by Tess on November 24, 2014
I'm currently on a quest to fly to every city Southwest Airlines flies into. There are 5 countries, 90 destinations and counting. This month I visited San Jose, CA., Seattle, WA., and Denver, CO. Life can be challenging and difficult at times for everyone. Things don't happen as fast as we want them to, relationships ... [Read more]
by Tess on November 18, 2014
It is never too late to be what you might have been. ~ George Eliot It's never too late to create the life you want to live. It's never to late to lose your fear and take action. You can begin now. It's never too late to follow your heart and get out of a rut. Plan ... [Read more]
by Lance Ekum on November 13, 2014
It's hard to believe that 2015 is just around the corner! I’m continually amazed by The Bold Life community. Your desire to live a bold and fearless life is a great source of inspiration and motivation for me! I know that each of you are destined for an awesome future. I can feel it! ... [Read more]
by Tess on November 9, 2014
Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. ~ Samuel Johnson Your confidence is a key factor in your success. Self-confidence is real and attainable when you’re willing to be authentic, take risks, take action and be willing to quickly fail. Comfort zones, over thinking things, and aiming for perfection all get in the way ... [Read more]
by Tess on November 2, 2014
Some days I wake up with low energy. I don’t feel like working. I just want to whine, feel sorry for myself and sit on the pity pot, stuck in my fear. You know fears – we humans recycle them day after day. Do the following fears sound familiar? Fear of messing up. Fear of ... [Read more]