If you want to be brave, do more firsts! Do you remember passing driver’s training and driving a car all on your own for the first time? I’ll bet you remember your first job and how nervous yet excited you were to begin.
What about your first date? I can remember what Hubs wore, his cologne and his breathtaking physical beauty!
I remember my heart pounding loudly and my palms sweating profusely, thinking, “Does he like me, does he really like me?”
When you are young, your desire for freedom is so strong that your excitement and readiness for freedom trumps your fear.
You are always on the go, spreading your wings, testing the waters and daring yourself and others to risk sometimes crazy things.
Your life is filled to the brim with laughter and the joy of experiencing several things for the first time.
At some point in life we fall into ruts and routines and settle for less than what we desire and deserve.
We settle into relationships, jobs, homes and comfort zones. Time passes and we forget how brave we really are.
And the inner critic cries, “I don’t know how. I might make a mistake. I might fail! I’m too scared, too old…” and the list goes on.
We forget that life is a banquet and we can try brand-new things anytime we wish.
We forget that life doesn’t run out of firsts and we can continue to live boldly until the day we die.
There will always be an untried language, culture or country to ascertain.
There will always be awesome people to discover, new friends to make and more fun to be had.
There will always be an unfamiliar mountain to climb and a novel river to paddle.
There will always be art to create and new studios to open.
There will always be unwritten songs and unread best-sellers.
There will always be unvisited museums and red-hot Broadway plays.
There will always be an opportunity to be involved in the latest methods, techniques and concepts of our times.
Life doesn’t run out of firsts. That’s what makes life so breathtakingly beautiful and amazingly extraordinary.
The solution to fear and a life unlived is to try new things. Get re-energized. Do new firsts.
Challenge yourself.
Create new experiences that leave your toes tingling, your adrenaline pumping and cells screaming “yes!”
Do what it takes to cause you to taunt your fear, believe in your strength and follow your dream.
Risk embarrassment and failure. Push yourself.
At least discover what you can and cannot do.
The more you try, the more courageous you become. You grow, gain freedom and feel more freakin’ alive.
New firsts. Invent them. Embrace them. Run with them. Nothing will ever be the same.
Commit to a lifetime of firsts. Revel in the moments and savor the memories that will inspire you to try even greater heights.
Big joyous mind-blowing moments and memories.
There’s no limit on firsts. You’ll never run out. Choose one and begin today!
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
Those are awesome photos, Tess! I appreciate your challenge to think of more “firsts”. It’s a unique way to keep life fresh and your body and brain vital!
Sandra Pawula´s last post…What’s Ahead? How to Strengthen Yourself for Whatever’s Next
Hi Sandra,
I need to do MORE! It’s easy to get in a rut and routine when I spend so much time online! Onward!
When was the last time I did something for the first time. I went to a new restaurant for dinner tonight. It is something small, but still it is something new. I went to Big Sur for the first time two weekends ago. That was something new too. I screamed while watching a soccer match. I’ve never done that before. I’ve decided to give it my all and started working for myself, which is nerve wracking, yet freeing at the same time.
I am excited to try more new things. I agree it is so important for our personal growth. It also keeps our brain healthy : D.
Sebastian Aiden Daniels´s last post…The Zen of Surfing – Part 1
Those are ALL awesome firsts! They make life fun, interesting and lively! Keep it up!
Hiya Tess!
I seem to be doing a ton of firsts lately…maybe it’s because I turned 50 or because the sky is blue. Maybe I just got over myself in a big way.
My most recent “take a deep breath and do it” first was just yesterday…I FINALLY hit the publish button on my flash fiction piece, “The Hunger.” (Thank you for sharing it, by the way!) After winning a short story contest *four* years ago, it’s been sitting in a digital file on my laptop. Hello? McFly? Um. Get over yourself, right!?
Even scarier is the simple fact that this isn’t the type of story or writing that people are used to seeing me write. This is a story straight from my imagination.
I hope you have a magical Monday!!
Peggy´s last post…40+ Simple Ways to Kick Your Over-Thinking Monkey Mind Blues
LOVED your photos!
Go, Tess!
Firsts keep life fresh. Especially when you’re of a “certain age”, and you can be tricked into “been there done that” thinking.
My most soulful recent first was about a month ago when I drove the entire Pacific Coast Highway all by my lonesome. This will definitely evolve into a second!
Michelle´s last post…The Great Vision Board Debate… Continued
Lovely first! It’s such an awesome drive. Loooovvveee it!!!
Great pics Tess. Were you at a TreeUmph? Our little ones love that.
And I love your perspective on ‘firsts’ what a wonderful view of life…keeps in fun and well…alive.
Elle´s last post…5Â Basic Keys To Success And Happiness
No, it’s a new park in Michigan. It’s sounds very similar. Took my grandson. He had a blast. So did I:)
Awesome and inspiring post today Tess! I think you’ve captured the rationale for stepping out and trying something new, and also the benefits! Congratulations for you for continuing to push your personal envelope and thank you for sharing it with all of us! I really appreciated the read today!
Victor´s last post…How a Bad Salesperson (Or Anything) Can Overcome Limitations | VictorSchueller.com
I’m ready and ripe for being create and your post just inspired me, as usual!!
Betsy/Zen Mama´s last post…Oh The Possibilities…
“Do new firsts.” – that so resonated with me, Tess! Think I’m gonna adopt that as my new mantra over the next weeks (and months) (and years)

I’m in the midst of a new first right now – while I’m writing this my first ever “Bengali-style potato green beans curry” is simmering on the stove! Fingers crossed!
An´s last post…14 Things to remember when having a bad day.