- Don't be afraid to say "no that’s not going to work for me.” Don’t offer an excuse.
- Smile for no reason. Make it a practice to look people in the eye and smile.
- Learn how to receive. Just say, “thank you!”
- Learn how to give. Begin now, especially if you think you don't have enough.
- Let go of the need to be right. Allow the other person to have the last word.
- Tell others how you feel. Say, "I love you, thank younand I appreciate you" often.
- Don't live with regret. Learn to apologize. Take you ego out of the need to win.
- Allow yourself to fail. Regroup. Try again. Eventually you will succeed.
- Eat mindfully. Give thanks for your food. Chew each bite. Pause in between bites.
- Know that you are good enough, you do enough and you have enough.
- Focus on one task at a time. Stay present. Then move on to the next task.
- Know that you are responsible for everything that's right and wrong in your world. Refuse to blame.
- Send thank you cards the old fashioned way. It’s inexpensive, meaningful and rare.
- Share what you have with those around you. Act your way into being generous.
- Go the extra mile. It’s a good and honest way to stand out from the crowd.
- Uplift others when they are down. Be compassionate. Take a walk in somebody else's shoes.
- Be courageous. If you have something important and difficult to say, do it face-to-face.
- Do what you were born to do. The world needs your voice.
- Rethink your problems. Most of the problems we think we have are only minor inconveniences.
- Make deliberate, loving choices. Take the high road. Always.
- Recognize your projections. Your problems are never about someone else. It’s always about you.
- Hire a coach. Dare to follow up on what you need to do to change.
- Don’t take things personally. What other people do is about them. How you react is about you.
- Fire yourself up. Be persistent and passionate.
- Enjoy chocolate. Deprivation never works. Enjoy one small piece of expensive candy and savor.
- In spite of setbacks, stay the course. Trust yourself. Make adjustments. Grow on.
- Forgive your parents. Forgive yourself. Forgive everyone in between. Practice forgiveness daily.
- Put wisdom into action. Be brave, fearless and unstoppable.
- Practice promise-keeping. Write down what you promise others. Your integrity is a big part of this.
- Laugh at your petty fears and share your talents with the world.
- Change the negative stories you repeat to yourself. Do the work. This is life-changing.
- Let go of doubt. Live full-out and choose to be wildly successful.
- Practice gratitude. Want prosperity. Being grateful for what you have is the quickest way to feel it.
- Don't drag yourself though life. You were born with wings. Learn to fly!
- Agree to disagree. Others are entitled to their own opinions. Don’t make others wrong. Instead, listen.
- Have the courage to be extraordinary. Don't ever hold back your gifts.
- Be willing to compromise. Practice meeting other people in the middle. It’s a peaceful way to live.
- Start where you are with what you have. Jump in and keep moving.
- Love toxic people from a distance. Create boundaries and send prayers, blessings, and good thoughts.
- Let go of the need to do it perfectly.
- Remain true to your dreams and visions. You have one life. Be bold enough to live it like you wish.
- Focus on your talents, focus on the gifts you have to give. Focus on the love you want to share.
- Eliminate all forms of negative media from your life. Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by fear.
- Practice having faith in yourself. Choose to feel confident. Visualize your success.
- Live the life you’ve imagined. Work hard. Live simply. Be adventurous. Serve others. Have fun.
- Let go of striving, begging, pushing and shoving.
- Be true to yourself. Don’t try to be someone or something you are not. Own your uniqueness.
- Be brave. Connect from your heart.
- Embrace the present. Life is now. Heal your past. Don’t fear your future. Notice you are OK right now.
- Let go of guilt and shame. You are OK. Let that sink into your cells.
- Just begin. Create a vision. Make a plan. Take a small step in the right direction. Continue until you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
- Recognize how great you are. Give yourself the praise and credit you want from someone else.
- Give thanks in advance. Expect the best. Know that things will work out. Be grateful now.
- When life is difficult remember this too shall pass. It always has and always will.
- Collaborate with others. You don’t have to go through life alone. Partner-up and cut your work in half.
- Practice allowing. Release all emotional desperation and attachment to your goals.
- Learn to admit, “I don’t know.” Become comfortable with not having all the answers. It leaves you room to grow.
- Point out what is right and good in people.
- Find something to believe in. Believe in love. Believe in the good of all. Believe in yourself.
- Shift your perception away from what makes you feel down to things that make you feel good.
- Learn how to cook. One of the quickest ways to save money is to cook and eat at home.
- You are powerful. You are creative. Decide what you want your future to be.
- Dare to be your best. Take the time to do things right. Put in your best effort. You’ll have fewer regrets.
- Remember it's your privilege to change your mind.
- Take risks. Do what scares you. Don’t be afraid to fail. You’ll see the world in a different light.
- Bless difficult people and situations with love.
- See beauty in the world. Spend time in nature. Notice kind people. Enjoy life.
- Know that you choose how to interpret the people and events in your life. You give them all the meaning they have for you.
- Celebrate what’s right with the world. Look for people doing the right thing. Speak well of life.
- Choose to focus on love thoughts rather than attack thoughts.
- Do something brilliant every day. You are smart. Own it and do great things.
- Create a joy and excitement journal. Do more of what you love.
- Encourage others. A kind word or a kind deed aimed at helping others get ahead goes a long way.
- Don't spend time with people you don't enjoy. Don't compromise your personal happiness.
- Make a difference. Do something meaningful. Leave a legacy.
- If you want to be happy, give up what makes you unhappy.
- Continue to learn something new. If you want your life to be different, learn and do something different.
- Discover and celebrate what you have in common with others. You will increase the love in your relationships.
- Mentor someone. Every successful person has received help. Pay it forward.
- Give up excuses. They make you lazy.
- Learn to be frugal. Stop recreational spending. Waste not.
- Celebrate life even when it's difficult and frustrating.
- Spend time with children and the elderly. It will show the depth of your character. Life isn’t about you.
- Stop doing the things you don't enjoy doing.
- Be honest about your taxes. Cheating on your taxes is about scarcity, dishonesty and entitlement.
- Accept your abundance and prosperity and share it with others.
- Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. It’s about energy. It’s about flow.
- Without guilt, give to yourself first.
- Don’t bet against yourself. Believe in yourself. Own your power. Strut your stuff. Claim your dream.
- Go out on a limb. Risk. Dare. Leap. Jump. Be brave. Breathe. Break a rule. Have fun. Do the unexpected.
- Take calm mini-breaks throughout your day.
- Be creative. Paint. Draw. Take a photo a day. Plant a garden. Sing. Act. Dance. Dream.
- See the world as plotting to do you good today.
- Don’t believe your own thoughts. Learn to think well of yourself. Every day. Own your inner light.
- Repeat Louise Hay's mantra throughout your day, "life loves me."
- When you believe you can handle anything, you'll be willing to take more calculated risks.
- Look for your lessons in difficult situations. Learn them and move on.
- Become aware of the multitude of choices you make every day. Choose wisely.
- Be brave. Be strong. Dance on.
- Learn to attract more love into your life.
- Love. Begin with loving intentions. Speak loving words. Take loving action. Attract more love into your life.
Please share your favorite bit of wisdom below. Help me spread the wisdom on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks!
I always love your lists and make sure to print out and keep close by! Thanks for inspiring me to think forward into 2013! Sure to be a wonderful year!!