I made too many excuses this year. I wanted to create more videos. I did not. I wanted to be more active on social media. It’s been an on again, off again endeavor.
I wanted to learn photo shop. I did not. Only one thing has stood in my way.
I lacked courage and I failed to take action.
The wonderful thing about life is that we can always shift our perception and choose to begin again.
That’s my plan.
The word I’ve chosen to focus on in 2012 is “create.”
I’m going to create everything I’ve been holding back on and more. I made up my mind and I've written my plan.
I’ve taken common excuses and created a plan for you as well. It doesn’t matter what you want to do or what you're struggling with.
Adjust this plan to fit your needs.
It’s going to be a great year!
Read on if you want to create more and fear less.
Excuse # 1: I don’t know how.
Plan: Create courage
Do something brand new. Be open to being a beginner. Experience the different and the difficult. Push yourself. Follow someone’s lead.
Ask questions. Experiment. Try. Fail. Try again. Fail again. Succeed.
Excuse # 2: I don’t have time.
Plan: Create time
To find more time become an early riser or stay up later. Create boundaries. Don’t take on projects that don’t fit your needs.
Create a “yes” so big that you’ll be able to say “no.” You will have time and energy to make room for the impossible!
Excuse # 3: I don’t have the funds.
Plan: Create money
Get your finances in order. It’s the best thing you can do for your fearful self. Record your daily expenses.
Spend less. Earn more. Barter. Collect garbage or clean floors if you have too. Be willing to do what it takes.
Excuse # 4 I don’t like networking.
Plan: Create an offline social network
Get out and be social face-to-face. Go to a grocery store, a coffee house, or a networking meeting and introduce yourself to five people a week.
Expand your circle. Establish new friendships. The more people you know the faster you and your business will grow.
Excuse # 5: Nothing ever goes right for me.
Plan: Create abundance
I have kept a gratitude journal for the past eight years.
When you record the beauty, pleasures, people, and experiences that enrich your life you become aware of your resources, increase your creativity, and increase your well-being.
Excuse # 6: It’s too difficult.
Plan: Create success
Decide to succeed no matter what. Don’t allow anything to get in your way. Act as if your life and happiness depend on it. It does. Never give up, never.
Excuse # 7 I can’t handle rejection.
Plan: Create support
Ask for help. Begin a mastermind group. Expect to be turned down and ignored. People will reject you. Never take it personally.
You can’t see the whole picture. You have no idea what is going on in somebody else’s life. There are nearly 7 billion people in the world, ask someone else. Find your tribe.
Excuse # 8: I can’t focus.
Plan: Create focus
Become driven by what you will gain. Is your benefit financial freedom, travel, saving the lives of others, or leaving a legacy you can be proud of?
When the going gets tough, keep you focus on your “why.” You’re stronger than you think.
Excuse # 9 I don’t feel worthy.
Plan: Create faith
Dump your doubt. When you doubt yourself you feel like you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or talented enough for your place in the world. Don’t get caught in your own drama.
Affirm: “I am enough, I have enough, I do enough. I am worthy of the best in life.” Repeat this each time your doubt surfaces.
Get into the “feeling” of worthiness. Believe your are worthy, speak like your worthy, and act like you're worthy.
Excuse # 10
Plan: Create the extraordinary
Don’t try to be perfect. Don’t copy what others do. Instead put your energy into being exceptional, uncommon, and memorable.
When you want to convey your ideas, focus on your message. Tell stories that people will remember you for and speak from your heart.
Nobody is going to rescue you. Nobody is coming to save you. Give live all you've got…and more.
Please join me in making 2012 a "no excuse zone."
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I'm creating a fearless New Year! Please join me.
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{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
I love this post–I would love a printable copy that I can hang where I can see it!!
Thank you Robin. Our experiences are universal in many ways. If I’m writing something for me from my heart–others benefit as well! Happy New Year!
Great, great, great!
I love this, “dump your drama!’ Terrific.
I’m joining your No Excuse Zone.
I had a boss years ago that would look at you and say, “There are 168 hours in the week. Don’t tell me you don’t have time.” It would make my stomach drop each time he said it but you know what? It worked. He accepted no excuses.
Happy New Year to you. May it be your best year ever,
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition´s last post…Wishing You Happiness, Health and Heart-centered Wisdom
It was being an early riser on the farm growing up that taught me how to get things done. It doesn’t work for everyone but for me the morning is my best time and most productive time. Happy New Year.
Wow Tess,
I have had really master photoshop on a to do list now for 2 years, so starting next week I will allocate 2 hours each week to do this and see if I can locate the course I bought about 2 years ago.
I like the no excuses zone- interesting for me given this gift of healing I have been given. It just occurred to me that this could become an excuse for not moving forward.
That word fear- something we all have to face and for me more so that i thought
this is great, thank you
Suzie Cheel´s last post…Ho’oponopono Practice With EFT for Self-Love and Healing
Oh yeah photo shop…I think part of my failure is listening to so many people who say it’s so difficult. Augh! Good luck. You can do it Suzie!
LOVE, first of all, the title: Take your Fear and Shove it! Brilliant!
I can completely relate to everything you talk about here. I am joining you in the “no excuse zone” in 2012. First off, I am going to sign up for some branding and computer classes because I am sorely inadequate in social media, and need to empower myself to learn so I am not wasting so much time!
Secondly, I am really going to try to FOCUS on the areas I would like to find harmony…I will have a post up on Jungle of Life in January regarding my Focused intentions.
I am so happy to be a part of your community and the wonderful people that remind me daily to live the life I want to create. I am sticking up my middle finger to fear:)
Happy New Year, Tess!
PS..just got home from a family trip and was delighted to receive Jonathons Uncertainty book in the mail! Will be starting that tonight!
I like the no excuses zone- interesting for me given this gift of healing I have been given. It just occurred to me that this could become an excuse for not moving forward, thanks for the post, keep up the good work.
Edmund Marek´s last post…How to trade forex
I love this!!
Especially the Excuse/Plan pieces – and how you really show – we CAN push aside fear and move forward!
And now…it is the new year (happy new year!!!)…and I’m ready, too, to push fear aside and really LIVE!
Lance´s last post…Focus and Succeed
I lovelovelove the idea of using your word of the year to help you focus on areas you want to improve rather than setting up more traditional resolutions (the kind that usually increase fear instead of break it down).
Ellie Di´s last post…Saying “Thank You” for 2011
I can fully attest to what it takes to tackle all these fears and excuses. I decided that I was going to start an online business and blog one year ago when I didn’t know the first thing about web sites and had “no time” or money for it. Taking everything in baby steps, I’ve taught myself a ton with lots of trial and error (I didn’t know how). I created the time in early mornings, late nights (something I didn’t think I could do until I decided to do it), lunch hours and any other time I could put together with a full time job and 3 little kids at home. I either created the money or, what usually happened, I figured out how to do it without spending money. I learned the art of networking (painfully at first – now I love meeting new people!). I’ve gone through many notebooks maintaining my gratitude journal – something I always look to when things aren’t going so well. Nothing is too difficult when you break it down into baby steps. I’ve learned that rejection is part of life and it’s not about me. This was a big one for me since putting my true self out there in a blog was extremely scary at first. Focus is sometimes tough but turning off TV and email makes it much easier. Feeling worthy or good enough has always been a problem for me. When I think about how worthy others are of my support, it changes my focus and opens things up for me.
Focusing on others and solving their problems gets us out of our internal, limiting dramas and leads to a much happier life.
Tess – Thank you so much for the reminder of what we all need to continue creating our own greatness.
Paige | simple mindfulness´s last post…Mindful Spirit: How Noticing Your Inner and Outer Worlds Opens the Door to Happiness
Hi Tess,
This is definitely a list of no excuses to create an amazing year. Getting out of our own way can do so much to move us forward. I especially like your suggestion to create abundance. As we fill up on all that is working in our life, it gives us the momentum to follow through with our dreams and really achieve our own version of success. Happy 2012 to you!
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…Reminder: You Are Not Alone on Your Addiction Journey
I love how you take a negative and change it into a positive statement. I’m showing this post to my kids. It’s a great example of making something happen in your life.
I’ll be sending you the interview questions a little later in the week!
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…Have A Positively Wonderful New Year
Wow. I love this article. It is very needful for me, thank you, Tess. I made many excuses last year, too and these years I will try to do those things. I will use your plan, that you explained here and I hope it will help me
I really like how you have thoughtfully produced a guide for living with less of the kind of barriers we often place in our own way. I intend to take your suggestions and use them in my own context and see what happens. Thanks!
Winsomebella´s last post…That Was Mine
Hello Tess!
I just love the counter arguement for each excuse. I made a list of all the things that went right in 2011 and I’m even more determined than ever to create the extraordinary in 2012.
I can’t wait to interview you – we’re going to have a blast!
Peggy Nolan´s last post…Breathe In…Breathe Out