Fear is a thief. When you grasp a new insight, have a light-bulb moment or feast your eyes on a once-in -life-time opportunity, it sneaks up on you unexpectedly, knocks you off your center and zaps the joy and courage you have bubbling underneath the surface.
Fear attacks and leaves you with doubt, crazy-making thinking and a belief that the sky is falling. Fear attacks leave you obsessing, envying and dreading life itself.
Fear steals your happy.
Fear causes you to feel that life is too good to be true when things go well or that you’ve missed out and this is as good as it gets. You regret your past and feel that you have no future.
Don’t allow fear to steal your dream and life purpose. Regardless of your current job, find a way to live your dream. Find a way to live your purpose. You can shut off the TV and write. You can skip happy hour and volunteer.
When the tides change, you’ll be ready. Spend 15 to 30 minutes a day on your dream. After one year, you’ll have something to show for it. You’ll have changed your life.
Don’t allow fear to steal your opportunities.
Be bold enough to find like-minded people. Walk the edge. Make one new contact or friend per week. Find a way to be helpful. Serve. Volunteer. You never know who you’ll meet or how far you’ll go. If you do nothing, you’ll gain nothing. Fear sucks; don’t allow it to drain you.
Don’t allow fear to steal your mental health.
If you have problems, get the help you need. The internet runneth over with support. There are forums and groups that you can join for free. There are therapists and coaches galore, offline as well. If you can’t afford an individual session, look for group sessions. If you don’t have any money, barter! 12 step groups are also free. You’re 100% responsible for your life. Bust a move, contact someone today.
Don’t allow fear to take your peace of mind.
Don’t be knocked off your center. Turn off all negative media. Go 3 months without it and notice how much better you feel. Look for the positive in any situation. Memorize the mantra: Oh well, so what. You can say it about 90% of the things you take too seriously in your life. Bust out an attitude of gratitude.
Don’t allow fear to steal your free time, play or laughter.
It’s easy to fall into a work addiction when you fear you don’t have enough, aren’t successful enough or someone has more than you. If you are consistently working 60+ hours a week, you have a problem. Workaholics are miserable even when they have a great amount of wealth, even when they appear to be successful or happy. Take regular digital breaks. Bust a move, go on vacation. Celebrate life.
Don’t allow fear to steal your sense of adventure.
Get out of your rut. Try new things. Go new places. Take a different route to work. Eat dinner in a different city. Learn to surf, skateboard, and do Zumba or yoga. Get a life, one that includes wonder, joy and adventure.
Don’t allow fear to steal your physical health.
Move your body. Find something you enjoy and do it. Ride a bike. Walk for a cause. Get to the gym. Find fruits and vegetables you enjoy and include them in your diet. Don’t keep junk food in your home. Quit fast food. Find support. Any reason for not doing so is an excuse. Quit your excuses today.
Don’t allow fear steal the present moment.
Humans tend to get stuck in the pain of the past or the fear of the future. Become aware of your thoughts. When you’re feeling out of sorts, pause, take a deep breath and become present. There is a line in A Course in Miracles that states, “Heaven is here. There is nothing else. Heaven is now there is no other place.” Only now exists. Only now matters.
Don’t allow fear to steal your love.
You can only love others to the extent that you love and accept yourself. Learn to love yourself. You were born for greatness. You have a Divine legacy. Learn to love yourself. Drop your expectations. Don’t judge. Forgive daily.
Don’t allow fear to hold you back. Life is short. Bust a bold move. Live it.
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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
So insightful and true, Tess! I love your description of how fear just grabs you and takes away any new excitement. And I totally resonate with the tendency to work addiction. Well said.
Sandra Pawula´s last post…Why Were You Born?
Thanks Sandra! I know fear well so it’s easy to describe;)
I have to remind myself to quit at the end of the day. I give myself permission to enjoy my offline friends and family. I don’t need fame and olive a vet blessed life!