How to Be Inspired By People Living Their Dreams

by Tess

My new friend Jt from Habit Course shared a link to this video on her blog Big Island Dog. Jt has finished nine Ironmans, yes I said 9! She sold her home and business and moved to Hawaii with the love of her life. 

I witnessed the Ironman in Hawaii 10 years ago. Hubs and I volunteered at the finish while we cheered on our friend Tom Nuyens, who entered by lottery. It's an amazing event, I realized that day exactly what our bodies are capable of doing.

I always cry when I see the physically challenged athletes push through barriers like they don't exist. Many of you know my daughter Kristy was born without a right hand.

Last night I left a comment on Jt's blog about it and she immediately responded that her partner has one arm, he climbed Mt. Everest. 

I love it when life brings me strangers that I feel an instant connection with and we become friends. I wonder what else we have in common. Enjoy the video. Stuff like this rocks my world.

So how do you get inspired by people living their dreams? You visit blogs and watch vidoes like these!

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

Aileen | Kaizen Vision October 21, 2011 at 1:34 pm

I do find great inspiration by watching/witnessing people overcome their challenges and live their dreams. That’s one reason I love the TED videos :) There is a flip side though, I’ve seen others not like seeing other peoples success, because they fall into a state of compassion and it creates a feeling of ‘why them’ and the feeling of longing happens. It seems those who are inspired are able to separate their own success from the others – and somehow connect with the notion that ‘all is possible’ rather than connecting with a sate of inferiority.
Aileen | Kaizen Vision´s last post…How to Stop Being Too Nice. Saying No, When You Want to Say No


Tess October 21, 2011 at 2:15 pm

Hi Aileen,
I think you meant a state of comparison. Right? When I feel like that it’s usually jealousy rearing it’s ugly head. Which I know is my ego. My ego wants me to be the victim, to feel life is unfair. It’s see me vs them.

My higher self sees unity, that we’re all in this together, here to help and serve.
Thanks for being my friend Aileen!


Tanja October 21, 2011 at 1:56 pm

Wow – JT truly is an inspiration!

At the same time, I hear what Alison above is saying, and very occasionally, that’s me – seeing other people succeed against the odds and feeling even more frustrated with myself because I can’t see a way forward.

It doesn’t often happen, I have to say – and when it does, I know it’s reflection of what’s going on inside me – that at that point I’m probably tired, overwhelmed, and underresourced emotionally. It’s a sign that maybe, rather than trying to focus on big, huge goals *in that moment*, I need to bring my focus back in to myself and ask what it is that I need that I’m not giving myself (nine times out of ten, the answer there will be “more sleep” or “more recharging/rebalancing time”)

Then, once I’ve given myself those resources and I’m back in balance, it’s time to turn my attention back to my big goals – knowing, once again, that if someone else can do something that amazing, then somehow I too can find a way to do what I want to do.
Tanja´s last post…Wednesday wishcasting: making time to prioritise


Jt Clough | Big Island Dog October 21, 2011 at 4:23 pm

Thank you Tess for posting this. it made me realize how important it is to that no matter who we are or what our abilities are there is always the need for support. It can be physical or it can be mental. Creating a net of support can make all the difference. And we may have to go looking places we never thought we would to find it.

My husband Gary Guller who did summit Mt. Everest with one arm, speaks to large groups of people all over the world. Both able body and physically challenged from executives to non profits and diversity groups. Aileen, many people feel the way you do, it’s just that when its coming from someone who appears to be able to do whatever they want physically they are sometimes not heard on the mental side, the untouchable side that needs just as much support to move forward as the physical.

Keep seeking, keep moving forward and find a support net that inspires your personal needs.

Aloha Wags!
Jt Clough | Big Island Dog´s last post…Healing Properties of Pumpkins for You and Your Dog


Evita October 21, 2011 at 5:51 pm

Hi Tess,

“People living their dreams” – doesn’t that sound so good indeed! There are so many of us on this planet, and each of us have different dreams – and one of my favorite things to do is enjoy watching the unique diversity that exists as we each play, and enjoy this magnificent playground where we get to express ourselves in an infinite amount of ways. Of course the first step of doing so, is getting inspired to realize that we can live our dreams :)
Evita´s last post…The Starchild Project: Ancient Alien Life on Earth with Lloyd Pye


Tess October 22, 2011 at 2:45 pm

Hi Evita,Yes it is fun to watch everyone and enjoy. I also like the Ted talks, you tube videos and reality shows like American Idol and You Think You Can Dance. all people talking about their dreams.


Jen October 22, 2011 at 7:52 am

I am sitting here, drinking my morning coffee with tears flowing down my face. The movie was such an inspiration! Having just completed my sixth marathon after starting to run five years ago, I am utterly in awe of the Ironman and the amazing athletes that have the mental and physical strength to go that distance.

And the story of his father….Oh, Hawaii is just so beautiful! My college roomie lives there and it really is a special and spiritual place.

Thank you for sharing this. We can all learn from stories like these, and for me it really reminds me that all things are possible!! Especially when a true and beautiful intention is the motivation.

Now….I go for a run:) Happy Weekend, Tess, and thanks for introducing me to a few new amazing bloggers!
In Harmony,
Jen´s last post…It’s a CD, baby!


Tess October 22, 2011 at 2:47 pm

Yes this is perfect timing for you isn’t it. Congrats on marathon no. 6. That’s amazing. I’ve only done half marathons because I’m unwilling to commit the time it takes of the full so I really admire you!


Cathy | Treatment Talk October 22, 2011 at 10:14 pm

Hi Tess,

Thanks for sharing this amazing video! I have so much respect for people who set the highest goals for themselves and their body allows them to accomplish this physical challenge. I have done a half marathon as well and it was a really fun experience to run with my daughter and to each accomplish a goal we had set for ourselves. It brings me happiness to watch someone finish something like the Iron Man when they have trained and worked so hard for the race. Congrats on your half marathons, that is a great.
Cathy | Treatment Talk´s last post…When Your Child’s Addiction Becomes Your Own


Justin | Mazzastick October 23, 2011 at 7:21 pm

Hi Tess,
That is so great to see. I get tired just watching IronMan competitions on TV I couldn’t imagine doing it nine times.
Justin | Mazzastick´s last post…Freaky Haunts of Monkton Maryland Part 3


John Sherry October 24, 2011 at 4:49 am

Abso-totally-lutely Tess! So many people moan and complain about their trivial and minor problems while others with one arm climb Mt Everest. But that’s it…the whingers’ Everest is the simple, everyday, non-challenging issues that act as huge mountains before them. Others see the mountains as a playground. Awesome!! May I just add to check out the You Tube video of autistic basketball player Jason McElwain – brought tears to my eyes for a young man who teaches the world about loving what you do and being fully yourself. Ace post Tess, love the vibe!!!


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