Bold Colors and Bold Fun With Family

by Tess on October 20, 2009

Warning! My blog will challenge you to be more, give more, live fearlessly, take more chances and show up in the world unstoppable, daring and bold.

img 11351 Bold Colors and Bold Fun With Family
I have been playing for the last 10 days. I would like to share some photos with you with a few of my favorite quotes.

“You are a child of the universe, No less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
                                                                                                                                          - Desiderata

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“You have your colors, you have your brushes, paint paradise and walk right in.”
                                                                                                                             - Nikos Kazantazakis

“Be yourself, because in the end, nobody but you can do it better.” - Unknown

img 10221 Bold Colors and Bold Fun With Family

“Everyone has in him something precious that is in no one else.”  - Martin Burber

“Be glad of life! Because it gives you the chance to love and work, to play and to look up at the stars!” - Hanry Van Dyke 

img 11421 Bold Colors and Bold Fun With Family

Flowers on this cactus bloom and only last for 24 hours. It will bloom again next year! 
How have you celebrated life lately?
Please share below!

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    { 31 comments… read them below or add one }

    bryssy 10.20.09 at 10:02 am

    My kids and I made an indoor camp out last night. We had hot dogs, roasted marshmallows over a candle and made our bed into a tent when daddy got home. Pretty good celebrating for a Monday night!

    Hayden Tompkins 10.20.09 at 10:21 am

    I simply love that Desiderata quote. Thank you for sharing.
    Hayden Tompkins´s last post…How to Get Organized My ComLuv Profile

    Tess 10.20.09 at 10:43 am

    That is so great. Making memories that will last a life time. Simple is often best. I agree what a way to celebrate Monday.


    I’ve loved Desiderata since I was a teenager. It was written so long ago but then wisdom never changes.

    Julie 10.20.09 at 11:46 am

    Tess, your photos show that you truly were living Kazantazakis’s quote. :) These are the moments of life, of living, of sharing. Sharing hearts in all the moments. …and even stopping to “smell the roses” while you were at it. That’s being truly connected all around. You must be feeling on top of the world!
    Julie´s last post…Simply Divine My ComLuv Profile

    Patty - Why Not Start Now? 10.20.09 at 12:04 pm

    Hi Tess - Your photos inspire me to go out and play today. So I’m going over to the park to swing on the swings. Thanks!
    Patty - Why Not Start Now?´s last post…Your Inner Magician and the Power of Naming My ComLuv Profile

    Patricia 10.20.09 at 1:53 pm

    You are so lucky to play….I am trying to make tomato sauce play…I took time off for book group….and everyone said “you smell like tomato sauce!”
    I am pulling in that smell …it is lovely and will help to keep me alive and living well

    Thank you for the great quotes and pictures…YES! to play
    Patricia´s last post…An Invitation to a HARVEST POTLUCK My ComLuv Profile

    Kathy Dobson 10.20.09 at 3:12 pm

    Beautiful inspiring photos! I love that you shared your JOY with all of us. It is very contagious and now I want to go out in the fall breeze and take a nice long walk…just to feel the wind on my face.
    Thank you for spreading such happiness!

    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now 10.20.09 at 3:19 pm

    Yah! Celebration. I’m a big fan of taking the time to celebrate the people in our lives. Thanks for sharing these photos.

    I’m going to celebrate my three year anniversary this weekend. We created our own cards, got a baby sitter so we can go out to eat, and just relax with each other. The best part of my marriage is that it keeps getting better.
    Karl Staib - Work Happy Now´s last post…5 Reasons to Stop Trying to be Perfect My ComLuv Profile

    diantha 10.20.09 at 6:02 pm

    These photos and quotes are just brimming with life and joy! I celebrate life everyday in some way, sometimes small ways, sometimes big ways. Sometimes quiet ways, sometimes loud ways. Today was a quiet day, taking a meditative walk, and then breaking out of that mode and crunching through leaves, as many as I could find! Happy Anniversary to reader Karl. You are right, Karl. Marriage just keeps getting better. We are about to celebrate 42 years together! But the anniversary that stands out the most was our third!

    suzen 10.20.09 at 6:03 pm

    How delightful! The photos, the quotes and all the fun playtime! I celebrate every day - each and every day by starting it out in gratitude for being here - seriously. There is always time set aside for the 6 yr old in me to come out and play - it is a necessity - and the older I get, the easier it gets. It’s all part of the anti-aging program you know. Joy is my constant companion for the day so I feel like I’m in a constant state of celebration - it’s divine!
    suzen´s last post…Wasting Time - MillieWisdom on Worry My ComLuv Profile

    Keith 10.20.09 at 6:13 pm

    Hello Tess!

    These photos are great! What a blessing family is! I love the quotes you have placed here as well, and as you know I am a “quote fanatic”! :-)

    You said something in reply to Bryssy’s comment that really jumoed out at me. It was this statement “It was written so long ago but then wisdom never changes.”

    That is profound and, ironically, very wise!
    Keith´s last post…Overload Your Life! My ComLuv Profile

    Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord 10.20.09 at 6:47 pm

    Your photos are wonderful, and so loving! What a gorgeous family you have!

    I love those quotes, too. Especially the one from Desiderata. We all have a right to be here — such a lovely sentiment!

    I’ve been celebrating life this week by helping secure media coverage for a local holistic fair taking place this weekend. It’s been wild to conquer my fear of talking to the media and asking them to do interviews, and then ACTUALLY GETTING THOSE INTERVIEWS! I’m so jazzed!

    Love & joy to you, Tess!
    Megan “JoyGirl!” Bord´s last post…Part II of the Series “Blogs I Love” My ComLuv Profile

    Angelia Sims 10.20.09 at 7:51 pm

    What a beautiful family! I enjoyed your days of play, made me smile. I have pictures of my daughter in the pool at that age - joyful times! Thanks for your memories and infusing mine as well.
    Angelia Sims´s last post…What would you do? My ComLuv Profile

    Daphne @ Joyful Days 10.20.09 at 7:55 pm

    Wow, your grandchildren are adorable! And one day they may read this blog and see how lucky they were to have you. Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing Tess!
    Daphne @ Joyful Days´s last post…No More Crappy Days My ComLuv Profile

    Lance 10.20.09 at 8:01 pm

    What wonderful pictures…and memories in the making! And I love the way you’ve intermixed the quotes and pictures. So fun…life…isn’t it!!

    I have this soccer team I coach, and we had our last practice yesterday. And our whole season has been a celebration of life. Had you looked at us at the start of the year, coming together - a hodgepodge of kids and abilities - you’ d have said we had no chance to succeed. We thrived as a team, though! Oh, maybe not in the win column (although we did win 2 games), but in the spirit of the team we were champions! These 12 year old kids were the epitome of living and loving life while on the soccer field! Their zest for life, out there on the field - at practices or games - was infectious! It’s been a complete highlight of the whole last two months…having the honor of coaching these kids! So today I celebrate the richness they’ve added to my life!
    Lance´s last post…Sunday Thought For The Day My ComLuv Profile

    Mary B Sheffield 10.20.09 at 9:02 pm

    Hi Tess,
    Magical Moments are captured in those very precius photo’s ! If you could just bottle up some of those gigles and hugs for the down days life would be grand ! :)
    My unique celebration is that today is my husbands birthday but not only did we honor him by having 3 cell phones on speaker and having all of our children sing Happy Birthday ! :0 ) ( Whew what a task between classes and jobs ) But at dinner I gave my Mother inlaw a Thank You Card ! She went from confused to bewildered to teary ! Hey I did celebrate today ! :)
    The quotes were fantastic ! You know me I am in love w/ quotes !
    Here is my newest most favorite quote ! I am not sure who wrote it but I love it !
    Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!
    Mary Beth

    Davina 10.20.09 at 11:12 pm

    “And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” You’ve rolled out the red carpet Tess. I like how your world is unfolding! :-) Davina´s last post…10. A Thyme You May Embrace My ComLuv Profile

    Char (PSI Tutor:Mentor) 10.21.09 at 1:53 am

    Thank you for sharing your family joys~your photos and quote choices are inspiring.
    Char (PSI Tutor:Mentor)´s last post…A Collection of Student Resources My ComLuv Profile

    Hilary 10.21.09 at 2:36 am

    Hi Tess .. it’s been a good and sad 2 weeks .. celebrating my uncle’s life and saying goodbye, while being with my mother (they were in-laws) in the same Nursing centre, and celebrating her 89th with her. Lots of cards, lots of connections with family and friends across the world - it’s a good time, a sad time, but time to celebrate two long lives: and to reflect somewhat on my own life. The universe is doing its thing .. some how in a cloud around me .. light and peace are creeping in .. quietness reigns - but we continue to laugh - the last thing my uncle said to me .. I can hear your laugh and my mother too has been laughing at some of her cards, and stories.

    Sad but good - bold colours of the autumn - bright berries, golden leaves, sandy fronds of the bamboo, red hues of all sorts; soft birthday scented flowers .. memories to treasure …

    Thanks Tess - I know you’ve had sadness this year .. it’s tough for a while, but then the gratitude and memories slip in ..
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
    Hilary´s last post…Grovel at Gravel … Recipe for a Moss Milkshake … My ComLuv Profile

    Peggy Nolan 10.21.09 at 4:02 am

    Hi Tess!

    What a beautiful family! I just loved your pictures =) And the quotes…I’m a huge fan of “The Universe is unfolding exactly as it should!”

    This past weekend was all about celebrating new family as my daughter’s future-in-laws made the trek across the pond from Ireland. We spent a lot of time gathered round the kitchen table, eating, drinking, getting to know each other. It was a good visit…and I’ll be heading to Dublin in January to meet my future-son-in-law!
    Peggy Nolan´s last post…FNLEHPY My ComLuv Profile

    janice 10.21.09 at 7:41 am

    I’ve carried the Desiderata around with me for thirty years and lived it like a prayer, but it still sings to me like a new song.

    These are lovely photos, Tess, and you all look beautiful in them!

    I celebrated my family yesterday by cooking a Greek meal with lots of side dishes for them to come home to. Then we watched an old episode of Everwood. Bread, wine and good food - it doesn’t take much to make me feel like I’m celebrating life.
    janice ´s last post…Clutter: What are You Really Holding Onto…and Why? My ComLuv Profile

    Tess 10.21.09 at 9:37 am

    Yes feeling on top of the world to say the least. This moment is the best moment of my life! The way you live your life Julie has taken me to a new level of gratitude and appreceation. I don’t know anyone who lives more in the moment than you.

    Have fun on the swings. Isn’t life grand?!?

    Yum tomatoe juice. We used to grow acres of tomatoes on the farm. My mom used to smell like tomatoe juice each fall when she canned food for the winter. Wow what a difference of that and fast food. So yeah for you and being healthy.

    I hope you enjoyed your walk and yes these photos radiate joy. I’m happy I inspired you today. Walk on!

    That is so cool to create your own cards. I save each card a family member saves me. I have my moms for the last 10 years. She’s 89 so I’ll reread them and remember her love long after I’m gone. Happy Anniversary.

    I miss those fall leaves! Congrates on 42 years. We’re right behind you with 39. Now I’m curious about your 3rd. Do tell!

    Yes aging has it’s wisdom, play and joy. I join you in gratitude as we march on!
    Good to know once again we’re on the same page. Yeah to wisdom…it outshines my wrinkles!

    Love and joy back at you. Yes the media isn’t as scary as we think is it. Yeah for you and yeah for the fair. Have fun!

    Yes making memories are so much fun. I love taking them (memories) back out on a lonely day when I missing them.

    Thank you and their beauty inside is even greater. Glad you enjoyed the photos!

    Those kids are so blessed to have you as a coach. I can picture them in my mind all out there on the feild with you. We put our kids in sports for one reaseon: the richness of it all. Sports and winning are fun but there is so much more learning and connecting going on!

    What a fun thing to do with your kids for the birthday celebration. Wow and a thank you card to your mother in law speaks volumes about you. Thanks for dancing with me!

    You’re awesome. You know the Grand Canyon is still on…right? So we unfolding in it together. Hike on!

    Your welcome! Thanks for stopping by…

    We certainly are on the same parallel path aren’t we. I’m happy to see you celebrate right through the sad times. Me too. And how blessed your Uncle and Mom are to have you.

    Wow how fun is that and the January trip sounds so excited. I’m happy to share in your happiness Peggy. I know you’ll have a great trip.

    Like my daughter says to Henri when she feeds him “Yum-Yum!” Thanks for sharing your simple joy.

    Jannie Funster 10.21.09 at 11:41 am

    Sweet, sweet sweet photos. Lots of blonds in your life.

    And there is some flower somewhere that only blooms once every seven? years. Every 3?

    How have I celebrated life lately? Well, one thing I cannot divulge too deeply, let’s just say it has to do with some special moments with my handsome hubby. wink, wink.

    I have hugged my kid a lot. Gave Peachie a haircut. Had some hot cocoa. listening to some music now. Maybe need to get out in nature later, didn’t walk in the rain today.
    Jannie Funster´s last post…Rose DesRochers: Just how Great IS She? My ComLuv Profile

    Suzen 10.21.09 at 11:49 am

    Hi Tess,
    First time to your blog and I loved your warning about the challenges of your blog, and yes, I am ready!
    My husband and I spent time on the deck in the sun reminiscing about our grandsons (they are in England) and the adorable (only out of the mouth of babes) comments. We laughed and laughed… spent time massaging Dolce our jack russell, and nourishing our mother, the glorious earth. Thanks for your blog, so nice to revel in gratitude, beauty, and joy!
    Suzen´s last post…Student and Guru My ComLuv Profile

    Wilma Ham 10.21.09 at 3:35 pm

    Tess, lovely to see the beloved ones in your life in this way. Aren’t you all gorgeous.
    I have come to see that play is more important than we think. It makes the heart strong, it is a way to acces the feelings of love and light that otherwise would become a distant memory, forgotten and not to be looked for.
    It is important to make the heart strong as the heart posesses the only intelligence that can deal with life issues.
    So there, something serious about something so fun.
    So play is a life saver and I love making play of everything I do, I loved playing on your blog with you and all who are here.
    I will remember being play and light, do you know you are a good persuader,
    hugs Wilma.
    Wilma Ham´s last post…Part 1. Hate making requests? You’d better get over it. They are key to having you fly. My ComLuv Profile

    Joy 10.21.09 at 3:55 pm

    Absolutely beautiful–love and joy just bounce off the pictures and the quotes are perfect!
    I’ve been celebrating life lately because just because I have one! I’m not being dramatic–at the hospital at work I’m surrounded by hundreds of peopele who believe they have the swine flu, some are truly very ill. I have people in my life who are frustrated by outside circumstances and seem to have given up for a bit. I may have my own obstacles, but I am surely very lucky to be here, and appreciative of the warm sunny days, my precious children, our circle of friends and all of the little gems hidden in each day to help bolster me in so many ways. The moon last night was gorogeous, and the sun rise this morning was radiant and I am blessed to have experienced the wonder of both:)
    Joy´s last post…Wishcasting Wednesday My ComLuv Profile

    Tess 10.21.09 at 6:01 pm

    I don’t know about that flower but let me know if you ever recall it.
    I know you not only celebrate life but every moment of life. You also gift all who read your blog to laugh and that’s a huge gift.

    Yes it sounds like you know how to celebrate and don’t ya love what comes out of the mouths of babes? Too bad that has to change during teen years;)

    “It is important to make the heart strong as the heart posesses the only intelligence that can deal with life issues.” This is very powerful. I’m glad you shared it, wise one. Don’t you love the wisdom that comes with age?

    Tess 10.21.09 at 6:19 pm

    I have two words to describe you, “spiritually mature.”

    Zeenat{Positive Provocations} 10.22.09 at 5:10 am

    Tess, What fun…I could feel your splash splash right through those gorgeous photos. The kids are so beautiful. God bless them and you :)
    You have amalgamated the quotes and photos so beautifully….I especially like this one: “Everyone has in him something precious that is in no one else.” - Martin Burber- cause the picture with your hand on your grandsons heart is just so perfect. And your smile is just beaming all through and through.
    For me personally life is a celebration everyday I get to spend quality time with my little angel and hubby.
    Lots and lots of love to you and the family.
    p.s. Whenever you have the time, you can send me the questions for the interview by email. Hugs :) Zeenat{Positive Provocations}´s last post…Strength, Courage and Wisdom My ComLuv Profile

    Carolynn 10.22.09 at 4:15 pm

    LOVE the reference to painting my own Paradise. *smile*

    I recently did something different. I CHOSE to love with my heart wide open, unafraid of being hurt, unguarded, all-in. What a difference it has made to my own experience of my relationship. An unexpected outcome is that I unwittingly gave my partner permission and space to do the same and he has reciprocated.
    Carolynn´s last post…Silent Sunday - Happiness My ComLuv Profile

    Barbara Swafford 10.23.09 at 12:42 am

    Hi Tess,

    Oh what fun you’ve been having. I love the photos, and the Desiderata quote is a favorite of mine, too. Like you, it’s been a favorite poem of mine for many many years.
    Barbara Swafford´s last post…Words For Sale My ComLuv Profile

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