- Offer others your wisdom.
- Don't give unasked for advice.
- Accept that everyone isn't on your path.
- Pay for your dates dinner.
- Plant a tree.
- Learn to love yourself.
- Stop whining. Change what you complain about. Let the rest go.
- Get involved in something you believe in.
- Believe in yourself.
- Enjoy your journey.
- Learn how to deal with anger, yours, and others.
- Use music to change your mood.
- Compliment others often. Never leave kind words unsaid.
- Don't save your good stuff for later.
- Affection isn't earned, it's freely given.
- Live with less of everything…except love.
- Visit Alaska.
- Have a “Yes” so big it allows you to say “No.”
- Learn how to say, “No, that’s not going to work for me.” Don’t offer an excuse.
- Stop buying expensive coffee.
- Use the money saved for a trip at the end of the year.
- Buy a good pair of New Balance athletic shoes and walk or run consistently.
- Learn how to receive. Just say, “Thank you!”
- Learn to enjoy reading.
- Admit when you’re wrong.
- Let others have the last word.
- Let go of quilt. It's wasted energy.
- Touch the people you love.
- Paint something.
- Respect yourself. Don't tolerate abuse.
- Learn to apologize.
- Learn to dislike fast food.
- Eat mindfully.
- Change the oil in your car regularly.
- Never visit someone empty handed.
- Be who you are.
- Understand and accept your weaknesses and shortcomings. Everyone has them.
- Always hold the door open for the person behind you.
- Call your mother today. Better yet, send her chocolates.
- Spend time listening to a child’s laugh.
- Find out what brings you joy. Then do it.
- Learn about fine art and classical music.
- Create your own health program.
- Take responsibility for your own happiness.
- Listen to your gut. It's never wrong. Never.
- Keep your surroundings neat and clean.
- Practice compassion and loving kindness.
- Learn about a different culture.
- Celebrate your strengths and successes.
- Allow yourself pleasure.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Make the first move. Don't keep score of who did what last.
- Learn how to fix things. Over time it will save you a fortune.
- Tap into your own genius.
- Decide fear won't stop you.
- Learn to deal with rejection. Everyone won't give you what you want.
- Create a vision for your future.
- Refuse to participate in uncomfortable situations.
- Create romance in your relationship.
- Smile more.
- Laugh frequently. It's a good thing.
- Listen to someone you disagree with. Remain neutral.
- Change a habit. Then change another.
- Get outside and smell the day.
- Always leave a big tip. Teach that the world is a generous place.
- Stop blaming others for your misery.
- Focus on one task at a time.
- Spend one day working in the fields with migrant workers. Then ask yourself if they are taking our jobs.
- Send thank you cards the old fashioned way.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Volunteer in a children’s cancer ward.
- Go the extra mile.
- Walk your date to the door.
- Be courageous. Break up with someone face to face.
- Learn what projection and how to accept it.
- Don’t take things personally.
- What people do is about them. How you respond is about you.
- Bring flowers to someone. Buy a single stem for yourself.
- Write poetry. It soothes your soul.
- Count your blessings. When is the last time you were grateful for your refrigerator?
- Be inspired by slam poetry. What a skill.
- Be impeccably groomed. Dress up on low energy days.
- Enjoy chocolate.
- Learn to change your emotional state.
- Forgive your parents.
- Write down what you promise others.
- Do the work.
- Practice gratitude.
- Agree to disagree.
- Be willing to compromise.
- Love toxic people from a distance.
- Remain true to your dreams and visions.
- Eliminate all forms of negative media from you life.
- Live the life you’ve imagined.
- Be true to yourself.
- Embrace the present.
- Just begin.
- Give thanks in advance.
- Use your imagination.
- Collaborate with others.
- Learn to admit, “I don’t know.”
- Find something to believe in.
- Get the help you need.
- Learn how to cook.
- Dare to be your best.
- Take risks. Do what scares you.
- See beauty in world.
- Celebrate what’s right with the world.
- Do something brilliant every day.
- Encourage others.
- Make a difference.
- Continue to learn something new.
- Mentor someone.
- Learn to be frugal.
- Spend time with children and the elderly.
- Be honest about your taxes.
- Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day.
- Don’t bet against yourself. Believe in yourself.
- Don’t clutter your mind or environment.
- Give anonymously.
- Don’t believe your own thoughts.
- Drop your story.
- ump for joy.
- Take naps.
- Expect the best.
- End your relationship before you sleep with someone else.
- Learn how to meditate.
- Don’t text and drive.
- Be happy for the success of others.
- Don’t drink and drive.
- Don’t drink, text, and drive.
- Be inspired. Read and listen to good stuff.
- Remember this too shall pass, it always has and always will.
- Learn how to express yourself intelligently.
- Be a mindful driver.
- Thank a teacher.
- Become a mentor.
- Appreciate nature.
- Be the love you want to find.
- Notice small things; a blade of grass, a snowflake, tree bark.
- Surround yourself with happy people.
- Don't think about your problems. Solve them.
- Give up control and manipulation.
- Positively anticipate the future.
- Learn how to grow things.
- Where you find love lacking, offer love.
- Spend less time at work and more time at play.
- Learn self-restraint.
- Learn how to relax.
- Be bold!
Check out my interview on The Happy Seeker, Christopher is 79 years old…the oldest, youngest blogger I know!
Source: inspirational-pictures.com
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{ 30 comments… read them below or add one }
This is an amazing list of life lessons! I couldn’t begin to say what my favorites are. Picking one each day and implementing it into my life (or reminding myself of it) is what I’ll be doing. That trip to Alaska has been on my list for too long.
Paige – simple mindfulness´s last post…How to Create Your Best Year Ever – One Conscious Choice at a Time
My father invited my six sisters and myself to go on a cruise with him two years before he died. I had not interest in Alaska and went for him. Was I in for a surprise. You have to go! He wanted to go in one of those small planes over the glaciers, nobody else wanted to go with him. I jumped at the chance. I’ll never forget the fun we had. Go!
wow, never saw this amount of reasons in one place..
jack foley´s last post…How To Change Your Mental-State
Hi Tess,
I’m one for keeping it simple…..150 blows my mind……but it’s amazing what pieces of wisdom, inspiration, boldness are at our fingertips…..we have the power to do so much, be so much. Thankyou Tess.
be good to yourself
David Stevens´s last post…Living Life Today – When adding some “greed”, can actually help
Yes we do have the power…choice by choice we decide…isn’t life grand?
This is one of my favourite posts ever! So much love and wisdom in what you write. I was especially inspired by three:
- Compliment others often. Never leave kind words unsaid.
- Have a “Yes” so big it allows you to say “No”.
- Love toxic people from a distance.
The last one helped me a lot as I’ve been grappling with how to deal with a friendship that has recently turned toxic. It was so comforting to know that I can still love that person, but not necessarily at close range. Thank you for helping me to see this.
You are amazing Tess! When I grow up, I want to be like you
I’m glad you are inspired. I think toxic relationships are addictive. I had one that I allowed myself to get sucked into until I moved across the country! I’m still tempted to go back! Just like me? Be careful for what you ask for. Hee hee
Wow…this is filled with just so many great nuggets of goodness!
And that’s what is so great – so many yes’s and aha’s – as I read through this and let these inspiring thoughts of yours reach my heart…
Thank you. And big love and big hugs,
Lance´s last post…Visit Your Local Farmers Market Today for Vibrant Health
Hey Lance,
It’s amazing what we know isn’t it? I just put it into one big list…Stay tuned for part 2:)
Hi Tess,
Love the list. You have given us all we need to live meaningful lives. This is a post that should be printed and posted somewhere to reread when we need a reminder. Take care.
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…How to Find Your Way Through Fear
Thanks Cathy. Maybe I’ll do that! Have a nice weekend.
AMAZING list Tess. You really hit a home run with this one:) Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sibyl, You’re awesome!
I just love your posting they all seem like I could really learn from quite a few of the post. All I know right now is that I’am stuck in one place I really need to know what my purpose here on earth is can you possiblie help me with that. please get back to ASAP.
You’ve outdone yourself! I’m just in awe of how you can come with 101 reasons.
This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing my link here too.
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition´s last post…6 Tips to Recalling and Interpreting Dreams
I forgot to add that you’re so right about our intuition. It is never wrong. WE may be wrong when we “tamper” with it but, it is not.
Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition´s last post…6 Tips to Recalling and Interpreting Dreams
You’re seeing a reflection of yourself and your writing! Thanks. xoxo
Your lists are amazing. They deserve to be printed and posted so one can see these things every day. I often times say that I don’t listen to news and tv because what we hear or read is what fills our minds, then comes out of our mouths and become our actions.
Instead I read and fill my mind with positive things. You always do a fabulous job of filling the mind with the good, the lovely, the things we should all give more attention to.
Jt Clough | Big Island Dog´s last post…Fear of Failure, Joyfear & The Dog
I don’t watch or read the news either. I didn’t know of the cruise ship accident until last night…someone told me. People are afraid they’ll miss something if they quit…and they will a lot of negativity!
I love the list and I have learned to be a positive thinking person despite so much negativity in the first 40 yrs of my life. Every day is a gift and I have been so very blessed to have survived for almost 63 yrs now with the amazing things I have accomplished! Whenever I read positive statements I love to share them so that hopefully others will reap the reward as I have.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
What a wonderful way to show others you’re thinking of them. Yes I believe we’re all blessed, we just forget it sometimes.
Tess, what a great post! So much practical wisdom and insight. You covered about every avenue for living more effectively. You certainly have me pegged with number 10!
joe @ shake of the grind´s last post…How to Boost Productivity While Working from the Comfort of Home
Hey Tess, I like these very much, but I have a question about the “Pay for your date’s dinner.” Maybe I’m old fashioned, but is this a serious problem in today’s world?
Wow.. My grandfather would be rolling in his grave. 
Bryan Thompson´s last post…What Do You Do When You Don’t Feel the Love Anymore?
My granddaughter’s dates never have money and rarely does a guy pay for her dinner or movie. Maybe it’s the job market? Not sure…
I have to confess that I get stuck on #34 – changing the oil in my car! But I can improve. I just washed my car today so I’m on the right track.
I love #19 – a simple way to say no! I love the way you mix it all up here.
Sandra / Always Well Within´s last post…The Magic of Optimism
This list is amazing!! One worth printing out and keeping when people need it. There are so many… it’s hard to chose one favorite although practicing gratitude is a good one for me!
Betsy at Zen Mama´s last post…10 Ways To Challenge Yourself Today!
Amazing list. We all probably do a lot of these every day and seeing the list and being able to say recognise some and say ..’.I do this’ …. made me feel good. Most of us dont recognise our daily achievements enough, and we have so many in the one day, its human nature to focus on the negtive.
Your list has helped me to feel grateful for what I have achieved and to be mindful of what I would still like to achieve. Brilliant!
Thanks for that. AM
Anne Marie´s last post…Write a Blog – Rewire your Neurons!
“Stop buying expensive coffee.
Use the money saved for a trip at the end of the year.”
For me following the above steps would be ignoring Step’s 45 & 50 because I usually buy expensive coffee when I visit with friends at coffee houses which is what my Spirit (gut) calls me to do – to connect – and doing so brings me joy upon joy
“Learn to admit, “I don’t know.”” – People seem to think that admitting they don’t have an answer makes them look weak or stupid. Maybe its my perspective as an unschooler (or maybe its my perspective and that helps me as an unschooler) that allows me to say I Don’t Know often and usually with excitement because now we get to search for answers and “oh the Thinks you will Think” that happen when you search for answers and information
Kate a.k.a. The Secret Goddess´s last post…I’m Not Afraid or Why Eminem Is Speaking Some Powerful Truths Here
Wow what a list! I think I’ll review my 2012 resolutions:-) I particularly love these 2 points (I adore the other 148) : 107 and 108 – See beauty in world, Celebrate what’s right with the world – It makes one reflect on all the deconstructive criticism happening be it on the media or in one’s immediate surrounding. Celebrating the positive and beautiful without necessarily forgetting the other side is key to happiness.
Thanks Tess for joyfully nurturing my complete being!.
Davek´s last post…Seneca – Fear
Smiling is the key to a happy life! I like your colorful picture with the word smile. What’s the best line that inspires you of all the written there?
Like your post! Very motivating!
Rommel P.´s last post…internet dating tips
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