really think about what it means.
Caity´s last post…More dumpster buddies!
I think I will love this diet. And Not So Not So Not So will become a favorite refrain…..Thank you:)
I think I should have more of this diet, especially the NOSA ball soup when in the presence of people with negative perspectives.
Jocelyn of I TAKE OFF THE MASK´s last post…Hardwork is useless
Hi Tess .. thanks for that cheerio to negativity post = it is great.
I hate negativity .. you can’t stop, life carries on .. so dwell a short while, but then side step it and get on with it, don’t dream up mountains out of molehills.
I can’t stand being around people with that attitude .. and if someone presents it to me in conversation I’ll turn the conversation to looking at things in a different way – if they don’t adjust .. then I’m off. Too many people say ‘but ….. ‘ – I’ve learned to say – yes that’s a point – and then rethink how I approach that challenge (sometimes it’s negativity that’s offered – that just gets batted away).
Thanks – that’s a bold diet for quite few people!
Go well .. and glad you have such a good relationship with the family .. one day I hope to meet you ..
cheerio! Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
Hilary´s last post…What did the charcoal hawker start …?
I”m already feeling the healthy effects just sitting here.
Going back to bed now and in my sleep I’ll be munching gratitude just for being alive.
Jannie Funster´s last post…The Unbreakable Child: Book Review
Doesn’t it feel great to be knocked out of the gossip group? It’s so much easier in the gratitude group. Fly fishing with your son sounds Divine! I love the way you enjoy life and all that it consists of.
Emotional distance…don’t you love it! Thanks for stopping by.
You are an example and inspiration to all. You go…Cheerio!
Never thought of it that way…adding years to my life. Robin would love that:)
Tis so, tis so, tis so…our happy lives of gratitude and grace~
Me too, not so, not so, not so … I’m telling me ego all about it!
I’m so exicted you Cheerio eater…gratefruit diet on!
May you be filled with grace forever:)
Yeah…me too!
I want to meet you as well. You are my heroine for your loving care you give your mum.
You gratefuit munching fool. I love you:0)
Hello Tess!
I’m a bit late with this comment, but have been involved in things concerning a recent death in the family (my girlfriend’s step-dad actually).
These are some fun ways to accomplish good things. Definitely the Grateful Fruit is one of my favorites. Once I started munching on this delicious fruit I just couldn’t stop!
Thanks Tess.
Keith´s last post…Joy In The Journey
Hi Tess – Love the cheery – ohs! What a clever and funny diet! I’m sure grateful fruit are every bit as slimming and healthy as grapefruit.
Robin´s last post…When Someone Close To Us Is Struggling
hmm..i am planning to eat nothing but cereal for the next two weeks..and see what happens to my body..then after that..still continue to eat cereal except for lunch..ill be having a sandwhich =] . great information, just what I was looking for, thanks a bunch! Can’t wait for more..