Have a great day. I say it all the time. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? My friend Kay always says, “Make it a great day.” This shows others they have power over their circumstances.
The following are 10 simple steps that will make every day a great day.
1. Give of yourself. Help others, go the extra mile and share your gifts and talents. Each day we have limitless opportunities to put others first. Out do yourself today. Commit to helping 5 people. Everyone needs an extra hand. Be the first to offer yours.
2. Tell others you love them. Is there a person in your life that is difficult to love? Yes, that’s the person. Tell them first. Then text your friends, children or parents, “I heart U.” Surprise someone with a handwritten note expressing your appreciation and love. When you think of someone silently whisper, “I love you.” We all need love and many don’t get enough.
3. Be thankful.Finish the sentence, “I want and need to thank __________ for ____________. Now do it. Thank the earth, the flowers, the trees and the air. Thank the trees, the server, the cab driver. Thank the cashier, the co-worker and web designer. Thank everyone who is making the world a better place. Especially thank the most difficult people in your life.
4. Welcome your lessons. Today you’ll face difficult and unpleasant situations, welcome them all. They give you the opportunity to learn and grow. You’ll also have plesant and easy situations. These will teach you joy and appreciation. Welcome them and they’ll increases tenfold.
5. Forgive and let go.Everyone hurts someone. Be the first to apologize. Be quick to forgive and the last to judge. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes. We feel better about ourselves when we go to bed without enemies and regrets.
7. Ask for quidance. Ask to see the truth. Ask for a different perspective. Ask for the wisdom to do the right thing. Ask to see the higher road. Listen to and take action on the guidance you receive.
8. Own your greatness. Know that you are a unique spiritual being born to do great things. Make a difference. Believe in yourself. Take action no matter how small the step. You have a reason for being. The world needs you to do your part.
9. Lighten up and laugh. Grab a happy attitude. Speak happy words, think happy thoughts and do happy things. Look for opportunities to laugh. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Instead choose to have fun.
10. Make a difference in someone’s life today. Give a hug, a hand, a wink or a smile. Small thinks don’t go unnoticed. Everyone is carrying their own set of problems. What we all really want is to love, be loved and know that we matter.
When you’re feeling stressed, grumbling over your finances or complaining life isn’t going as it should remember how easy it is to make each day great. Make each moment count!
What are your ingredients for a great day?
What are you willing to do to make yours great?
Ooh, great post, Tess! These are excellent tips for making it a great day!
.-= Positively Present´s last post…words to live by: i am wonderful =-.