Sending this out a day early! Tomorrows Monday and if you leave a great comment you’ll get a Free CD of Jannie Funster’s donated by me!
Inspire others
Encourage a child
Go the extra mile
Learn to let go
Celebrate progress
Own your mistakes
Take a joy inventory
Give up the last word
Refuse to complain
Accept your flaws
Participate in rituals
Donate to charity
Save your money
Learn to breathe
Sit in silence
Over look a grievance
Remember good times
Forget the bad
Get organized
Be patient
Surround yourself with happy people
Do something creative
Connect with others
Speak from your heart
Get a pet
Walk daily
Be enthusiastic
Help an older adult
Practice self care
Leave big tips
Eat fruits & vegetables
Tell others you care
Surprise someone
Listen to happy music
Act as if…
Take a break from electronics
Praise others
Enjoy everyday
Take mini vacations
Eat dessert first
Put others first
Speak kindly of others
Think well of yourself
Hold on to your values
Appreciate what you have
Enjoy the outdoors
Monitor your thoughts
Make time for a hobby
Have faith in others
Do good
When are you the most happy?
How do you bring yourself up when feeling down?
To me happiness means_______________.
Leave a great comment and get a free CD “I Need A Man,” by Jannie!
I wanted to comment, but I don’t want to enter to win Jannie’s CD because I already own it. Let someone else win it. That being said…
When are you the most happy?
I think that I am happiest when I am singing. Whether I am leading the song at Mass, singing for other people in a concert hall, or just singing by myself in my little apartment or in the shower, I just feel so amazing.
How do you bring yourself up when feeling down?
Well, one of things that I do is listen to music. I truly believe that music has the power to affect moods and emotions so effectively. Another thing I do is sing myself but that can be dangerous because I tend to sing sad or melancholy songs when my mood is similar. One of the most important things I do is talk to my husband. He can always cheer me up no matter what.
To me happiness means_______________.
Too much to fit in one little sentence. It is all the little things that mean so much like the breeze, prayer, love, friends, rainbows, singing, music, blue skies, flowers, animals, smiles, children giggling and playing, reading beautiful stories, going on adventures, being spontaneous, creativity and learning, and so much more!!
I love this post. π