Bold Living Series Interview #2
My interview today is with Sibyl Chavis from Possibility of Today. She's on a mission to make our world complaint free.
Tell us about one life experience that has helped you become the person you are today?
One life experience that has definitely shaped who I am was a challenge I completed. I gave up complaining for 40 days. It may not sound like an amazing life experience or anything really significant, but it was the part of my journey that literally changed my life … forever. After I completed the 40 days, I no longer saw the world the same way.
I never imagined that ending my complaining would have such a profound impact on my life, but it opened me up to experience life the way it was meant to be lived. It was the spark that opened me up to living in a different way and I haven't been the same since.
There are just so many benefits to removing negativity from your words and from your mind. It allowed me to focus my attention and energy on the things they should be and on creating those things I really wanted. I was able to see a very important lesson and universal truth at work …
"What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it." Oprah Winfrey
Do you have a morning routine that set the tone for your day?
Whose philosophy or lifestyle has most influenced the woman you've become?
There really are so many people I admire and whose philosophies I have learned so much from. Some that come immediately to mind include: Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Troward, and Deepak Chopra.
What is in your toolbox that allows you to overcome fear?
Sometimes I can rely on my confidence to overshadow fears and other times I have to turn to my belief that you can always move forward even with fears on your back. A lesson I have learned is that it is okay, and somewhat expected to have fears. The important thing is not that you are completely free of fears, but rather that you don't let them hold you back or convince you to not go after what you really want.
Can you tell us about a bold action you've taken in the past month?
I had to let go of something I invested a lot of time and energy into so I could make room in my life for something new that is more important to me. I am sometimes not the greatest at letting things go, but there are those times where it is necessary to just move on.
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Marilyn Monroe
What are you currently reading?
The World's Wisdom by Phillip Novak.
If you had the opportunity to give the world a 60 second message what would it be?
There really is a different way to live. We can live in a way where we still take care of and focus on the things that are very important to us: our family, friends, job, responsibilities, goals, and whatever else life may throw our way; but, at every single point of the day we can be centered.
Don’t get overwhelmed or allow things to feel too heavy. Remain grounded in the present moment and experience what it means to have a continual peace of mind. Be attentive and deliberate with all of your actions. Live consciously.
Pursue your passions. Continually tap into your potential and accomplish your dreams. Time and time again, aim and achieve all that is possible.
This is how you were meant to live and experience life. When you live this way your talents come more and more alive and you accomplish more than you could ever imagine. Take advantage of all the possibilities of Today.
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{ 31 comments… read them below or add one }
Sibyl, what amazing changes you’ve made in your life. It’s so inspiring to hear how profound consciously not complaining was for you. I think many of us do it and don’t even know we’re doing it. A restless unease can permeate our day and we’re not even aware that it’s our own voice sometimes that’s causing it. I love the morning manifesto and have printed it and placed it near my desk. It’s lovely and so are you and Tess for sharing. Thank you.
Katie | Momentum Gathering´s last post…The Power of Baby Steps
Katie: Thank you so much for the kind words. I totally agree with what you said about causing our own unease and not realizing it. I had to really dial up my awareness and pay attention in order to control my complaining, but it literally was the best thing I have ever done. Thank so much for the kind words about the manifesto. I am glad you like it;)
I always enjoy hearing about one of my favorite bloggers like Sibyl. I have joined Sibly in striving to be complaint free. I love the morning manifesto you quoted and I’m going to copy it and use it myself! Thanks for that gift!
Galen Pearl´s last post…I’m a Grandmother…and I’m Grateful!
Hi Galen: Always so great to hear from you and thank you for the kind words:) Here’s to us all becoming complaint free together. Thank you so much for the comment.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to contribute and be a part of your interview series. You know I am such a fan of your site and am so honored to be a part of what you are doing here. Thanks for making me really think with all these thought provoking questions;)
Hi Sibyl,
I gave up complaining for lent once and have never looked back! Love everything you have to say! And you have some wonderful quotes to illustrate your thoughts. Can’t wait to read through your website and to read your manifesto. Thanks, Tess, for sharing!
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…Inspirational Movie Monday
Betsy: Thank you so much for the comment and the kind words. Isn’t becoming complaint free one of the best things ever? So glad to hear the positive effect it had for you as well.
Hi Sibyl and Tess,
Beautiful post. Giving up complaining is so insightful. It’s so easy to let those negative words slip out whenever something doesn’t go quite the way you expected. I have to catch myself at times with that one too, so good idea to take an intentioned break. A morning ritual is important. I like to meditate, do a little yoga if a can and read from a couple of daily readers. It sets me to have a good day.
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…Stay Close: An Interview with Libby Cataldi
Hi Cathy: Thank you so much for the kind words. You are so right that complaints can just slip out before we even realize it. I think what you mentioned about intentioned breaks is so important and it has definitely helped me tremendously. I love your morning ritual I am sure it just gets everything started off on the right foot. Thanks for the taking the time to comment. Always appreciated.
Hi Sibyl and Tess,
I have heard of the 30 days complain free challenge, but you went one notch better. Great stuff and determination. One thing you did not touch on this challenge is what are the challenges you faced in this 40 day challenge. Could you care to share more here.
I like routines as well. Every morning it is a must for me to do my meditative exercise. It is only 2 minute thing but I find that I am totally more effective when I did not miss it. I also need to read for 15-30min and visualize my own vision points. That really set up my day well.
But sometimes, I will jumble up my routine – you know doing the same thing but changing the order. It helps to shift our perspective and provide variety.
Thank for this really nice interview.
Jimmy/Life Architect´s last post…Summary of the Series on 25 Elementary Principles for Success in Life
Hey Jimmy: Thanks for the comment. You are so right that I forgot to mention the challenges I faced during the time I was working to become complaint free. Let’s just say there were numerous ones:) I actually wrote an entire eBook about them because it was definitely a challenging time. It was difficult at first to stop complaining because I didn’t even realize how ingrained it was. That was the first hurdle I had to overcome. Then, I needed to change the types of thoughts that were running through my mind and make certain they were more positive. It took some practice, but after 40 days I was able to become complaint free …. and I haven’t looked back;)
Thanks so much for the question and taking the time to comment.
Tess and Sibyl. a lovely gentle interchange between you that we were allowed to sit in on. What piqued my enthusisam was the mention of letting go. I’m at an age of choosing and wishing to let go of so much, to allow life to happen on its own without too much interference from me – to trust it to unravel itself. The blocks are there, emotional, sentimental, ingrained, preventitive fears of mine. But I’m winning, I’m ahead, I’m sticking it out to make uncomfortable into accepted. And that’s all you can do, right?
John Sherry´s last post…Are You Open For Business?
Thank you so much for the taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. I love what you said about making uncomfortable into accepted. That statement is literally dripping in wisdom and yes, that is exactly what you are supposed to do:) Thanks again for the comment.
I really enjoyed learning a little more about you Sibyl.
I can relate to the difficulty of making hard decisions to allow for more space and new things in my life. What a wonderful way to start your morning, a process I have had challenges with as I rush to get three children up and out the door.
I am thinking the complaint free 40 day trial should be implemented in my house. Do you suppose a teenager could do it? Perhaps not, but all my kids would become more aware of the balance between negative and positive words and phrases!
Thank you for a great article, and thanks Tess, for sharing Sibyl with us!
In Harmony,
Jen´s last post…This Week at my Den
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I am so glad that you enjoyed the interview and I do think a teenager would be a great candidate for the complaint free challenge. I know it won’t be a cake walk, but the results they would get would make the challenge well worth it:) Thanks again for the comment.
I LOVE the 40 days free of complaining idea!!
On a personal note I have had my own sort of “manifesto” with this idea. I have a sister who was entangled in my business, my home, my dogs, my top number most of the time in recent calls to my cell phone… and she bitched, moaned, complained, found the worst in everything, and it was always someone else at fault.
It was awful. I vowed to myself that I would not do things to make people feel that way around me. I started realizing when I complained, aka bitched. Though it was nothing to the degree my sister did it, complaining aka bitching in fact did exist in me. And it was enough to make me stop. Say something positive instead.
The sister no longer speaks to me since it was in fact my fault that I sold everything and decided to live my dreams in Hawaii. And my business which is me, what I do, what I manifest came with me.
Word has it she is still complaining, blaming and generally unpleasant to be around. I am living a wonderful life. Manifesto: Say something positive.
Aloha Wags!
Jt Clough | Big Island Dog´s last post…This is Your Life
JT: Thanks for the great comment and I am so glad that you like the idea of the 40 day challenge. I really do think it can be life changing. I love that you decided to live your dreams in Hawaii:) That is sooooo what it is all about. Aloha
Hi Tess, thanks for sharing Sibyl with us – she looks and sounds gorgeous. I love her mission to rid the world of complaints. I know I have nothing to complain about but sometimes a little whinge does get it all out of my system and make me feel better;)
Annabel Candy, Get In the Hot Spot´s last post…7 Best Places for a Dream Trip in Australia
Annabel: How sweet are you? Thank you for the kind words. Your check is in the mail:) It is always so great to hear people say they have nothing to complain about. I think that is such a healthy perspective and one that we should all be so fortunate to have. If you look at things the right way and appreciate them, then it is even easier not to overdo it with the complaining.
Hi Tess and Sibyl!
Awesome interview with two of my favorite writers! In my own personal development, I’ve found that a VERBAL complain-free life is so much easier than a MENTAL complain-free life. Still working on that one! It doesn’t take long behind the wheel of my car that my mind starts criticizing other drivers!
Thanks for a wonderfully substantive interview!
Ken Wert´s last post…“I Love You Most-er!”
Hey Ken: Thank you so much for the kind words and taking the time to comment. I agree with what you said about the mental complaint free being the most challenging part. One step at a time and being verbal complaint free is definitely something to be proud of:)
Ah, I too gave up complaining. It is amazing what a burden lifts off one’s self when they make this choice! BEAUTIFUL interview, and a beautiful lady inside and out. I can only imagine how much peace we would have in the world if everyone did a self adjustment. One day.
sheila´s last post…“Booyah! Spirit” …is finally here!!!
FYI Tess and Sibyl, I quoted and linked to your interview in my most recent post. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Galen Pearl´s last post…For Today, Newly Bright
great interview and very inspirational.with our daily events sometimes negatives can come into thoughts being able to recognize them and turn negatives into positives is essential for personal growth.
marge´s last post…whirligigs
Hi Sibyl,
I really enjoyed this interview with you. Complaining really does lower our vibrations and affect our well being so that is why I redirect my thoughts when I notice that i am being overly critical.
I agree that it is a good idea to start our days in any way that empowers us.
Justin | Mazzastick´s last post…The Ego Mind And The Higher Mind
Sibyl, a wonderful collection of answers given! I thank you for providing the insights to your character, as it is certainly a strong one!
Just a thought here: I wander what would happen if we had a ‘National Complaint-Free Day’? If a country, any country, could go about their day without complaining, what would the results be?
It may be a long way away, but I’d be excited to see what happens.
Thanks Sibyl, and thanks Tess for providing us with this wonderful interview
Hi Sibyl!
I noticed the link today.
By living consciously complaint *free* I am finding that I do indeed have continual peace of mind from moment to moment. Thank you Sibyl for helping me with this!
Thank you Tess for having Sibyl here.
Hi Rand: So glad you found me here:) Thanks for the comment and you are more than welcome.
Annabel: How sweet are you? Thank you for the kind words. Your check is in the mail:) It is always so great to hear people say they have nothing to complain about. I think that is such a healthy perspective and one that we should all be so fortunate to have. If you look at things the right way and appreciate them, then it is even easier not to overdo it with the complaining.
Hi Sybil,
Great interview! I recently gave up complaining for 21 days. This also had a profound effect on me. I really think that it’s an exercise of self awareness. The more you are in tune to your tendencies, the better you can control them.
Vic´s last post…The Key To Happiness is Loving Yourself
I have done very well at giving up complaining until the next pain struck – I am currently using my complaint response to remind myself – “there must be something better”
Pain just seems to take hold of my entire focus and concentration. I am finding the Miracle Balls and breathing exercises to help me focus back to the positive…and a Buddhist book about how to be sick also helps with the turn around. I think many of the moms I grew up with complained because they felt powerless in their lives and not so powerful. In my 60s, I can see that we are learning new and better ways and that we have come a long way – I still want to appreciate the lessons learned so I do not give up and regress.
Nice interview and I so like the morning ritual for change. Thank you for sharing