Fear likes to be in charge.
It wants me to forget that I’m not in control and nobody has put me in charge of the universe.
Fear wants me to forget that I don’t have all of the answers and that manipulation never works.
It encourages me to play negative mental movies of my future and the future of the world.
I spend less and less time listening to my fear. With practice, a little willingness and a shift in perception, I’ve learned how quickly I can rise above it.
I no longer worry about my adult children or grandchildren. They’re all right where they need to be.
I rarely worry about finances. We only had one dollar to our name when we got married. We’ve accomplished so much in our lives. We’re truly blessed and I expect things will only get better.
Over the years I’ve put more and more trust in both myself and the process of life.
When I trust the process and embrace my fear, I can go beyond life’s twists and turns with ease. I can lean into change, relax and go with the flow.
Deep down, no matter what’s going on externally, I know that I am safe.
It’s no secret that the future can’t be known. No matter how much time we spend trying to predict, shape or direct it; there will always be embarrassing moments, difficult times, unexpected challenges and unseen failures.
The best way through the unknown is to learn how to trust the process.
Live with a sense of wonder. Allow life to support you. Spend time outdoors: watch the sun rise, plant a rose bush or go for a walk. Get caught up in the laughter and movement of children in a playground.
Go with the flow. Let painful emotions pass through you. Learn to detach from people, places and things that no longer serve you. Don’t hold yourself back.
Be resilient. Believe in your own ability to respond to life. Think of everything you have survived in the past. Move in a new direction. Decide that you’re going to survive and thrive. Be gentle with yourself.
Embrace the unknown. You are exactly where you need to be. Remove the distractions from your life and really examine where you are and where you want to go. It’s a gift to be able to trust the unseen and intangible with a feeling of satisfaction and joy.
Be flexible. Be willing to change your dreams, plans and life. Pain, hardship and heartbreak are inevitable. Don’t fight or push against them. Find a role model who moves through their days with ease and grace. Model their behavior.
Live with uncertainty. Get comfortable with “not knowing.” We don’t know why things happen. We don’t know what anything is for. Let go of your fear of change. Believe the best is yet to come. Keep breathing, reflecting and step up your personal care.
Enjoy the sun. The dark doesn’t last forever. Allow yourself to enjoy life. How good can you let it get? How much joy can you stand? You’re worthy of it all. Increase your pleasure quotient. Claim your abundance. Look for the light and move towards it.
Expect beautiful lessons and priceless gifts. When you are able to release your fear, judgment and negative reactions you are left with the beauty of your own wholeness.
When you trust the process of life you connect with a sense of oneness, synchronicity, serendipity and unconditional love. You don't hesitate taking risks. Your path becomes clear and you are pulled into a true sense of safety.
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So serendipitous that I should stumble on this post tonight. 🙂 I spent most of the afternoon thinking about new ways to deal with old fears . I loved your tips–especially “embrace the unknown.” When I think about just doing that, it feels like total liberation. Great article–and great timing! Thank you.