Life Is A Playground, Meet Me There

by Tess on January 18, 2010

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.

Creative Commons License photo credit: dhilgart 


How to Have A Good Day Everyday


I spent a couple of days with my grandchildren last week and enjoyed their playful and joyful energy. I've made a plan to incorporate more fun into my life this week.


Parents schedule play dates for their children. As adults we need to schedule our own. Create good times for yourself and think of them as life's coming attractions!


Even more importantly we need to adopt a playful and silly attitude. Not only will we lighten up but those around us will join in. Everyone is attracted to fun and joyful people. Like Pig Pen from the Peanuts cartoon has a cloud of dust, playful people have a irresistable energy! It's contagious.


The following can help us live more light-hearted, playful and joyful lives: 

Have Fun.

Get away from your work or computer and make face to face contact with family and friends. Invite someone over for a favorite beverage, dinner or a movie.


Spend time with children or teens. They tend to live in the now and are oblivious to being too over worked or serious. Learn to play. Find a hobby you love. Spend time outdoors.


How many hours a week are spent having a good time compared to other areas of life?   


Feel The Love.


Learn to allow others to love and embrace you. Take in compliments, smiles, hugs and love from people you trust. Feel good about yourself. Embrace your flaws and accept where you are and who you are. Be your best friend. Look forward to seeing your reflection in the mirror everyday. Give yourself the love and acceptance you desire from others. 


Give The Love. Go out of your way to "do good."  Seek out people who need a helping hand, an act of kindness, or kind words. Give away the love you have and it will multiply. It's all about love…tell everyone!


Avoid Debbie and Deny Downer.


You can't control unhappy or rude people but you can avoid them. Surround yourself with positive people. Do nothing out of "should" or "guilt." If someone isn't going forward or upward they'll take you down. This is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your energy.


Don't Do It All.


Do what you can do. Make a list of priorities. Accomplish the first 2-3 (the big stuff) on your list daily. You decide. If you have a blog or online business it can be overwhelming. You may learn something new today only to have it change tomorrow. Focusing and delegating will take you a long way.


Breathe, Stretch, Relax.  


Free yourself from emotional or mental exhaustion. When feeling overwhelmed stand up, bend over and touch your toes. Do windmill movements with your arms, reach for the sky. Next, sit in your chair for at least five minutes, breathe through you nose slowly for three counts. Hold for one second and release your breath through your mouth for three more counts.


Say No.


The flip side of doing good is knowing when to take care of you. Do you have family, friends, neighbors and coworkers that want too much of your time and attention? Practice telling others, "No, that's not going to work for me." Repeat it two or three times without offering a reason why. I guarantee they won't ask a fourth time. We don't owe anyone an excuse. Just say no.


Get Organized, Stay Clutter Free. Clutter steals your energy. Take one room at a time in your home and get rid of anything you don't need. When your home and workplace are neat, clean and organized you feel energetic and lighter.


Exercise and Eat Healthy.


Three times a week put on your walking/running shoes first thing in the morning. When you spend twenty minutes a day exercising your endorphins kick in and change your energy.


Introduce a healthy food into your life each week. At the end of the year you will have 52! Experiment and have fun.



It's the negative thoughts we tell ourselves that keep us from doing these two simple things. A good technique, is to think of your thoughts like a CD player. When you experience negative thoughts touch your left hand to your forehead like you are shutting off that CD. Then touch your right hand to the right side of your forehead to turn on the positive CD or thought. This is called anchoring in NLP and is very powerful.


Reflect, Rest, Heal.


Take time to reflect on your day. Spend five minutes of calm time in between daily transitions. Before you begin your day decide what kind of morning you want. After lunch reflect on how you're feeling. Before entering your home leave your problems outside the door.


Before you go to bed listen to relaxing music or say a silent prayer or blessing.



Give thanks! When you do less striving and more thriving you'll discover moments of joy. In those moments feel gratitude from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. 


Last week I was out of town and had issues with my computer.


The article I posted had a broken link. Four friends and fellow bloggers took the time to tell me about it, Karl took the time to fix it for me.


I so appreciated their thoughtfulness and genuine care. Thank you, thank you and thank you to:


Emily at,

Karl at,

Suzy at, and

Armen at


Your actions speak volumes about your authenticity! 

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    uberVU - social comments
    01.20.10 at 7:07 am

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    Joy 01.18.10 at 2:37 pm

    I knew just from your title I’d say *count me in*!!! Life *is* a playground, let’s play- I love to host, and I love to show up; either way I am so there!!!! Share a smile, lend a hand…do the work together so we can all play….And guess what, when I am out and around enjoying the beach, soaking up the sky, sharing in some way, you and all of my blogger friends are right there with me in Spirit:) That joy just spills over into all areas of my life.

    Hayden Tompkins 01.18.10 at 2:58 pm

    “playful people have a irresistible energy! It’s contagious”

    So true! And if you are trying to get ME to fall in love with YOU, it is working. I love love love the “feel the love”!
    Hayden Tompkins´s last post…4 Steps Toward A Better 2010 My ComLuv Profile

    Patty - Why Not Start Now? 01.18.10 at 3:02 pm

    Hi Tess - Thanks so much for reminding us all that life is a playground, just waiting to be pounced upon. Very wise words coming from a very wise woman. And I must say, one of my absolutely favorite things to do when I feel the yearning for play is to walk a few blocks to my neighborhood playground and swing on the swings. Usually I do it in the evening when the kids aren’t around! It never fails to bring me back to the joy of life and the pleasure in the simple things. Such a release. Sometimes I even give this assignment to clients; they look at me a little funny, but if they actually do it, they always come back and tell me how alive it made them feel.
    Patty - Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Meaning Mondays: The Mask Edition My ComLuv Profile

    Sara B. Healy 01.18.10 at 3:04 pm

    Tess — Thank you for that adorable picture. I’m getting ready to shut down for the day after a VERY frustrating day of work…not blog related. Coming here and seeing that picture really made my day.

    I also love all your suggestions about having fun and taking care of yourself. It is so easy to forget to do this. Well, for my part…I’m going to go right now and sit outside in my rocking chair so I can watch the birds eat at the feeder:~)
    Sara B. Healy´s last post…The Right to Choose My ComLuv Profile

    Tess The Bold Life 01.18.10 at 3:24 pm

    You are one of the most open and loving people I know online! Thanks for being you and allowing me to share in your life through your wonderful blog.

    Sounds like a plan to me. Love ya more!

    I have always loved the swings as well. It’s a feeling of freedom and brings back wonderful memories. Thanks for reminding me.

    I often think of you in Florida near the beach, in the sun enjoying life. Some day we’ll play together!
    Tess The Bold Life´s last post…Life Is A Playground, Meet Me There My ComLuv Profile

    Wilma Ham 01.18.10 at 4:23 pm

    Yes, children are awesome teachers and you know what, the most fun ones as well. So seek out a child a day and you stay well, connected to your heart and a joy to be around.
    Hmm, I think I can do that and now I have to thank your grandchildren for this great post, right?
    Wilma Ham´s last post…Parallel versus aligned relationships and the difference it makes. My ComLuv Profile

    Edward 01.18.10 at 4:50 pm

    awwww! The look on that baby’s face is enough to make me cheer up on this rainy day. Thanks for the smile!
    Edward´s last post…Natural Remedies for Colic in Infants My ComLuv Profile

    Quinn 01.18.10 at 5:00 pm

    Despite what the news says every night life is fun and good and rewarding and it is great to take time to remember that. I do have a quick bone to pick however, I think that sometimes “should” is a great reason to do things. I have a goal of completing collage so I should do my homework even when I do not want to. Guilt on the other hand is not a reason to do something especially when it is guilt put on you by other people. if we live our lives in a way that we meet the commitments we set four our selves we should not have to deal with guilt. that is why saying no is so powerful, useful and wonderful.
    Quinn´s last post…Temperament and Twain My ComLuv Profile

    Jay Schryer 01.18.10 at 5:37 pm

    Play more. I can do that. :)

    Life is meant to be enjoyed, to be savored, to be lived with joy and magic. I think you’ve given some awesome tips on how to get started doing just that. Thanks for being you.

    Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord 01.18.10 at 9:13 pm

    What a great list of suggestions (as always!). Something I’m learning more and more how to do is to let the love in. A new friend of mine is definitely ALL LOVE all the time. She’s a hugger, a squeezer, and a feel-good maker. She also says, “I love you, honey” whenever I leave her presence. At first, I didn’t know how to respond! Can you imagine? Someone was genuinely pouring love out onto me and I didn’t know how to respond. I got stuck in my head and would clam up and say, “Uh huh! Okay, bye-bye now!” And then I’d get in my car and kick myself mentally over why I couldn’t say “I love you, too!”

    It took me about three months, and now I’m like a potty-trained puppy. I can receive love better than ever, which makes it even easier to give love.

    Happy Monday!
    Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Redefining Success My ComLuv Profile

    Caroline 01.18.10 at 9:14 pm

    Again you share such wisdom…play more. I am getting better at that. Sometimes I forget that life is supposed to be fun. One thing I have learned is saying no. My gosh, that has been a life saver!
    Caroline´s last post…Monday thoughts My ComLuv Profile

    Jill 01.18.10 at 9:15 pm

    I love this post. I’ve got a pretty good handle on all of these, except the being clutter-free and healthy eating and exercising. Of course these are probably the most important ones. Thank you for reminding me that I have gotten neglectful in these areas. And like Jay said, thank you for being you.
    Jill´s last post…Keeping my thoughts quiet is NOT a good idea. My ComLuv Profile

    Davina 01.18.10 at 11:22 pm

    Hi Tess. When I’m having fun I’m not worrying about making mistakes or failing and that lightens the load; stops the negative chatter. And taking long walks has been my most favourite part of working from home. When I’m not busy I can take advantage of those windows of opportunity during the day when the sun peeks through the clouds. Exercise is definitely important. You are so resourceful with your posts; many excellent suggestions. Thanks Tess.
    Davina´s last post…I Find Stillness My ComLuv Profile

    Avani Mehta 01.18.10 at 11:22 pm

    Wow, I absolutely love all the points that you have shared. Each one is worth doing. Play and laughter should be on everyone’s must do list - a part of our day to day activities - ingrained within our spirit. Both make our days so much better.
    Avani Mehta´s last post…10 Fabulous Motivators That Inspire You To Take Action – Part I My ComLuv Profile

    Belinda Munoz 01.18.10 at 11:58 pm

    Ah, YES, you speak the truth. It took me becoming a mother to really live this truth. Lucky me, and I wish everyone else this revelation. It makes everything all the more enjoyable.

    Tess Bold Life 01.19.10 at 12:18 am

    Your funny! Yes I would give them the credit. Especially little Henri who is just standing up on his own for longer periods of time and close to walking. I can’t wait to play hide and seek with him;)

    Yes the photo is fantastic and I want a t-shirt like that! You?

    I love your name by the way. I think you ‘need’ to or ‘choose’ to do your homework sounds better. I always tell clients to stop “shoulding” on themselves. Hey I like bone pickers!

    Hey Jay,

    I hear your up to some magic these days! I so happy that you’ll be playing and having fun more. Me too! And thanks for being you as well, Jay. Isn’t life grand?

    I know exactly what you mean. I need to boldly accept more myself. I teach what I need to learn, you know! I like your friend already. How great to have a friend and teacher.

    I forget about it too sometimes. It’s when I get too into my work and then I ask myself, Self, why are you doing this to you?!?

    I understand. I’m good on the exercise but eliminating some foods I don’t want to eat anymore. Also my office is cluttered but not the rest of my home. Davina, I’m happy you are you and in my life;)

    I love that…play should be ingrained in our spirit. I think it may be naturally but I squeeze mine out sometimes for no good reason at all. I’m so happy to see you blogging again. Yeah!

    Yes life is so much more enjoyable when we laugh, smile and play everyday. I think I just made up a rhyme!
    Tess Bold Life´s last post…Life Is A Playground, Meet Me There My ComLuv Profile

    Hilary 01.19.10 at 1:38 am

    Hi Tess .. exactly what I need as Spring is rapidly approaching I hope!! Do the 2 - 3 important projects first and then move on. I’m in the process of decluttering here .. other declutering things aren’t so easy - but I’m moving forward, and finally things are getting easier.

    It’s the exercise element I need most - and time space .. also coming .. and I look forward to the days of more playground meets!

    Great sets of information .. and so usefully simply explained that we can fit into our life .. windmill arms = absolutely!

    Cheers Tess - Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
    Hilary´s last post…Turning a team of oxen - any idea how? My ComLuv Profile

    Walter 01.19.10 at 5:37 am

    With so many things going in my way I have forgotten my fair share of life! I think I need to let go for a while and take heed of some of your advice here. Perhaps frolicking with my young cousins can give me a piece of living life in the present moment, no worries, only anticipation. :-) Walter´s last post…Criticism: the unwanted mentor My ComLuv Profile

    Evita 01.19.10 at 8:05 am

    Tess I love the message! What a perfect one to remind us all of as we start this new year!

    Not only is your list so awesome, but it is so thorough! You really included all the important things.

    I loved all the points, but what spoke to me the most was about the “other” people. All too often we get stuck with negative people because we think we don’t have a choice, perhaps they are long time friends, perhaps even family. Well the truth is, we never have to give away our power of free will. We do not have to subject ourselves to negative energies no matter who they are. I think knowing and acting on that makes a big difference in all areas of our lives.
    Evita´s last post…Redefining Success: Why I Quit My Job My ComLuv Profile

    Jodi at Joy Discovered 01.19.10 at 10:21 am

    Great tips, Tess! It’s funny how when we observe children at play we know exactly how important it is to make us tick! When I’m feeling low, I know I need to get out of my house, connect, and have *fun*!! Thanks again!
    Jodi at Joy Discovered´s last post…Off the Shelf: Parenting with Love and Logic My ComLuv Profile

    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now 01.19.10 at 10:54 am

    We can’t do it all. I’m finally realizing and understanding this. Sometimes I try so hard to make my blog a success that I lock up my creativity. I need to take more time to let circumstances soak in so I can reflect and make better choices. I must also make time to have fun instead of worrying about the work I could be doing. The funny thing is a write about work happiness and yet I struggle to make it a reality for myself. I guess we study what we need to be happy.

    This post came at a much needed time. Thank you.
    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now´s last post…4 Techniques to Help You Deal With a Difficult Boss My ComLuv Profile

    Susan Liddy 01.19.10 at 3:17 pm

    mmm, took nice deeeep breaths while reading your article.
    gosh, it’s easy to get caught up in things… work, the ToDo list, negativity.
    being a big dreamer I frequently have big projects that go along with that.
    i can quickly find myself surrounded with “too much too do” and “not enough time.” But, this line of thinking only drains me and makes it “hard” to complete my projects… and even harder to enjoy them.

    today, i’m going to practice your “Breathe, Stretch, Relax” technique.
    thank you.

    :) Susan
    Susan Liddy´s last post…Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. My ComLuv Profile

    Marko @ CalmGrowth 01.19.10 at 5:10 pm

    Thanks for the interesting thoughts Tess…

    You’re right, life is a playground, people who watch on life too seriously usually lose the meaning of life…
    Marko @ CalmGrowth´s last post…The Most Powerful Way to Grow: One Love Mistake My ComLuv Profile

    Tess 01.19.10 at 8:41 pm

    Do you know of Leo from Zen Habits? He has a ton of info on decluttering on his blog. Yeah for spring arriving for you. It sounds like you’re doing a great job! And yes windmill arms feel great. Happy Pre Spring!

    Yes please do so I don’t worry about you. Round up your cousins and go for it!

    It’s very difficult sometimes to let go of friends and family near and dear but we can always love negative people from a distance. It’s easy to send them love and light from a far. Thanks for coming over and being your sweet self.

    Yes don’t you have a stroller for that wee one of yours? Let the stroll, fun and joy begin! Don’t be workin too hard over there!

    I’ll be joining you and I’m also going to the movies wth a good friend!


    It’s no fun to lose the meaning of life. It’s as difficult as we make it or not!
    Thanks for coming over!

    suzen 01.19.10 at 9:27 pm

    Hi Tess! That is absolutely THE PERFECT list EVER! And yes, I’ll meet you by the swings. Glad you had time with the kids - doesn’t it just lighten up your heart? Playing with my dog does that for me. And he (my dog) reminds me to live in the moment just like him too, thank goodness! Who would have thought I’d grow up and want to be just like my dog!
    suzen´s last post…The Magic of Giving - Healing 101 My ComLuv Profile

    David 01.19.10 at 11:22 pm

    Tess, have you ever read the Celestine Prophecy? If not, the jist for me from that book was to recognize coincidences as more than just that, so how could I not comment on this post of yours?

    The picture is mine, it is my son Xavier, and on Flickr it is titled “Joy”. Your first comment is from a woman named Joy. Your second comment is from Hayden, the name of my daughter (not pictured here). Hm.

    Thank you for making such an appropriate use of the photo. What you have written here is both fundamental and inspirational, and the emotion that my son, who is, by the way, full of joy brings out in me with regularity.

    I invite you to check out my blog, and many more pictures that will bring about a smile, anytime. Thanks!
    David´s last post…Please Welcome TEAVANA To The Shopping List! My ComLuv Profile

    Lance 01.20.10 at 3:45 am

    I’m there! Let’s play!!! Woohoo!

    And one of these that really resonated with me is the idea of saying “no” without an excuse. This is definitely a work in process for me - even just saying “no” with an excuse. The idea that we don’t have to justify our actions to others - this is very liberating to read.
    Lance´s last post…Choosing Boundaries For Life Success My ComLuv Profile

    Nhan-Esteban Khuong, L.Ac. 01.20.10 at 8:25 am

    Sound advice!

    The purpose of life is simply to live fully. It’s important to be reminded that fun, joy, and happiness are essential to truly living.

    Thanks for the post.
    Nhan-Esteban Khuong, L.Ac.´s last post…Working Out Should be Banned My ComLuv Profile

    Tess The Bold Life 01.20.10 at 8:33 am

    There have been many authors who have written on the topic. Ever think of joining them? I’m sure you’d have a big audience. Dogs are unconditional lovers!

    Well isn’t that amazing! Yes I’ve read the book…many, many moons ago. We must be connected;) Hey got any of those t-shirts in size medium women’s?
    Thanks for coming over…on my way to your blog.

    I’m practicing that message with my neighbor today. Nice guys can say no and still be nice guys!

    Fun, joy and happiness are the only ways to go in life. No matter what is happening we always have that choice. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
    Tess The Bold Life´s last post…How to Build a Winning Work Ethic My ComLuv Profile

    Mark 01.20.10 at 9:41 am

    Excellent advice! We all need to play more. Play is what we do naturally however we do tend to now engage in play enough if at all sometimes.

    Michele Fischer 01.20.10 at 1:58 pm

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I am so happy to have found yours!

    Katie West/The Levity Coach 01.20.10 at 6:20 pm

    Hi Tess…your title totally reeled me in! :)

    So the one that spoke to me most is avoiding Debby and Denny Downer.

    This past week a friend said to me when I guffawed at her negativity and said “C’mon Katie, don’t you know, I am a “doubting Thomas” a naysayer.”

    I look wide eyed (grateful for the honesty) and the question I kept thinking
    Why? Where is the fun in that? How does it benefit us not to expect good? Does it save us so when “the other shoe drops” we can say that we knew it would.

    So I am all for fun, playgrounds, or in my case this week making magical potions with my kids!

    Susan Liddy 01.21.10 at 2:22 pm

    Still breathing, stretching and relaxing over here!
    Susan Liddy´s last post…SURVEY RESULTS: If You Could Wave a Magic Wand, What Would You Wish For? My ComLuv Profile

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