Take Your Fear and Shove It


I’d like to share with you these 5 reasons to order this course.

#1: This course provides you with the tools and techniques you need to push fear aside and live a life of more beauty, humor, playfulness, and meaning.

Fear robs you of that.

#2: Take Your Fear and Shove It is designed to provide you with what to do and how to do it, in order to be bold, play big and shine bright.

Fear is confusing, controlling, and all about, “I can’t, I won’t, or what if.”

#3: This course offers directions on how to be inventive, authentic, and simply positive about your future, regardless of what’s going on around you.

You can’t do that with anxiety, shortness of breath, and a mind spinning out of control.

#4. This course is designed to take you beyond your excuses, procrastination, and worries.

You’ll be able to fully embrace your brilliance, be in charge of your own life, and go beyond what you think is possible.

Fear doesn’t teach you that.

#5. Take Your Fear and Shove It includes action oriented steps to improve your mental, emotional, and physical state.

You get the same tried, tested, and the most effective techniques needed for life-changing action that I’ve used with clients, both as a therapist and as a coach.

Take Your Fear and Shove It Includes:

  • 8 Modules
  • 20 Downloadable Worksheets
  • Over 100 suggested action steps for the bold-of-heart.
  • 153 Pages, a complete set of tools, and techniques, that are simple, powerful, effective and enjoyable.
  • Resources, and materials complete with exercises that enable you to shove your fear aside and take back your life.

Module 1: Understanding Fear

Module 2: Four Methods to Dissolve Fear

Module 3: You Are Stronger than Your Fear

Module 4: Manage Your Fear

Module 5: When Bad Things Happen

Module 6: Step Into Your Power

Module 7: The Fearless Life

Module 8: Living Love in a Culture of Fear

and Stepping Into Your Greatness

The first time I read a blog post by Tess Marshall I was blown away by her insight, thoroughness, and generosity of spirit. Her eBook, Take Your Fear and Shove It, is everything I imagined it would be. Tess explores all aspects of fear, and helps us understand it, challenge it, and act in spite of it to live the lives we dream about. With action steps and worksheets throughout, Take Your Fear and Shove It provides a detailed road map to move beyond the limitations we consciously or subconsciously set for ourselves.
~ Lori Deschene, Tiny Buddha

Don’t spend your time avoiding, outrunning or hiding from fear. You have what it takes to move forward and change your path today.

This Is My Story

My life was a mess! I’ve been where you are, and I understand what it is like to be paralyzed by fear. In the past, I made mistakes, I spent my time freaked out, playing small, denying and hiding from fear. I sunk into depression and I hated my life.

One day when I couldn’t stand the pain, craziness or drama any longer… I reached out for help.

I hired a therapist, attended a support group, found a mentor, hired a coach, and put into practice what I learned. Little by little I turned my life around. I created a new story.

The pay off of my post-fear life…

I raised my family, I saved my marriage, became a successful therapist, a coach, an author, a professional speaker, a writer…I achieved things I never would have thought possible.

Want to stop fear from running rampant in your life?

Now You Can!

A successful career, 20 years of experience, a master’s degree in psychology, proven methods that have worked for hundreds of clients…

This course is the culmination of everything I’ve learned. For those of you who want to know how I did it, this course is for you!

It's never too late to dissolve your fear and discover your inner bold! Begin today, with one small step in the right direction, and the tools to make new choices that support you in transcending your dreams.

Fear is the hidden, powerful factor that stops us from finding simplicity, happiness, pursuing our passions. Tess has created a tool to help you dig up the hidden fears and finally conquer them. You'll be liberated and empowered, and finally at peace.
~ Leo Babauta, Focus

Six Awesome Bonuses:

Bonus #1 Focus: Simplicity In the Age of Distraction by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits

Bonus #2 92 Life Lessons: The Most Important Things You’ll Ever Learn by Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha

Bonus #3 The Intuition Principle by Angela Artemis of Powered by Intuition

Bonus #4 Simplify Your Life with Balance Workbook by Anastasiya Goers of Balance In Me

Bonus #5 How to Swim Through Your Fears by Jt Clough of Big Island Dog

Bonus #6 Flying by the Seat of My Soul by Tess Marshall

Let Me Address Your Concerns

  1. Why should you trust me?

    I have a lifetime of experience in overcoming fear and teaching others to do the same. In my work as both a therapist and a coach I’ve repeatedly witnessed results…success.

    This course goes deeper and farther than any other resources I’ve seen on the topic of fearlessness. I’ve compiled all that I know and practice myself, and now share it with you!

  2. Can I afford it?

    Think of this as an investment in your future. How can you not afford it? It’s a small price to pay for a life of awesome. Skip date night and change your life today. It’s that easy. I offer a money back guarantee…you can’t go wrong!

  3. Do I have the time?

    It takes less than 15 minutes to do one of the exercises that will free you from everyday worry and fear.

  4. Is it hard?

    It’s easier than the fear-filled life you’re living now. You spend a lot of energy being frozen in fear, tossing and turning at night, doubting yourself, procrastinating, and holdingyourself back. That’s hard!

  5. Will it work?

    Follow the directions and do the exercises. I have witnessed people change over and over again. Move one step forward at a time. If you do the exercises and take action you will discover that you will think differently, speak differently and do things differently that you’ve done before.

    You will make changes that last a life-time. What you learn will stay with you forever. Don’t forget I offer a money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Say goodbye to fear and get gutsy, daring, and bold!

More praise for Take Your Fear and Shove It

Tess Marshall has created "the" course on overcoming your fears. It is the most comprehensive coverage of this topic that I have ever come across. This course will address your fear and quickly root out its cause, and give you actionable steps to take to rid yourself of it for good. It's time to let your light shine and share your brilliance and gifts with the world. Get this course today and make the rest of your life the best of your life!
~ Angela Artemis, Author, Intuitive Coach at Powered by Intuition

I've personally read the course, "Take Your Fear and Shove It! If ever there was a need for an authentic, experience-based course such as this, it is now. I celebrate this gift. What brave new worlds will open before us as we learn to heal our fear and perhaps even discover, as it is brought to the light of our own truth, that it has been wanting to be our friend all along.
~ Christopher Foster, The Happy Seeker

Be bold, play big and shine bright – that really encompasses what this course is all about! Tess has created a true resource in moving beyond fears and into action toward what truly is important to you. The layout of the course, especially, makes it conducive to really understanding strategies to overcoming fear. Tess truly shines bright in all that she shares in this offering!
~Lance Ekum, Jungle of Life

Everything that Tess Marshall creates reflects her hard work and dedication to helping people lead better lives. The thoughtfulness and practicality expresses throughout this course, including the lessons and exercises, will inspire each person to take action and work thrught the different fears in their life. Take Your Fear and Shove It is a resource that will free you from the limits of fear, to live the best life you were meant to live.
~Evita Ochel, Evolving Beings

Once upon a time, fear and anxiety ruled my life. I still have moments and I'm always ready to learn more about how to handle it. With personal stories, worksheets, and oh-so-much wisdom, Take Your Fear and Shove It leads you to understanding the core of your fear and offers methods for you to overcome it. I have more peace and know how to handle fear.
~ Jen Saunders, Wild Sisters

This is truly a comprehensive program—covering a range of issues from facing your fears to living a more meaningful and empowered life. Its flexible structure and expansive scope will take you as far as you're willing to take it. A must have and do for anyone who wants to be unburned by fear and free to realize their potential.
~ Manal Ghosain of Be One With Now

    Are you ready to commit to your dreams?

    Tess Marshall

    You can go beyond what you think is possible! The time is now to increase your confidence and blaze a new trail. If you are ready to do great things then book your free 20-minute consult with me and let’s talk about your personal plan for greatness! Click on my coaching page.

    { 12 comments… read them below or add one }

    Francesca January 13, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    Please pick me !


    Chris Brooksbank January 14, 2012 at 1:53 am

    Pick me :) If its a good course maybe you could offer a good deal to the 500plus shy londonders in my meetup groups ?


    Toni Clackson January 15, 2012 at 7:55 am

    I am a 57 year old woman, who has lived my life in fear. I feel like I am always holding my breath and I see my adult children living their lives the same way. My greatest fear is that my two young grandsons will also live their lives in fear, never realizing their true potential or seeing the beauty of the universe as it presents itself. Perhaps if I understand how to change my perspective there will be a ripple effect throughout my family and we will all be able to release the tension in our shoulders.

    Thank you for sharing hope.



    Cindi January 18, 2012 at 10:08 am

    Hi Tess, The bold thing that I am going to do in 2012 is start a new career. Why? Because my old career (20 years of teaching) was sucking the life out of me. I quit my job last year but I have been unable to decide on my next move. Its important to me to bring in some sort of income so I feel like I am contributing. My problem is that I don’t know where to start. I have many interests (fitness, photography, nutrition, yoga, painting, writing, cooking) but I think that fear is keeping me from moving forward. I want a career that makes me feel rewarded and satisfied but I’m stuck. Help!


    nadine January 19, 2012 at 9:37 pm

    Greetings Tess,

    Take my fear and shove it? Ha. Right after graduating from college in 2000 I was diagnosed with Acute RR Multiple Sclerosis at 23 and was only able to work a few years. It’s been 11 years now of living with cognitive decline, my worst symptom and why I’m on SSDI. At the same time I have returned to creating art. Finally. What am I waiting for? What am I afraid of? I don’t know. It’s taken me all these years to finally start to slowly live like I’m not so sick anymore. But I need a kick in the rear and you sound like the just person to administer said kick. I think your course would help me in undefinable ways.

    Thanks for reading! Nadine


    Colleen March 21, 2012 at 10:53 am

    This looks like a great course! My fears if I learned to overcome them, would empower me to feel like I used to feel when i was younger and had the whole world in front of me. I miss feeling that way, that I can overcome anything.


    roch April 4, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    Sounds like this would be a great course for anyone that wants to overcome the fear that is preventing them from accomplishing their goals.


    Jamie July 10, 2012 at 3:52 am

    I would love this. I am in the process of removing fears that had been holding me back from living my best life. :)


    Desiree July 29, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    It is time for me to learn how to break free so I hope you choose me! This course sounds just like what I need to move from being a worrier to a warrior. After years of living in fear I am hungering for inner peace and the chance to kick fear to the curb.And with the coaching I know I can break free of the chains that keep me from living my dreams.


    carmen August 9, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    thank you love what read


    Ashwani September 1, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    Hello..i enjoyed reading your course details and it felt good..but still i am not sure of getting rid of my fear coz actually i myself doesnt know what i am afraid of..i only know that often in many situations like when i go for exams,interview,public speaking or even when speaking to a group of people..i am not able to speak confidently and i just mess everything up..my heart starts beating very very fast and i am not able to keep myself with me..so if anyone can suggest me anything or help me with this thing please post me..my email ..i will be very thankful to you if someone can tell me anything regarding this thing..thank u..plzzz..!!!


    Stella September 6, 2012 at 7:52 am

    This book is good for anyone who would like to do the leap of faith….with confidence and courage.


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