Rock Your Swagga

by Tess on May 24, 2010

My daughter sent me this video this morning. It's creative, fun and happy.

What creative step are you taking today to get your message out?

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    { 19 comments… read them below or add one }

    Joy 05.24.10 at 2:36 pm

    LOL Tess, okay I’ll up the boldness factor and next time make a production video:)
    Maybe instead of the Love Bomb that Nate does (which I love!), I can drop a “joy bomb” through the mail–you open it up and out comes your own group of butterflies and you are showered with glitter….
    For now, though, I’m just enjoying the sunshine, and letting the rest unfold as it will:)
    Joy´s last post…Monday Blessing: A Resounding Yes…. My ComLuv Profile

    Belinda Munoz + The Halfway Point 05.24.10 at 3:12 pm

    Laugh out loud hysterical! I think the main reason I only have one kid is to avoid getting a swagger wagon. I can relate to so many things in this video being a mom of a toddler.

    Seriously, Tess, I’m a big fan of creativity. When we lose our manual or rulebook in life (I’m being facetious, of course), it’s comforting to know that we can always make things up. It’s one of our best secret weapons, I think.

    Tony Single 05.24.10 at 4:34 pm

    One of the most frightening real life video documentaries I’ve ever seen! :P

    I knew there was a reason why wifey and I have sidestepped all that… to keep our SANITY intact! ;)

    Wilma Ham 05.24.10 at 6:41 pm

    Just observing and sharing my own life is hysterical enough obviously, since I am still blundering my way through it. xox Wilma
    Wilma Ham´s last post…Context is still King, I still mind what happens. My ComLuv Profile

    Kristy 05.24.10 at 6:41 pm

    Mom, I’m so glad you found this as entertaining as I did. I had to send it as soon as I saw it. It had me smiling all day. It actually made me want a mini van…..for a very brief moment :) . LOL…..

    Topi 05.24.10 at 9:04 pm

    Is this where I get to admit owning one of these (well, something very similar). I never realised I was so cool!
    Topi ;)
    Topi´s last post…Gratitude for breakfast My ComLuv Profile

    Tom 05.24.10 at 10:16 pm

    @Belinda They were handing out manuals?! That would have helped during puberty. At least now I know that everybody is making up as they go along.
    Tom´s last post…The Monday Comic My ComLuv Profile

    Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord 05.25.10 at 4:41 am

    Fantastic! Although I love Joy’s idea, too… I’d want to be there for it if that happened. Who doesn’t love glitter and butterflies?!!

    Hilary 05.25.10 at 7:30 am

    Hi Tess … glad you passed it on to us .. not singing would be my two words!

    That was great .. really hit the heart for lightness .. some of the car ads are very good .. don’t know if you had the citroen, that undid itself and skated away?

    Loved that – thanks – Hilary
    Hilary´s last post…The Silent Pianist Speaks … My ComLuv Profile

    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now 05.25.10 at 9:05 am

    Best Toyota commercial ever. It’s entertaining and spreadable.

    I’m working on my own marketing by connecting with people on my blog, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I need to start doing some more YouTube again. I’ve been retooling and need to stay focused.

    Thanks for the smile this morning.
    Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post…The Ultimate Guide to Releasing Your Career Frustrations My ComLuv Profile

    Mark 05.25.10 at 12:55 pm

    I had to watch this twice! Love it, thanks for sharing.

    BTW – I write.
    Mark´s last post…Hooking-Up on MySpace, Facebook and Other Social Media Sites My ComLuv Profile

    Evita 05.25.10 at 5:45 pm

    Love it Tess!

    But it does also make one step back and see the power of advertising. Make something catchy and it spreads like wildfire.

    Interesting idea to consider as to how we spread our message indeed. I don’t think I have come up with a way to spread my message yet, except by the natural course of the Universe in work. I just believe that those who are meant to find my work, will. Clearly this does not make money, as it can be slow and not uniform (something the big corps cannot fathom) but for now it works ;)
    Evita´s last post…Old Journeys End With New Priorities My ComLuv Profile

    Keith 05.25.10 at 6:12 pm

    Hello Tess,

    This video is great! It definitely brought smiles to my face. :-)

    I am the father of three daughters, all just two years apart. When they were young, the car I had was sort of small and I am sure I could have used a mini van. I remember consciously deciding that I would not get a mini van! LOL I don’t know why really, maybe I thought it was a sign of growing up, getting older etc and I wasn’t about to do that! HA HA
    Keith´s last post…You’ve Got To Roll With The Changes! My ComLuv Profile

    Keith 05.25.10 at 6:21 pm

    Oh I forgot to answer your question!

    I get creative by writing, music and I brainstorm a lot. :-)
    Keith´s last post…You’ve Got To Roll With The Changes! My ComLuv Profile

    Tess Bold Life 05.25.10 at 8:04 pm

    I love your butterfly and glitter symbols and I think we need to add some to your blog…yes?

    I’ve always been one to throw out the rule book or maybe I’ve never picked one up. However I think one reason I’ve loved this is because I’ve been lacking a little in creativity. Yes what mom can’t relate…brilliant just brilliant.

    Yes if you don’t have kids you’ve done some major side tracking and the wonderful thing about life is we all get to choose what’s right for us.

    You and I will just go blundering hysterically through life…it’s the only way to do it because I don’t think we arrive until we die. I love you for who you are …authentic and generous and it doesn’t get much better than that. xo

    Yeah a very brief moment…LOL

    Oh but you are sooo cool. ;O)

    Yeah we must have been playing hookey when the manuals were handed out!

    Even my hubs love glitter and butterflies. After 5 women how can he not… ?

    Yes my daughter says the they have geniuses on their think tanks. Well where do I get a think tank like that??? Does anyone hear me!

    I think you’re doing great. I’m going to say “I knew him when….someday!”
    Tess Bold Life´s last post…Rock Your Swagga My ComLuv Profile

    Tess Bold Life 05.25.10 at 8:08 pm

    Yes you do write! And is anyone who doesn’t know Mark would like to see what an awesome writer he is go to

    That’s what I love about you always leading the way in your own quiet manner. I hear what you’re saying…

    I had no idea about those three little girls all two years apart. You and my hubs would have a lot to talk about and laugh about. I hear ya about getting older but Keith…we both look so good! LOL
    Tess Bold Life´s last post…Rock Your Swagga My ComLuv Profile

    Susan Liddy 05.25.10 at 8:15 pm

    Hmmm… well, I don’t know how creative this is yet I started a FB group to support Aspiring FEMpreneurs and each day I’m posting a short biz/marketing tip to help them. Coming up with a new idea and then writing the quick tip takes a bit of brainpower and I’m finding I really enjoy the woman-to-woman support.

    :) Susan

    PS. Does that count?
    Susan Liddy´s last post…SURVEY Results: “What do you think of beauty pageants like Miss America and Miss USA?” My ComLuv Profile

    Tess Bold Life 05.25.10 at 8:37 pm

    Heck yes it counts and I’m going to check it out! Thanks for stopping by and sharing what you’re up to…I find you interesting and amazing and by the looks of your photo fun!
    Tess Bold Life´s last post…Rock Your Swagga My ComLuv Profile

    fatima da 05.26.10 at 1:08 am

    Awesome Video which I feel got the “wagon” message out .I had a swagger tea- shirt on a few days ago which drew attention … I suppose sticking my message on my “tea” then will help get my message out…Thanks Tess for sharing and teasing out how we can get our message across to others :)
    fatima da´s last post…How to Create Your own Passion My ComLuv Profile

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