Why I Love Running
“The more I run, the more I want to run, and the more I live a life conditioned and influenced and fashioned by my running. And the more I run, the more certain I am that I am heading for my real goal: to become the person I am.”
—George Sheehan
Over twenty years ago I quit smoking and started running. At that time, I was a young mom with four daughters.
Running gave me a break from the girls, set a good example and gave me an outlet from the craziness of raising a family. It was a life changing decision that continues to benefit me today.
Why I love running:
It provides mental toughness
A year ago I ran a ½ marathon in Atlanta. I made the mistake of not training on hills. I struggled the last five miles telling myself, “I can. I will. I can. I will.” And I did.
When life is hard and unfair, as I runner, I know how to dig down and find strength. I’ve stood up to hardship by running through difficult times. I ran when my teenagers were testing boundaries, through my mom’s cancer and when my husband lost his job.
Like life, running takes courage—everyday kind of courage.
Running is fun.
There are several fun elements involved in running: discovering new routes, running in other cities, trying out new shoes, getting a t-shirt and medal at the finish line.
Runners are social and love to have pre-race dinners and post race parties. Entire weekends can be filled with expos and events centered on the main event. There’s a buzz of excitement that can’t be squelched no matter what the weather. Like the cloud of dust envelops Pig Pen in the Peanuts cartoon, a cloud of joy outlines a runner.
It gives me an opportunity to quiet my inner critic.
I’ve learned to keep my eye on the competition. I choose a runner a bit ahead of me and vow to pass them. Each time I do I’m reminded that I’m always capable of a little more than I think I am…I’ve learned how to turn off the little negative voice and persevere.
Runners experience nature at its best.
In Michigan running allows me to experience the seasons with all of my senses. In the spring, an early morning run gives me the opportunity to be the first one to see dawn break, the ducks swimming on the lake, and the flowers blossom.
In the summer I glisten with sweat, run on the beach, enter midnight runs and eat more ice cream.
In the fall, my senses are filled with the sounds of a football game, the leaves crunching under my feet and the sight of frost on the pumpkins.
In the winter I’m challenged to crawl out of bed and slip into the morning darkness and freezing cold. I’ve ran under the stars, fallen on ice, and have been blinded by blizzards.
In Arizona the running is easy. The bright sun and clear blue sky are my constant companions. Shorts and a light shirt are the norm. Add water and I'm good to go.
Running keeps me thin.
My nine siblings are all tall. I was the only short one in the family. I’ve used running to reduce and manage my weight. I’ve gained a stronger self-image.
Running burns 100 calories per mile, more than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Running combined with a healthy diet have kept me at the same weight for years.
Running keeps me physically healthy.
I have better circulation, a stronger heart, excellent blood pressure and physical endurance. Running raises my HDL (good cholesterol) and helps prevent heart disease.
Running keeps me young.
It slows my aging process. Running promotes the human growth hormone that helps me stay young. I have less muscle and bone loss than other women my age. My legs and body are strong and capable. I have an after glow that lasts the rest of the day.
Running relieves stress.
I use it for problem solving while allowing any stress to roll off my shoulders with each step and every mile. Long country roads rid me of negative energy. When I’m angry, I do short but fast runs. Over the years, running has helped me feel less moody, less tired and less confused.
Running makes me confident.
It allows me time to think, to dream, to plan and be inspired to do greater things. My mind becomes focused and determined. Running gives me a move-a-mountain mentality. I’ve quit making excuses. I hold myself accountable.
Running has allowed me to be a good role model.
Both friends and family admire me for being disciplined enough to make running a lifestyle. My daughters run, walk and one does triathlons.
Most people think they aren’t capable of running. I have a different opinion.
Physically challenged people are excellent runners. I’ve seen 75 year olds finish marathons, blind people run and soldiers with prosthetics finish races.
I’ve seen people run for a cause and raise hundreds of dollars for their favorite charity. Those who inspire me the most are the athletes in wheel chairs. With focus and determination, using half their body strength they finish ultra marathons.
Running keeps my mind positive.
Knowing I’m capable of running a 25K continues to amaze me and gives me a feeling of empowerment and freedom.
Running provides a natural high caused by endorphins that is exhilarating and offers me a general state of happiness. Life is my adventure, I love running. I believe we were born to run!
My current lesson: learning to like strength training and yoga. I've incorporated them into my exercise plan and need to commit for the rest of my life!
Instead I'm taking one day at a time. I stay in the present moment as much as I possibly can during the work outs.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
What do you need to incorporate into your lifestyle?
What do you love to do?
What were you born to do?
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You GO girl!! I am soooooooooo impressed. No wonder you are a powerhouse of energy. I have always had deep respect for who you are Tess, but now you are sitting on a pedestal “Oh Great One”!! LOL!!
— 25K — that is about 15.5… something miles if I am correct in my conversion. WHOA!! I am IMPRESSED! And I LOVE and relate to ALL your reasons for running. this whole post is bursting with unbridled vitality. I LOVE IT!!
I am quite tall, very thin (all my life) and teeny tiny boned, wrists almost like some children’s wrists. I found out I had bad osteoporosis a few years ago and am now healing it. I’ve been active all my like: ski racing, gymnastics and track when I was in school, and skiing, LOTS of hiking and walking, gardening, rollerskating, and other sports as an adult…BUT once I left the rainforest where it was chop firewood, lug gallons of water and carry a pack etc. I was not doing any REAL load bearing exercises. Water came out of tap, heat from a switch, etc.
Tall, thin, tiny boned woman are at the top of the list for osteop. The docs told me I couldn’t jog, hike, jump, lift or anything and that I’d most likely end up in a wheelchair. and I went home and said, “I DON’T THINK SO!! LOL!
I started carrying a fanny pack EVERYWHERE I sent with no less than 5 pounds in it. Then I eventually worked up to 10, 15, 20, 30+ Lbs. Last summer I carried a 37 pound pack up a STEEP mountain for several miles. I now do much high speed walking, jumping rope, hiking and some jogging. I am slowly being able to jog, but I still have to intersperse it with walking or my joints flair up. But I keep slowly adding a bit more jogging. I am not up to your distance but I do few miles each day of walk/jogging combo….and like you in ALL weather. I miss it if I don’t do it. It is pure freedom for ALL the reasons you state here. I am 56, and yet, I feel so excited about taking this on and, like you, making it a way of life. I also do yoga at home several mornings a week some rowing for upper body strength, carry a weighted book pack everywhere I go (even into stores and on my walks and jogs — so I am often jogging with 10 – 15 Lbs on my back and it is helping me build bone rapidly), and I also Chi Gong. I aim to get my bones and joints healed enough to where I can jog several miles. I often have dreams of running and it is a wild free feeling. I know this may sound crazy but I hike and jog up the mountains barefoot, spring, summer, and fall, and have done this for years. I find I have much better balance and NO sprains at all because my feet can flex and toes grip. I can hardly stand shoes after years of going barefoot in the wild.
Do you know, Tess, this is the first time I have told anyone this, bar a handful of my offline friends, because most people are so negative that they would infect me with all their fear and negativity instead of encouragement and possibility. And I am one to only let in that which makes me stronger, more positive, healthier and inspired. So that speaks highly of YOU that you inspired me SO much that I shared all this. I am hugging you so much right now. Thank you for being a huge inspiration for me. I love you for that and more. I needed this today. Love, Robin
.-= Robin Easton´s last post…The Power of Our Beliefs =-.
I was born to read your blog. I LOVE to comment on your blog.
I didn’t know you are not tall!!! How tall are you not? I am not taller than 5′ 3″. But not shorter than 5’3″.
I will soon be getting new running shoes and I can’t wait!!! Nothing like brand new runners to put the joy back into it.
.-= Jannie Finster´s last post…The Queen Of Remodeling Patience, Chapter 1 — “Front Room” View-A =-.
oh Tess, i was born to do so many things….but most of all to be compassionate. As for a physical activity…i was born to do yoga. Its my life line…one day without it and i can literally feel and hear creaks from my joints…(arthritis runs in my family, so have to be careful).
I have been wanting to take up running..but with a little one…i think for now i will run behind her
Much Love,
I love this…*love* it….
I’ve been a runner my entire life. Started in middle school because my boyfriend was a runner. Back then, I loved the fact that running enabled me to have beautiful show stopping legs. So, I ran. Still have the legs–they have carried me quite far:)
Became an avid runner again when I separated from my exhusband after 10 years of marriage. Didn’t know how to relieve that stress and I wanted to talk to God/listen for answers so I ran every single night at sunset on the beach. Same laps. Are you familiar with the “Footprints” poem? I still run those same laps, that same beach 5 years later. I run at the water’s edge usually at sunset. I do two laps..one so my footprints are there, the second so two sets are there…poignant reminder to me of the footprints poem. Regardless of what is in my life, the sun sets and is magnificent and beautiful as it does so, the ocean stretches out to infinity and reminds me of Love and Grace and infinite possibility, and as now I have to walk those laps while I heal from surgery so sometimes I walk, sometimes I run fast, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, but I always without fail show up. Here I am just show me the way….meet you at the water’s edge:)
Hi Tess.
The only one who is running is my mind, I walk and I have endurance.
I walked as a kid long distances with my father and I still walk, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. The first hike I ever did was with a heavy pack with food for 10 days on the hardest track on Stewart Island 10 years ago.
I just touched the trees on the side of the track to give me strength to go uphill and down hill, never a straight piece of path.
The same with kayaking, when the wind is head on and we need to keep going, I just keep going and feed of the strength of nature.
I do pilates every day and I thought I never could touch my toes, ever, but of course now I can and it keeps me flexible.
What I was born to do is live in and love nature. Give me nature and I am home.
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…When is ‘enough’ enough? =-.
Hi Tess, I enjoyed reading about why you love running. There certainly are a lot of benefits! My husband and sons all run, but I am happy with walking, especially early in the morning. I love moving at a pace that allows me to connect deeply with nature and my surroundings.
.-= Diane AZ´s last post…Winter Reflections =-.
Wow…very inspiring! I need to incorporate exercise into my lifestyle and starting tomorrow I will being. At the beginning of the new year, I set up goals for each month and February is my month to start running/working out again. October is to run a 5K…and you have just given me a bit more encouragement! I love to read…more than anything, I love to get lost in a book and have adventures, romances, happily ever afters! I love to read!
Unfortunately, I’m not really sure what I am meant to do…but I’m determined to find out! Thank you for this!
.-= Jonique´s last post…The Blame Game…I’m sure you’re heard of it =-.
You ARE a role model!! 25K, sheesh!
As a kid and teen, I loved to run for the sheer joy of it, but I never ever liked jogging. There’s a huge difference. Now, I just run in my dreams (really! long leaping effortless gliding runs—love love love it). Maybe if I were consistent with my yoga and all limber-like, then all my parts wouldn’t creak and groan when I try to jog down to tend the horses… But the biggest thing is my lack of lung capacity. Boy, have I let myself go soft!! I hate wheezing and sweating.
What do I need to incorporate? Yoga on a daily basis, to keep me limber and strong. I used to be so darned GOOD at it! Alas… And meditation, also on a daily basis, instead of haphazardly. These things keep me energized, focused, and clear-headed.
What do I love to do? That’s easy: I’m with Wilma 1000%: Give me nature, and I am home. Anything done outdoors—building a house (!), trekking up and down the mountains with my girlfriend for hours on end, tending the horses, walking for miles, anything at all and I’m there. And I rarely get tired! I wore a pedometer for several months, and just doing normal things in my day earned me upwards of 20K steps; when I’m actually doing something that engages me, LOL, watch out for the Energizer Bunny! Alas, I’m too stuck on the computer and need to pay attention to what I love (as this post is so encouragingly pointing out to me) and then make sure I do something about it—every single day.
What was I born to do? That’s easy: be a free spirit—in nature. (I believe I used to live outdoors in a long-past life!) That’s the whole of it, what makes me ‘me.’ It’s where I thrive, what thrills me, revives me, moves me, lifts me, engages me… From there, with my well filled, I nurture with love…pour out my love to my family and wherever else I feel moved. It’s who I am and what I do. It’s sufficient.
You ask wonderful questions!
Thank you for getting me all impassioned and thinking…
.-= Julie´s last post…Letting Go! =-.
What a powerhouse of amazing energy you are Tess! I am so, so happy for you that running gives you all that and more! What a way to work in such a great activity.
I am personally not a runner myself. Can barely run a block. I really am not sure why that is….. I can walk all day though. I love walking and hiking through all sorts of terrains. In the winter though walking is not so fun, especially if there is snow or ice on the sidewalks. So this winter I started hot yoga at a studio and lo and behold it has now been 2 months and I have stuck with it! I am up to 3-4 times a week and just loving.
As for what was I born to do…..hmmm…. live, love and spread peace and happiness wherever I go. I love living life and helping whomever I can along the way
.-= Evita´s last post…Book Review: The Harvard Psychedelic Club =-.
Hi Tess! You keep up that running now girlie, cuz you are running for BOTH of us! I ran for years, but an accident (not running) mangled my right ankle so badly I’m happy I can walk ! I do, and briskly – but running for any distance is out. I watch the runners in my neighborhood run by my house and wish I could join them. I do the treadmill and eliptical daily. At 62 I’m content with that. But you are so right about expending the energy just gives you more! How well I remember!
.-= suzen´s last post…Baseball vs. Football =-.
Hi Tess. As I read your blog I kept thinking about when I did run, when I did have a walking program, when I did meditate, when I did do yoga and Tai Chi. I know the benefits of all these activities and have still lacked the motivation to start again. You are truly inspiring. Tonight it’s meditation and tomorrow yoga. Thank you Tess!
Get me off the pedestal. People constantly do that. I just told a friend last week to take me off…the problem being… I’ll fall off and disappoint you!
Now that we have that straightened out I’ll go on.
Wow you sure have been active! I LOVE how you defied the doctors. OMG carrying all that weight, and still carrying that weight is mind blowing.
My hips are fine but it’s my arms that I need to build up.
I’ve done the 25K three times, the last being 3 years ago. You with a back pack and 37lbs. for several miles on the mountain. That’s crazy. Doesn’t it blow your mind what are bodies are capable of! I’m not sure you’re so crazy about running, walking and hiking are fantastic. My guess is you’ll do anything they say you can’t do. Did I get that right;) I just started doing yoga. I’m not enjoying it yet. I hate to admit that. And rowing and all OMG I’m coming to NM to join you and you will see I’m a whimp next to you.
I think barefeet is natural not crazy. The Kenyans that win races grew up running bare foot. We’ve gotten away from what’s natural.
I spent my life barefoot on the farm. When we moved to the city when our kids were in middle school I had a hard time putting or keeping shoes on my feet. I drove the girls crazy as they were trying to fit in and had a mother that stood!
Robin I feel the LOVE! I’m happy to inspire you anytime. I’ve decided today I’m coming to climb mountains in NM with you. BUT I won’t be carrying any backpack with weight;) Peace and Love to you!
I’m 5’2 and thanks for reading my blog. The feelings mutual except I’m always laughing at your blog!
I think you’re the most compassionate person I know! God, do we need you.
And yoga I’m getting there…and chasing after the little one, how fun!
OK I’m getting on the plane tomorrow. Wow I can even imagine living on the water. In my dreams;) You keep running and healing girlfriend. Love to you. xo
Walking, kayaking, and Pilates…sounds like heaven to me. You are in the right part of the universe for living and loving in nature. I’m coming to visit you as well.
My hubby walks and sometimes I join him. Walking is great. Keep on keepin’ on!
What a lovely name. Thanks for visiting my blog. What a great thing to have a different goal each month. I’m all for books and romance and you!
I’m so happy we’re going hiking tomorrow. A new trail. Yipppeeee!
I think you’re too hard on yourself. You look 20 years younger than you are.
I like what you do and can’t wait for you to get back on your blog so we can read more of your wonderful writing…see ya tomorrow.
Hot yoga…that’s great. My daughter does that as well. And I love your purpose in live and your mission. I’m there with you my wise, young friend.
Treadmill and eliptical daily, oh my! You go Suzen amd I appreciate you being in my life.
You come hang out with me anytime. I’ll keep you going;)
Great post Tess! Very inspiring! But then you always are! I exercise every day although I do not run any more. But walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, dancing, strength training, treadmill…..whatever works as they say! I have some structural issues and feel lucky to be moving around as well as I am! I credit it all to exercise….and a good chiropractor! I was born to love and give. I am very lucky. Very, very lucky.
Hi Tess,
Wow, I love this post! You run AND you inspire me! I ran three miles on the treadmill yesterday because it was so cold and windy outside (…and I must be a fair weather runner!!). I have a ways to go to catch up to you.
At one of the triathlons I do, there is a lady who is in her early 80′s who competes. It is so impressive! At her age, she’s near the end of the pack, but she always wins her age bracket…because she is the only one. And everyone is so inspired seeing her come across the finish line!
Tess, that is really the example you set. You give me a belief in what I can do, by my watching and reading what you have accomplished. You are truly an amazing person, and I am so blessed to know you.
And I completely adore what Evita says as to what she loves to do…so right on for her!
.-= Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day =-.
Wow, Tess! That is great! I admire you!
I have gone from being a runner, to nearly getting a black belt, to walking some.
Tess, I salute you! You must be in such incredible shape. I SO wish I was a runner but have never had the stamina for it. Maybe it has something to do with the asthma (which is not severe anymore). I do enjoy power walks though. Doesn’t burn as many calories, but it quiets the inner critic.
.-= Davina´s last post…This Effortless Brilliance =-.
Hi Tess,
I love it that your children are all active now as a result of your model. I love it that running gives you energy, confidence and a good attitude as well as that it curbs stress and has carried you through the tough times you wrote about. How invigorating! Thank you for the inspiration!
Great post. Thank you so much for writing about this! The joy you get from running is so abundant that you’ve filled my bucket with it!
.-= Jodi at Joy Discovered´s last post…A Small Dose of Self-Care =-.
Tess, you never fail to inspire and amaze me. Not just because of the running, but because of the power of this post, the stories you tell, the word pictures you paint. You know, I think I was born to work with people and be creative, and ironically, that goes so much better for me when I’m walking each day, preferably by the river, ocean, or woods. It gets my juices revved up like nothing else. But I’m not doing as much of it as I want to lately. Time to change that. Thanks for the motivation today!
.-= Patty – Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Meaning Mondays: The Singing Blog Edition =-.
Funny how this is your post today. I am currently reading the book, Born to Run. I cannot put it down. In fact, the entire book is about how we were all born to run. I feel as if the book was made for me. haha.
I embrace running and all the love/hate that comes w/ it. I run because I am assured my heart is healthy when I listen to my breathing; I run to feel the pain of the uphill and the reward of the downhill; I run b/c I love wearing my NB product; I run b/c it pushes me mentally (afterall, after mile 18 every step there after is a test of mental toughness); I run to look good in my skinny jeans; I run b/c I get to share time w/ my boyfriend; I run b/c I love the thrill of race day; I run b/c I am addicted to the endorphins; I run b/c I love the feeling of my sore legs screaming ‘THANK YOU FOR USING ME TO THE POINT OF EXHAUSTION’; I run b/c I am a runner. I run b/c it is was I was born to do.
I’m not a runner myself (for obvious reasons), but I do so love reading about how it makes you feel. I love knowing that the part of “me” that is Tess can feel so joyous and free.
.-= Jay Schryer´s last post…Acceptance =-.
I just got back from a run. I love running, been doing it since 1992. As I ran this morning, as cold as it was, my iPod pumping my favorite rhythms into my ears I couldn’t help but think, “I feel so strong and powerful when I run. Like no one can catch me.”
I know people who judge runners asking “what are you running from” but not all runners are running away from something. Running also takes you forward.
I’ve run marathons, 1/2 marathons, 5ks, 10ks, and now I just enjoy 30 minutes a few times per week. it lifts my mood, my spirit and serves as the yang practice to my yoga (yin).
.-= Stacey Shipman´s last post…Feel Good Friday: Neck and Shoulder Stretch Break =-.
Hi Tess .. what a wonderful post – I’d gathered from the odd snippets of references to running – that you really love it, and it gives you an edge to life .. as we’re all told regular exercise will do to all of us.
I gave up squash some years after returning here from South Africa – it was too cold and I couldn’t get over the injuries. That’s persisted and I’ve tried a few remedies but so far to no avail. However when Mum became ill and then my uncle – all form of regularity seemed to disappear – had to with hospital visits etc
So I’d love to get back to Pilates and try some ‘easy’ (soft) yoga to get me going. My intention was to walk up and down the hill to my mother’s Home – but carrying odds and sods precludes that .. but now I’m down to one to ‘look after’ I must start again – slowly at first .. using the bus part way. Also get into the habit of stretching type exercises here, as well as Jan’s meditation ..
Life will settle down and I’ll be back to an ordered day at some stage in the not too distant future – Good for you and keep on going .. must be so much easier in Arizona!!!- Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last post…The Wigmaker, “Cottonpolis” and the first factory =-.
Wow I love variety but have had trouble getting into because of running. I’m working at it and I think you’re blessed, blessed, blessed especially with that beautiful lake you spend so much time on. Hope things are going well!
I’ve said it before my connection to you lies in your family. I’m so reminded of all the fun and good times each time I read about you and yours. It’s like you’re living my old life. Running, playing and laughing with the most important people in your life. Not that I don’t continue to do this…just not day in and day out!
Change is good. Going hiking with Julie today. Wish you were here;)
Well all isn’t as perfect as it sounds. We’re all still human you know! Sometimes we forget;) Your welcome. xo
Weren’t you the one who wanted more stories?!? This is for you! xo
You are your mothers daughter. Except I’ve lost some of my toughness over the years. However that’s a good thing…just ask you dad!
This is exactly why I love you. The power you put in those few words. Keep writing…you rock. xo
Isn’t life grand? Run on…
You’re right on with Jan’s meditation. I think it’s exactly where you need to be…a gentle place with yourself. Jan is so great at bringing people there.
Thanks so much for being a part of my blogging life. And hello and peaceful wishes and blessings to your mum.
I’m not a big runner, but I love to fast walk. I’m only 33, but my wife likes to joke that I’m really 73. I’ve got my arms pumping and my fast walk going. It helps me stay active. I do the fast walk instead of the run to keep from pounding on my joints.
What do you do to keep your knees and hips healthy?
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…Interview with Social Media Expert – Nathan Hangen =-.
Running has played an important role in my life in the past and recently, I haven’t made time for it, especially when the weather is uninviting. I have started yoga again, another one of my standby exercises that really improves my quality of life. Thank you for the encouragement to get out there and to make time for myself and for running.
.-= Daphne´s last post…Distance and Distantness =-.
I only run if something is chasing me. I do love to walk, in the mountains and in Garden of the Gods Park in Colorado nearly every day. My daughter-in-law tells me I was born to bring out the best in others. I am delighted in hearing that, and hope each day that is what I do. You keep on running since you love it.
.-= Erin´s last post…Sacred Mystery =-.
Of course, as I sit here procrastining my lunch time at the gym, I’m reading your article on running. I’m not a big fan of running, but it’s part of my black belt test later this year. I promise, after I’m done commenting I will go run for 30 minutes…
I promise.
Two things I incorporated into my life that leave me feeling better – yoga and Thai Kickboxing.
Yoga because it helps quiet the mind stuff. I can really turn down the volume of my ego, inner critic, judge and jury. My yoga practive can be vigorous, gentle or restorative. It is what I need when I step on my mat…and my body seems to know exactly what I need even if my ego is saying something different.
Thai Kickboxing unleashes my inner warrior goddess. I train like a fighter. I train like a black belt. My hair sweats. Natural endorphins kick in and stay that way long after my workout is done. And it gives me something yoga doesn’t – if I’m bothered, really bothered by something, it gives me a way to physcially transfer angry or frustrated engergy from my body to a 70lb bag. It helps me process what I’m feeling without the grrrrrrrrrrr. I can think things through and be clearer without the angry inside me.
Now…off to run…
.-= Peggy´s last post…Your Moment of Bliss =-.
Tess, like you I love to run. All the reasons you listed are just wonderful, and even though I started running in order to perfect my body at age 16 (b/c I had low self-esteem), it turned into a lifelong habit that I now cherish.
There have only been one or two times since I started running that I had to stop for awhile. The longest break I took came at the hand of a nasty stress fracture that stopped me in my tracks. I had to learn to love the elliptical instead. Boy, that was NOT easy. When I finally returned to running, it was as if I had my freedom back. My body just loves to run. I tell people I can’t go out for walks because I inevitably pick up my pace and start jogging slowly!
I loved reading this and will think of it today on the treadmill.
Thanks, Tess!
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Love, the Eternal Law =-.
I think walking fast is just as good. The only thing I do to keep my joints and knees healthy is avoid sidewalks. That’s the worst place to run. I’ve not had any problems with joints or knees ever. I wake up every day without aches or pains.
Amazing, eh?
I say do what ever works at the time. Variety is the spice of life and there is no right or wrong. Only what do I want today for myself?
I’ve really enjoyed all of your insights and stories on your yoga practice. I think you could make a video and or book about yoga and your cancer experience. I think you have a best seller!
I swear one day we will rung together! Where do you live again!?!
Oh Tess what a great post…and walking does the same for me as I can not run any more….my partner does run and bike and would add it eases his arthritis.
I will recommend the book Born to Run by Christopher O’Donnell…very interesting study of long distance runners who just love to run….I reviewed it on my blog, but well worth the read – fascinating.
thank you for sharing
.-= Patricia´s last post…Vitamins =-.
Hi Tess,
Just reading your post it’s obvious running is in your blood.
Me, not so much. I tried running a few times but just couldn’t get into it. Instead, I walk.
I think I was born to blog as I love everything about it. Too bad I only figured that out three years ago. I have lots of catching up to do.
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last post…Unveiling The Results Of My Facelift =-.
I’ve heard of the book Born to Run and you’re right I must read it. My daughter was carrying on about it as well. Thanks for the reminder!
Interesting that of all bloggers you were the only one to say I was born to blog. You go and if you think you have catching up to do where does that put me?!?
.-= Tess Bold Life´s last post…Born To Run =-.
You inspire me!
What a great post Tess,
You touched on so many of the wonderful benefits that come from challenging ourselves physically. One of the things I really like about any form of exercise is the way it raises our awareness of the whole mental, emotional, and physical connection.
To be fully engaged in life we need to appreciate that all these aspects are intertwined. Life itself is sustained by breathing and physical exertion puts us squarely in touch with that. Thanks for this insight into your personal life Tess. I totally appreciate where the motivation behind this article is coming from.
.-= Jonathan – Advanced Life Skills´s last post…Is More Success Always a Good Idea? =-.
Great post about the joys of running and the health benefits too!
I love running as well. I am finally getting back to it slowly but surely after breaking my arm last year. I broke all kinds of good habits at the same time.
The photo is too precious!
Hi Tess
Used to run when I was younger but the knees kept complaining.
Now I walk instead, get just as much pleasure, and the knees have stopped grumbling.
The good thing about walking and running is that your mind floats away and comes up with great ideas… I write them down as soon as I get home.
BTW love your Thesis Theme… green with envy.
.-= Keith Davis´s last post…Practice, practice, practice… =-.
You do the same for me. Isn’t life grand?
I can’t imagine life without it or at least some form of regular exercise. It has soooo helped me keep my ADHD in check. I appreciate your comment and you.
I understand exactly what your saying. When that happens just give yourself permission to be in that space. Sometimes it helps me to set a date and when that date comes around I’m off and running.
Hi Tess – I just found your blog this week (from the Virgin Blogger site), and think you’re an outstanding writer. You’ve done a very nice job capturing all of the wonderful things about running, a passion I share with you. I’ve been a runner for 20 years, and it’s given my more joy and satisfaction than virtually anything else in life.
Keep running boldly, and keep up the great work here!
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