Remain calm when others are angry.

Our modern way of living promotes constant stress, social anxiety and increased unease over work and personal life. Instead of feeling calm, most people feel overwhelmed. Our motors are always running! It is possible not only to feel peace and serenity every day, as well as to remain calm when you are around or working ... [Read more]


choose to grow into your new adventure

Guest post by Jessica Sweet Bad things have already happened to you. Maybe they’re little, like someone telling you at 5 that you couldn’t sing. Or maybe they’re like mountains in your life, like the loss of a loved one, overshadowing everything else you do. But how ever you view the bad things, one thing ... [Read more]


I dare you to do things differently today and every day. We often focus our energy and time on the big events and experiences in our lives. We want our lives to be adventurous, our children to be happy and our relationships to last.We want to find the best career, the perfect lover or live in the coolest ... [Read more]


Don't let fear steam your dreams

Fear stops everyone from doing things. Nobody is brave all of the time. How would your life be different if you thought less of your worry, doubts and fears and more of your courage, ideas and dreams? I visited the Henry Ford Museum the last time I was in Michigan and today I went to ... [Read more]


10 things to live a bold life

Don’t be afraid to be courageous! How often do you remain quiet when you have something to say? How often do you ignore your intuition when you need to take action? How often do you hold back when you know it’s time to move forward? How many times do you fear that you’re not smart ... [Read more]