photo credit: Narisa
“Sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things before breakfrast.”
-Lewis Caroll
Big, bold Mondays have been inspired by Lance at Uungle of Life. 1/7 of our lives are Mondays.
Each Monday I will post a photo, a quote or affirmation, and a question to inspire you to make the most of your day:
My six things:
1) That our futures are bright.
2) I am making a difference in the world.
3) My blog is a success.
4) My creativity is blossoming.
5) Our economic times turn around quickly.
6) There is enough employment for everyone.
If you believed in six impossible things before breakfast what would they be?
1 I am an excellent writer.
2 All my future photographs will be absolutely stunning
3 I’m about to make some great investments
4 I will be at my current employer until I retire
5 My kids will sleep through the night
6 My blog is will be read by thousands of people