Momentum Gathering, Katie Tallo

by Tess

Today I interview Katie Tallo from Momentum Gathering.What first attracted me to Katie's blog was her brilliant and creative use of metaphors. It's simply amazing and so is she!  

Katie Tallo seeks to inspire simple, joyful life change through her blog, Momentum Gathering. She seeks to live creatively through her career as a writer, filmmaker, editor, motivator, volunteer and entrepreneur. And she seeks to learn, love and live a mindful and healthy life. Katie lives in Ottawa, Canada with her husband and daughter.   

Katie I hear you have a new ebook coming out October 25! What inspired you to write The 7-Week Life Cleanse: A Simple Guide to Infusing Your Life with Momentum?    


I was initially inspired to write the cleanse because I love cleanses. Food cleanses, that is. They make me feel energized. They sharpen my awareness and usually, each time I cleanse, I adopt one new habit, one small change that added together becomes big change in my life or “momentum”. 

As I began to write about simple, joyful life change on my blog,The 7-Week Life Cleanse felt like a way to offer people very specific tools for change, not just words of inspiration. I wanted to give them something super useful that they could engage with each week. I also love workbooks that challenge me to take action and thought other people might find this engaging too.

I know you're a runner and a vegan from reading your blog Momentum Gathering. Will you tell us more about your healthy lifestyle?

Well, I wasn’t always this way. Like I said, small changes have added up to a completely different lifestyle for me. Five years ago, I was an overweight smoker who didn’t eat well or exercise. I felt bad about myself and my choices. My body and brain felt sluggish and I began to have health issues.

I asked around and a diet change was in order. Give up meat, dairy, wheat, and alcohol. That’s what I was told would help me get healthy. So I did and I felt great. The weight started coming off.

I took up yoga and that gave me the energy and focus to quit smoking. That made me feel even better and I quit drinking. Then I started running. I could run for about two minutes when I started. Now I run 5K every other day.

Momentum just kept building as I started making small, daily, healthy choices. I’m not perfect, and still bounce back and forth from a vegan diet to a vegetarian diet, but I’m living very differently from how I was five years ago. The cleanse is my way of sharing some of the questions I asked myself and insights I gathered during that time.

Do you have any advice for someone who is just beginning to eat healthy and exercise?

I think it’s important to do what feels right for your body. Some people feel good eating meat, some don’t. Some feel good doing yoga, some playing soccer, some running. Find your thing. Be kind to yourself, take it slow at first, mix it up, add activity to each day – stairs, walking, gardening, biking. And, breath, smile and soak in the joy of fueling your body with really good food and energizing movement. If it’s not joyful, then it’s not going to be sustainable.

Is there a defining moment in your life that changed everything?

There are several turning points. The moment my daughter was born I discovered there is a kind of deep love that I didn’t know was possible. A fierce, protective, painful, wonderful love. Mother love.

When I let go my filmmaking career to take a break, I altered my trajectory towards a path of self discovery and spiritual growth.

When I started blogging, six months ago, my life changed again, and I suddenly knew what I felt like, for the first time, to find my calling. Love, letting go, trying new things and sharing are my guiding principles now.  

What legacy will you leave behind? 

I’d like to guide my child towards a healthy, joyful, loving life. I’d like to inspire her and others to make meaningful change in their lives. Someone wrote a comment recently on my blog about how much I had eased her pain. I felt a rush of gratitude for my life. I had served one person. I hope to serve more. A legacy sounds rather grand, but if it means helping many more, then I’ll take it.

I heard from Mary R that you were going to Blog World. Can you share with us 3 of the important things you learned?

I learned that people are exactly as they are on their blogs. Just as wonderful and giving as their words. I learned that you can grow to love a good friend like a sister in just four days. I learned bloggers are a generous, intelligent and amazing bunch of people who are trying to change the world through positivity, enthusiasm and collaboration. Blogworld rocks!


You can also sign up to receive your "Life Cleanse Starter Kit" and her weekly inspirational and motivational articles! 

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{ 50 comments… read them below or add one }

Tammy October 20, 2010 at 6:02 am

Love this interview. I love Katie’s approach – incremental. It’s so satisfying to make small steps and to see what works based upon how you feel rather than these approaches that are wholesale change outs. Thanks for sharing the inspiration.
.-= Tammy´s last post…Telling Our Stories =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 7:12 am

Thanks Tammy. I’m glad you like the approach and hope it’s working in your life too. We are all so different and I agree, taking action based on what feels right to you makes so much sense. Thanks for commenting.
.-= Katie´s last post…A Simple Guide to Celebrating Milestones =-.


Dandy October 20, 2010 at 8:51 am

Hi Katie,
You sound like such an interesting woman. I just subscribed to your blog!!


Katie October 20, 2010 at 9:25 am

Dandy, what a sweet thing to say. I’m thrilled to have you as a subscriber.
.-= Katie´s last post…A Simple Guide to Celebrating Milestones =-.


Patricia October 20, 2010 at 9:07 am

I keep wanting to meet other bloggers in person – blog world sounds like a great event.
Tess thank you for this introduction and Katie thank you for your good words.

I am on my second detox regime for 2010 and I just love the way my body and mind work as I go through this process – so energizing indeed.

I too move back and forth between vegan and vegetarian, but getting rid of dairy has been the greatest boon.

Thank you for the introduction and now I am going over to check out Katie’s blog


Katie October 20, 2010 at 9:27 am

Hey Patricia, sounds like you’re making some great changes in your life. Cleansing is so very energizing indeed. I know what you mean about dairy. I struggle with avoiding it, but keep on trying. Too bad it is so prevalent. All the best.
.-= Katie´s last post…A Simple Guide to Celebrating Milestones =-.


Aileen October 20, 2010 at 10:43 am

Tess, Katie – this is a great interview! Congratulations Katie on the release of your 7 Week Cleanse e-book, in just a few days :)
.-= Aileen´s last post…The Ultimate Factor in Boosting Productivity =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 1:43 pm

Thank you Aileen. Your support on my journey has been a blessing.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Alex Yong October 20, 2010 at 11:22 am

Hi Katie,

You sound like a wonderful and humble person. I’ll be visiting your interesting blog as I think I’ve got a lot to learn from you.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts here with us. And Tess, thank you too for introducing Katie.
.-= Alex Yong´s last post…The Cry For Love =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Hey Alex, I really appreciate your kind words and love that you stopped by Momentum Gathering. It is so great to meet new and passionate people.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Jenny Ann Fraser October 20, 2010 at 11:25 am

Thank you Tess for this wonderful interview!
And Thank you Katie for all of your inspiration! I’m looking forward to reading your e-book!
.-= Jenny Ann Fraser´s last post…“Doubt” By Guest Blogger Ollin Morales =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 1:46 pm

Jenny Ann, I am so grateful for the support and enthusiasm around the e-book. It’s been quite a labour of love and I’m really excited to share it. All the best.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Keith October 20, 2010 at 11:36 am

Hello Katie,

I also strive to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercise is a huge part of that. You’ve given me some cool ideas and I tahnk you very much for that. I love how you speak of “gathering momentum” . That’s so very true. Once you begin a new path it may seem a little hard at first, but once you’ve picked up some momentum it becomes natural! Great post!

Congratulations on your E-Book and I wish you great success!

Tess, you wonderful lady you, thank you for another great guest!


Katie October 20, 2010 at 1:48 pm

Keith, thank you for commenting and sharing. I’m a big fan of momentum as I’ve seen how it can translate into life changing possibilities – one simple step at at time. Sounds like you have a feel for how it works and are using it in your own life. Keep it up.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Robin Easton October 20, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Hi Tess and Katie!! What a wonderfully vibrant interview. Loved your questions Tess, and Katie’s answers. Katie I commend you for the life-giving changes your have made. Or maybe, I should say, for taking back your life and what was already within you: vitality, hope, health, positivity, and the ability to pass it on to others.

What I enjoy most about you is your openheartedness. I sense that you move through life as if all things are possible. I SO relate to that. I also relate to the choices you made. Although I never drank or smoked I still took control of my own life and healing, and I’ve never regretted it. For me it was the only way to go because I found that we are really taking back much more than our health, we are, as I said, taking back our selves, our life and Life itself. There is great buoyant power in that.

Thank you Tess for introducing me to Katie. Hugs to you both, Robin
.-= Robin Easton´s last post…Reaching Out =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 2:00 pm

Robin, I love what you say about taking your life back. I did feel a little like I was a prisoner — especially to cigarettes. I have great empathy for anyone struggling to give them up. I remember people who didn’t understand their power over me used to say, “why don’t you just stop?”. Nothing is ever that simple but self love plays a huge role in not wanting to compromise yourself anymore and helped me quit. One thing leads to another but you are so right, a positive attitude and a little hope (I never gave up) go a long way towards giving life it’s momentum. Terrific to connect with you and hugs back.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Belinda October 20, 2010 at 4:58 pm

Awesome guest here, Tess!

Katie, I can’t wait to get my hands on the gorgeousness that is your ebook!

You both are such stars!!!



Katie October 20, 2010 at 6:34 pm

Belinda, you are sweet and supportive and I so appreciate that, my friend.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Jeanne October 20, 2010 at 6:25 pm

I loved this. What I loved best about it is the “five years ago” part. It’s such a testimony to how malleable our lives are. It really gives one hope. Thank you so much Tess and Katie for this!!


Katie October 20, 2010 at 6:36 pm

Jeanne, it still baffles me that I can be living such a different life than I was, but maybe much of this was inside me, I just needed to shed a few pounds and a few hang ups to uncover it. You are so welcome.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Farnoosh ~ Prolific Living October 20, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Hi Katie, dearest, no wonder you don’t like the photos I took of you – the one in here is gorgeous and professional and just stunning – I love that look and that sitting style on a chair. Beautiful interview and as I read these answers, I felt I knew some of them and you just filled in the gaps. Meeting together in Blogworld has changed my view of bloggers forever – now I think of them as my extended family. Next year, we must convince Tess to join us. And congrats on a great ebook!
.-= Farnoosh ~ Prolific Living´s last post…Blogworld Series- The Inspiration in 76 Quotes =-.


Katie October 20, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Funny, it’s one of the photos I like best of myself and yet it was taken more than five years ago when I wasn’t very healthy. I must learn to embrace my aging and yet more healthy face now. I agree with you about extended family. Even chatting with you on the phone today felt like chatting with a sister. Thank you for all your support and yes, we must get Tess to Blogworld!
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Tess The Bold Life October 20, 2010 at 6:53 pm

I couldn’t help butting in here. Oh I hear you on the aging thing sista! I’m only a few years and few months from 60. Gosh how about a joint ebook on aging happy. LOL I already have the domain;) Oh and yes to Blogworld. I’ve had to much going on in my life. I don’t even feel like I was suppose to be there. But I feel like I’m suppose to be there next year!
.-= Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Momentum Gathering- Katie Tallo =-.


Farnoosh October 21, 2010 at 5:25 am

Oh sweet – Here is to aging gracefully, sisterhood and being in Blogworld 2011 together to share good company and create new wonderful memories!
.-= Farnoosh´s last post…Blogworld Series- The Inspiration in 76 Quotes =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:42 am

Yes to joint e-book!
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Courtney Carver October 22, 2010 at 11:55 am

Also butting in!

A. Katie – Your e-book will be spectacular. So grateful for this interview to get to know you better.

B. Tess- aging happy must work wonders, because after meeting you in San Fran, I can say that you look fabulous!


Mark October 20, 2010 at 6:42 pm

Great interview. The two of you have me thinking. Thanks for sharing the wisdom.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:43 am

Keep thinking, Mark. It’s good for the soul. You are most welcome and I have to say, it’s really fun being here on Tess’ blog. So much energy and engagement. I love it.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Angela Artemis October 20, 2010 at 6:52 pm

Hi Katie,
Congratulations again on the release of the book! It’s a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud & celebrate! You’ve made some incredible changes in your life – no wonder you’re such an inspiration to many! Quitting smoking & drinking, going vegan, running, yoga, losing weight, feeling healthy – you’ve done so much it’s amazing. Most people don’t accomplish half, no – not even a quarter of what you’ve done!
.-= Angela Artemis´s last post…How to Plug Into The Reality of Our Oneness =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:45 am

Thanks Angela, but really I feel like these are the easy steps and the self indulgent ones. The real work will be to use my new found energy to have an impact on the lives of others. Maybe in small ways, maybe in large, but it’s time to look outward. All of this support is giving me the momentum to do that.


Lance October 20, 2010 at 7:08 pm

So wonderful to learn more about you.

I too begin down that road toward a healthier lifestyle, just a bit over five years ago. And it is one that has been so worth it. And truly – momentum gathered as I kept at it, making progress, feeling better, and loving life! And that’s a pretty wonderful thing!!

I love your site, and the message you share. So good to see you here on Tess’ site today (another soul out there who I deeply admire)….
.-= Lance´s last post…Monsters- Fears- and Moving Forward =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:49 am

Lance, thank you. Yes, Tess is an inspiration. She’s also been such an enthusiastic friend to me and I feel I’ve done nothing to deserve her attention, but I’m milking it for all it’s worth! She’s helping me lead a more fearless life.


Suzie Cheel October 20, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Thanks Tess for introducing me to Katie and Momentum Gathering- Katie I will see you at Blog world in 2011- went the first 2 years and love what you have written. Imagine the the energy if we all set the intent to be there in 2011- wow what a blast that would be- imagine the love

Now I am interested the number of us who used to be smokers, i have been down the macrobiotic way of eating, been almost vegetarian and now tend to listen to my body it seems to function better that way. Feel blessed that I live where I go each week to the farmers market and buy from the growers and can get fish right from the boats.

I too love workbooks Katie- currently on day 39 of the Artist’s way- do some creative recovery.
Thanks for your inspiration- look forward to reading more and getting to know you
.-= Suzie Cheel´s last post…Monday Inspiration- Intention =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:55 am

Suzie, can’t wait to meet you at Blogworld 2011. I love Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. It was the exact book I was reading five years ago when I began my journey. I had been given it a few years earlier and didn’t read it because the words “A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” didn’t resonate. Then as I began to need change, they suddenly sounded perfect. And they were. I hope my workbook offers a similar gentle, soulful momentum as Julia’s.


Satya Colombo October 20, 2010 at 9:39 pm

Great interview — especially love that Katie went from being an overweight smoker to an inspiring force for health and clarity.

Cleansing body, mind, emotions, spirit — these are really the keys to clarity, which is the foundation to all success, purposeful direction in life… and knowing what to do in any given situation. Clarity, and the force of life in full power through my being. These are the greatest of all moments in life…..
~ hope to meet you both in person in the not too distant future! :)
.-= Satya Colombo´s last post…The 9 steps to getting what you want- and reflections on freedom =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 5:59 am

Satya, you are right. The body, mind, emotions and spirit are inseparable when it comes to clarity and personal power. It would be great to meet one day. I’ve also heard that Chris Guillebeau is holding a blogging conference in Portland in June that sounds fantastic. Maybe some of us will attend and meet there.


Patti Foy October 21, 2010 at 7:41 am

Nice interview. I’ve been a fan of Katie’s blog for quite some time and I agree about her brilliant use of metaphors — well put! Thanks to both of you.
.-= Patti Foy´s last post…2 Easy-to-Spot “Signs” for Answers and Guidance =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 8:13 pm

Thanks Patti for being such a cheerleader. I really can’t say how much it means to me.


The Exception October 21, 2010 at 8:25 am

Tess –
Your interviews are fabulous and always introduce great sites.
Katie – I love your writing and anticipate each new post as it is thoughtfully written and often thought provoking. Sometimes there are boulders in life. To move each takes effort… and effort… and then less effort as the momentum gathers and then the boulder is moving with little effort at all. In my life, there is often another bolder near by to replace it and teach a new lesson… but with effort and dedication comes momentum and with momentum comes movement and room for opportunities.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 8:17 pm

It’s a bit like a snowball effect that you’re describing. I like it. And I also find it can spiral back at you and send you in the wrong direction if you’re not focused or vigilant. I’m spiraling back a bit right now on my eating habits, which are always a struggle for me since I have such a sweet tooth. To regain my momentum I’ll heed your advice. Effort and dedication. Thanks for the great comment.


Lori October 21, 2010 at 10:25 am

Hi Tess,
Again, superb questions and thanks for introducing me to another veggie-eatin’, exercisin’ do-gooder. I love your sparkling guests!

Hi Katie,
It’s great to get to know you better. I’ve seen you around the blogosphere and am stoked to learn more. I liked your advice about health and wellness. It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all approach. It seems like you’ve made wonderful strides to get yourself to a beautiful place stocked with all those things better aligned with what makes you happy and feel good. That’s a win-win.

Have a great day, you two.
.-= Lori´s last post…A Tuesday Tour of Greats- Naturalist Photography- Christopher Foster- and The War of Art =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Thanks Lori, it’s great to meet you. I do feel aligned, despite setbacks and retakes, I just keep trying to do what works for me and move forward each and every day – some days more fluidly than others. I think you hit the nail on the head – there’s no one-size-fits-all. But the cupcake I indulged in tonight for my daughter’s birthday definitely felt like it fit at the time. Not so much now. Oh well. Nobody’s perfect.


Brenda October 21, 2010 at 7:44 pm

What a beautiful and refreshing person you are. I felt stronger and healthier reading about all the changes you made in your life.

YOur writing really reflects a beauiful loving-kindness. So nice to meet you!!
.-= Brenda´s last post…The Magic in You =-.


Katie October 21, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Hi Brenda, lovely to meet you too. I’m so glad that my voice comes across that way as that is my hope. I do feel a great deal of love pouring out of me sometimes towards those in the blogosphere and beyond. What a joy to read your comment. Thank you.


Karl Staib - Work Happy Now October 22, 2010 at 7:47 am

Hi Katie, thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. I think the key takeaway here is that we need to listen to your bodies. They really do tell us when we do something wrong. Last weekend I had a few drinks and the next morning I was grumpy and tired. It took half a day to shake out the cobwebs.

I’m not a big drinker, but I do like to partake at a celebration. The thing is there is a fine line between joining in and not crossing the line that is our limits.


Katie October 22, 2010 at 8:11 am

Karl, I know what you mean. I don’t know why we ignore our bodies but we do. It’s amazing how much they tell us if we just tune into their frequency. I avoid drinking because I tend to get carried away and forget that my body doesn’t like it. Those fine lines are the ones worth noting.


Clearly Composed October 22, 2010 at 3:29 pm

I am just smiling away after reading this. Great job, Tess on giving us a look into the mind and heart of one of the bloggers I really admire.

Katie, I love how you share your journey and what you have learned along the way in such a warm and engaging way that just makes me root for your future success in your every endeavor. Thanks for sharing you with us. :)
.-= Clearly Composed´s last post… Success- 7 Questions and 14 Answers =-.


Katie October 24, 2010 at 9:05 am

Thanks so much CC. You make me blush – which is actually pretty easy. I appreciate your kindness and your on-going rooting! Everyone needs a few cheerleaders. Thanks again.
.-= Katie´s last post…Milestones Can Pave the Road to Your Calling =-.


Zengirl @ Heart and Mind October 24, 2010 at 8:48 pm


Wow, you sure transformed a lot and became a healthy one, I thought you were always vegan from your writing. It sure is impressive. Congratulations on your ebook!

You always interviews great and cool bloggers! Keep up the great work.

.-= Zengirl @ Heart and Mind´s last post…Great Classic Books that Everyone should Read At least once =-.


Katie October 25, 2010 at 3:49 pm

Hi Preeti, no I’ve not always been vegan and I still flip a little back and forth between vegetarian and vegan, but lately I’ve been doing better staying vegan. I’m a work in progress. Thanks for the kind comments.
.-= Katie´s last post…The 7-Week Life Cleanse- A Simple Guide to Infusing Your Life with Momentum =-.


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