Relationships are about connection.
They are fun.
There is laughter and humor.
There are mutual dreams.
There is support for individual dreams.
There is respect and appreciation.
There is inspiration and motivation.
There is the delight of shared activities and experiences.
There are adventures and vacations to be explored.
There is the thrill of creating and accomplishing small and big things together.
There is satisfaction in growth.
Relationships allow for growth through challenges.
There is the challenge of healing your childhood wounds.
There is the challenge of letting go of the need to be right.
There is the challenge of agreeing to disagree.
There is the challenge of giving and receiving.
There is the challenge of balance.
There is the challenge of keeping your heart open.
There is the challenge to keep things fresh and new.
There is the challenge of accepting each other exactly as they are.
There is the challenge of healing the relationship you have with yourself.
There are projections that show you exactly what you need to heal.
There is forgiveness that begins within and extends outward.
There is fun and there is adventure.
There is happiness and peace.
There is kindness and love.
Relationships are about connection.
They nurture your spirit and replenish your soul.
Tess, you nuture my spirit.
.-= Simon Hay´s last post…Healing Responses =-.