My blog is one year old. Yeah!
Come To The Party…Bring A Link To Share!
I want to thank everyone for their generous comments and for giving me the opportunity to succeed. Leave a comment today with a link to your favorite or best post. It can be your best writing, a touching story, a give away, a product or a cause you want to show case!
In the comment space tell us why you chose that particular post. I will publish a list with all the links soon! I got this idea from Liz Staus.
If you like my blog share it with a few friends today and invite them to the party!
Thank you for being my friend! I want to thank everyone for their generous comments and for giving me the opportunity to succeed. I wouldn’t be here today without all of you.
In the future if you need anything don’t hesitate to drop me an email and ask. I’m always willing to help…that’s what friends do!
Now let’s go get that link, have some cake and party!
Please join The Bold Life for free and receive my free guide, Peace, Love, and Connection. Please share this post with a Tweet and a Like.
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Wow Tess,

Happy Birthday to The Bold Life…and congratulations to you!!! Yippeee….
We have learned so much from you this past year….for me its been 5 months since i am coming here..and wow what a great 5 months its been. ME love your blog..and me love how sweet you are for asking us about our favorite links.
I actually dont have any favorites(i actually mean i love all my posts) so much for being humble
Ok ok..if you insist..”Good Will BAnk”-
Oh please Mr. Spam..dont put my comment in the Spamophere…..I am only doing what Tess told me to
Lots of Love
.-= Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…Our Life’s Shelter =-.
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
My favorite post of mine is my recent one where I talk about my accident. I love this post because it has touched a lot of people and made them think twice about the fragility of life. Plus, I’m proud of the writing, and the way I was able to tell the story. Here’s the link:
.-= Jay Schryer´s last post…Thou Shalt Not Sell Out =-.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bold Life
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Tess you are amazing and I’m so grateful for your blog and your shinning spirit. By the way, you are a superstar on my Stepmom’s blog today!
As for my own favorite post of mine – it would be this one, Capturing Your Opportunity because this is MY DREAM.
It’s the post that reminds of where I want to be and who I want to be when all the negative noodges get in my way.
You’re the best!
Thanks for the cake
.-= Peggy´s last post…Tess Marshall on The Stepmom’s Toolbox! =-.
Great idea! Happy Blog Birthday too!
Here’s a post that I really enjoyed writing: Unlock 10 Ways to Be More Open ( Hope you enjoy!
.-= Positively Present´s last post…take a vacation (or a staycation!) from your life =-.
Happy Bold Birthday, Tess! Leave it to you to mark this milestone in a bold, new way. I love your fresh idea; it’s just like YOU! Generous to the core. You give so much of yourself here—wisdom and fun; uplifting insights and human awareness; kindness and love—and I treasure you dearly. Thank you, my friend.
Like Zeenat, it’s impossible for me to have a favorite (they’re all my babies!), but in honor of you and your special day, I offer this: It’s my own version of what you give us in each post.
With love, to you from me, ~ Julie
.-= Julie´s last post…Simply Divine =-.
Congrats on one year. It really is an achievement.
What a great idea. One of my most recent favorites is
We have to be bold not perfect.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…When Do You Decide Whether or Not You are Happy at Work? =-.
Congrats on making a year, my site just turned 6 this year.
One of my favourites would have to be
.-= Kimm´s last post…onlineversary =-.
Hi Tess!
Happy birthday to you, with many more to come!
It has been delightful getting to know you and your blog. Thanks for all you do for us via your writing. Two thumbs up! My blog is still quite young, and I think my best posts are yet to come, so sorry to not pick one specifically for you here.
This is a great idea – and also demonstrates your awesome candor.
Cheers to you!
.-= Lori´s last post…Dear Reader =-.
Happy Birthday to the Bold Blog and Blogger! What fun. and what a surprise, I thought you had been around much longer than I!
I will promote my UNICEF Fundraiser – not my best writing, but so good to be learning something new –
Many Happy Returns – what a great year!
.-= Patricia´s last post…Brian Williams – I could use a little help here =-.
You’re so awesome, Tess! Happy Big Bold Birthday! I love your posts, your energy and your generosity. Thanks for being so freakin’ fantastic!
Now, I’m too wiped to pick any blog posts, but know with everyone else’s listed mine won’t be missed. I’ll wrap this comment in love, though, and magnetized energy so that you attract the kind of readership you want and deserve (tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands?!). Big birthday hugs — Megan
.-= Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Love Leaves Again =-.
Happy one year!!! I love what you do here.
Here is a link:
.-= Mark´s last post…What Does a Rose, a Lamp and a Tree Have in Common? =-.
Happy Blog Birth DAY! Woo! How wonderful! Congrats to you and your dedication! I have been enjoying your answers on the thestepmomstoolbox today.
My favorite post is about my step dad. He raised me. He amazed me. I miss him terribly, this post honors him in the only why I know how – with great LOVE.
.-= Angelia Sims´s last post…Arrivederci, Italiano! =-.
Happy Birthday!! One year is a huuuge benchmark and one to be proud of.
Go you!
One of my favorite posts is “How to Be Free”
.-= Haden Tompkins´s last post…How to Rock Your Life =-.
Hi Tess and friends.
I am late at the party, but hey better late than never.
‘Lang zal je leven’ which is Dutch for long may you live!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations and what a great way to celebrate, I am with the others who say what a great BOLD woman and blog you both are. You are wise and so practical, I love that. You walk your talk, boldly and with both feet firmly on the earth where they belong. The story in your book confirms that you know what you are talking about and is a wonderful testimony.
May you boldly carry on for a long time to come, remember you have still a few years to go before you are 94.
My favorite blog post is about making me strong because I am base camp and when base camp is strong my life expeditions can be bold and adventurous.
The link is
Love Wilma
.-= Wilma Ham´s last post…Part 2. Making requests, an underestimated skill. =-.
Happy Birthday! I don’t read my blogs super regularly, but I am trying and have dwindled all my blogs down to about four or five now, including yours because I want to make sure I have the time to read that handful of GREAT writers.
Thank you for your wise words and bold actions!
Congratulations & Happy Birthday ! I am so excited to share this wonderful
milestone with you ! You have tought me so much in just the short time I have joined in . I am looking forward to the next year !
Here is my Blog and my most recent post : Mary B’s Cafe
Thanks for the push this year Tess ! The future is Bright when we ride the wave with the Bold Life and you !
And here I thought it was YOUR birthday… so I sung my little heart out to you on Twitter
Well, happy Blog Birthday Tess
Wow, does time fly! Congrats to you…
I will share a link from a poem I wrote called Flock of Thoughts:
.-= Davina´s last post…Changing Seasons in Gentle Stride =-.
Wow. A big happy bold blog birthday to you Tess! Like our girl Megan “JoyGirl” Bord, I want to keep the spotlight on you! Just like you to want to share it with others! But stand there, bold, bright and beautiful and bask in the birthday spotlight! Congratulations! xo
Man! That felt good! Congratulations Tess on the one year anniversary of The Bold Life!! What an incredible blog and how blessed I am to have found it several months ago. I have always benefited from your writings and really feel as though I have made a wonderful friend. Thank you for everything and I wish you continuing success with The Bold Life and in everything else you have going!
.-= Keith´s last post…Keep The Faith! =-.
Oh Tess, how absolutely loving of you!
It is your blog’s birthday and you are thinking of all of us! Wow – talk about a caring, awesome soul – thank you dearly!!!
And may the next year bring you all that your heart desires, all the success and happiness and joy that you intend to have from this blogging experience. It has been such a treat knowing you and your writing – the world is definitely a better place because of you and the energy you put forth from yourself.
So what link can I share with you – well the first one that came to my mind was “The Human Dream”
I pick this one because it is all about change and beauty and wonderful new beginnings
.-= Evita´s last post…Taking Bold Steps to Live Fully =-.
Feliz Cumpleanos, mom! You should be proud of yourself and celebrate all the gifts you have shared w/ us throughout the past year…. Rock on!
YAY! Balloons, party favors, cake everywhere ha ha
You’ve done it Tess! I can’t believe I almost missed this momentous event! Congratulations my friend!
Here is one of my favorite posts (also recently written):
“Should I or Should I Not? The Curse of Indecision” –
(Whistles loudly) I’m so proud of you, Tess! Keep on moving forward and continue living the life of your dreams
.-= John´s last post…Why We Should Put an End to the “New Year’s Resolution” =-.
Wow–Happy Birthday! Congratulations!
Yours is one of the first blogs I found, and you have managed to do exactly as your “warning” says: challenge me to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold. A mere thank you doesn’t seem enough, but know you have enriched my life tremendously. I look forward to whatever blessings come through your blog this year:)
For my favorite post, I picked because it is the day my painting of Ethereal Joy was given to me and brought on board the boat. A day I will remember always as crossing a huge personal threshold to “the other side”. I took those physical steps, but lots of people were with me in spirit, and you and lots of your readers were among them. Thank you:)
Congrats Tess! I am so glad I am on this journey with your blog. It is very insightful and inspirational and I can’t wait for the next year’s worth of posts!
Keep up the wonderful writing,
Hey Tess – A very happy birthday to you and your blog! I haven’t been around here very long but I’ve really enjoyed your spirit and sass. And how generous of you to open up the party to all of us – Thank you! Here’s my pick, chosen because, as I say in the post, when I think of Leo now I go all soft inside:
Happy Birthday Tess and The Bold Life! Your blog is always interesting and I enjoy the way you think and write. I can come here when I need a hug or a kick in the pants (to get moving). I rejoice in your success:~)
The post I select is one of my favorites because it wrote itself, which makes the subject all the more real to me. Every morning when I come into my office, she’s there waiting and I smile.
Thanks for letting us do this — it’s such a clever and generous way to share your birthday!
.-= Sara B. Healy´s last post…My Halloween Scare =-.
Happy birthday!!! It seems like yesterday that you and I met through Sean and Eric. Why does it not surprise me that you’re going to do a list of links!
This isn’t a link to my best post or even my favourite, but it’s one where I loved your comment in my boxes. It was beautiful and memorable, a glimpse of your evocative writing at its best.
Long may you boldly blog where no blogger has gone before! Big {{{HUG}}}}
.-= janice´s last post…Does anxiety make you over-explain? =-.
Happy happy HAPPY Birthday to your blog!!! I think I may just go out and celebrate tonight! How about you? Will you be out celebrating at that place where they wear they wear the kilts??
Tess, it’s been so good getting to know you – and that all started because you author this blog. And that is way awesome (just like you!)!!
My favorite post? Right now, it’s — this one has been especially moving for me….
.-= Lance´s last post…Blog 4 Cause =-.
Oh Happiest EVER Blog Birthday! I would be tickled to leave you a link to my favorite MillieWisdom Blog but I haven’t a clue how to find a link to just that one blog! I know, it’s pathetic. Linkage has been a huge stumbling block – but I can COOK! I can quilt! Look, mom! I can! In a perfect world, I could link!
archives July 23, 09
.-= suzen´s last post…Reclaiming Great Relationships! =-.
“La Breithla Shona Dhuit” as we say in Ireland
As with any first birthday it is a huge milestone and I’m so delighted that you acknowledged it and celebrated. Congratulations Tess, you rock.
Thank you for this blog, your sharing calls forth the bold woman within me.
Your blog shines brightly out there for its authenticity and commitment to be in action. I love your book, it’s be so valuable.
Appreciate the invite, any cake left?
Here’s my favourite blog as the subject ruffled my feathers big time
Enjoy the party, Brithday Girl .
Hugs to you
.-= Ann-Marie´s last post…Ann-Marie on saying NO to requests. =-.
Happy Birthday!!! What a fabulous idea. I’m going to be reading all these fabulous posts for weeks. I have really enjoyed your blog and feel so blessed to have you as part of my blogging community. You are an inspiration to me.
Here’s my favorite post.
May you celebrate many more years of blogging bliss.
.-= Jill´s last post…Knowing when to stay down =-.
Congratulations, Tess, I am celebrating you and your blog! You are source of boundless energy and you always invite us higher. May this next year of blogging bring you even more joy. I appreciate you. (No need for me to link to a a fave post. They are all my favorites.
Though if you want, I can put a link to my new woman-to-woman site to draw some “awakened women” over.
That would be fun. The more the merrier!
P.S. I am at a year, past a year actually for and didn’t celebrate. What was I thinking? Not too late, I hope. Perhaps next week!
.-= Jan´s last post…Vibrating at the Speed of Love =-.
I am so late to the party…I have not been at my computer all week.
Nonetheless I couldn’t not wish you a Happy Birthday and much continued success into the future with your blog! It’s been great being part of it and look forward to sharing more over the next year!
.-= Stacey Shipman´s last post…Forget the Gym and Think Options =-.
Wow, well done. Happy blogaversary!! It looks like you’ve made quite a presence in only a year
.-= bingo no deposit´s last post…Cheeky Bingo offer 10% cashback =-.
Tess – what does it feel like to be 1 again? Congratulations and happy blogday! It would seem like you’re an old pro with the quality and growth on your blog. I am proud to say, I’ve probably been visiting you since the beginning and will continue to visit for your great insights and support. Thanks for everything…here’s to an even better 2nd year.
Did you get a cake?
.-= simply stephen´s last post…Who I Love Following On Twitter =-.
I’m late to the party, but happy birthday to your blog! I have really enjoyed reading it and I’m impressed at your following after only a year. You have already had a wonderfully positive and strong impact on the world around you!
One of my favorite posts is The House of Me ( because it describes some of the images in my head that keep me going when things are tough. Thank you for the opportunity to share it!
.-= Daphne´s last post…The Great Clothing Clean-out Project =-.
Howdy, i read your blog occasionally and i personal a similar one and i had been just wondering if you get lots of spam comments? If so how do you prevent it, any plugin or anything you are able to advise? I get so much recently it’s driving me mad so any assistance is really much appreciated.
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