This post was inspired by Positively Present’s, “7 Ways to Celebrate Summer.”
The following video was taken at “Slide Rock State Park” in Oak Creek Canyon, AZ. (found on you tube) It says so much more than my photographs but enjoy those as well!
Our weather is in the triple digits now so Slide Rock ( I call it nature’s playground) is a great place for children and adults to play and cool off in the hot dessert sun.
This is my husband, grandson and grandaughter “on the slide” taken on last years trip.
Grandson, climbing out for another slide.
It’s difficult to get out because you have to grab on to the rocks covered with algae.
Because kids have so much energy we’re always looking for places to tire them out.
This was perfect!
The water is ice cold however one can’t get enough as the tempature climbs to 110.
The last photo (below) is of my grandaughter and her good friend.They will be Sophmores in the fall.
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{ 26 comments… read them below or add one }
Looks like great fun! Glad that little girl took a risk! I bet she went back for more! Thanks for sharing! xo
Seems to be a real nice place to cool off!
I miss the beaches in here already
This looks like so much fun! Now I’m wondering…why aren’t there any of YOU in the water? Some of the best fun out there…is what’s provided by nature!
And – I loved the review of your book that Jannie had up today (so…where are those picture of you in the red cape??)!!
Lance’s last blog post..Painting The Masterpiece of Our Life
Wow! I’m so excited to know that my post inspired your post. How awesome in that! And equally is awesome is this amazing place that you’re introducing us to here. It looks like the perfect place to cool off on a hot summer day. Definitely nature’s playground!
Positively Present’s last blog post..7 ways to celebrate summer
I wanted to go to slide rock so badly when we were in Sedona a few years ago. I remember passing by and thinking…how cool is this!? But I was able to get my family to go to some energy vortex’s with me so it all worked out in the end…lol.
Caroline’s last blog post..Bye bye birdie…
looks AMAZING!!!!!
jenn’s last blog post..Mini get away
@ Lance, I was downstream reapplying my SPF 72. And getting up the courage to jump off the high place.
@ Tess xo
Wow! I want to slide down that rock soooo bad!
That looks like a great place to go and have a blast!
I was so proud of that little girl for finally summing up the courage to jump.
Keith’s last blog post..The Power of Focus
Good for you for getting out to play with the kids!
Lynn’s last blog post..Boney dancers, easy rider and fresh philosophy
That looks like SO much fun!!! I don’t think I’d get out of there until I was all wrinkled and pruney.
Carolynn’s last blog post..Critter Update
This looks like a ton of fun! And my husband would especially love this. He’s always talking about wanting to move out west and possibly to Arizona. I’m not too up on that, but I like to visit.
Jennifer’s last blog post..An Extraordinary Life
That looks like a blast!
Mama Zen’s last blog post..Flies In My Soup 101
How fun! I love it~!
Angie’s last blog post..0711ddebe7fd2b92.jpg
Me too what courage! How fun!
I hear you about the beaches, lots of beaches to miss in MI.
You’re good, nope none of me in the water cuz I didn’t want to mess my hair!
I think you inspire a lot of people. You have no idea.
It’s my favorite thing to do. They keep me young.
Yeah Lance so there!
Oh how we can learn through kids. Yup an awesome place.
It’s not for everyone. We were both in agreement. Keep visiting. We Arizonians love vistiors.
Mama Zen,
Yes indeed!
Me too.
When you come next time you don’t want to miss it. Make it first on your list.
I’ve never really been into the Southwest (except for jewelry…I love me some turquoise!) but Slide Rock Park looks AWESOME. I totally want to go to Arizona now.
Hayden Tompkins’s last blog post..Because you know you want to be Canadian…
That looks amazing. We have some wonderful beaches down here in Florida and other watering holes to swim, but you have time it right in the summer. You go out in the sun between noon-2 and you are fried. Arizona might be the same way though..
One thing that I’m jealous about is the cliff and mountain look. We are all flat down here. There is no jumping off anything..
beautiful pictures
Inspirational Blog – S.Miracle’s last blog post..Inspirational Poem About God By Thomas Merton
Hi Tess .. what a great place .. I went on once in South Africa .. great for us adults too .. no plunge pool though. The lesson learnt – you must do it yourself .. I’m glad the little girl made her own mind up in the end .. good for her .. though I was waiting for the large guy to jump .. never saw the splash though.
Looks as though you had a fantastic time as a family last year .. it’s been hot here, but it’s gone now! Such is life in England!!
Enjoy the weekend ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary’s last blog post..Warning! Plants have ‘degenerated’ …
Oh, that looks like so much fun. Even the “older” kids can be “young” again.
LisaNewton’s last blog post..Free Summer Concerts in Los Angeles
The place looks lovely. Reminds me of a lot of such beautiful places in India. Thank you for posting those pictures.
Ashok’s last blog post..Loose Consortium Presents…….
Hey Tess! That trip really looked like fun. I watched the video and I loved it. It was cute when she stopped and was wondering to jump or not. “Will she or won’t she”. I found myself smiling and hoping she would go along with the crowds encouragement.
Wonderful post.
John’s last blog post..Be Yourself and Stop Emulating the Masses
Can we go there together when we visit Arizona?! You’ll have to push me in; I’m a wimp. That’s why I come here for my boldness fix
janice’s last blog post..Holidaying at Home: The East Neuk of Fife
So interestingly different for someone who grew up in “the granite state” of New Hampshire, and within a half hour of the coast of Maine.
Someone should do a guide book to… “hard rock” entertainment! A couple interesting sites from my locale were “the lost river” in northern NH, which wound its way among huge boulders and made beautiful hollow music as it cascaded along. In Maine there was “Bald Head Cliff” – a sheer drop maybe the length of a couple footbal fields. At the base, which you could reach via a narrow footpath, was a basically flat but very irregular surface of bare rock and the stones the sea washed up there were as smooth as glass.
Thanks for this. I’ve always had a lot of fun in “swimming holes” wherever I could find them (including one in Mexico that was incredible). We don’t see those as often in Northern CA. When I have several million more dollars I’ll dig one in my backyard.
Wow that looks like SO much fun! There was a similar place by where my grandparents used to live in North Carolina. It was in Pisgah National Forest and it was called Sliding Rock! That’s so funny! This really reminded me of that.
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Caity’s last blog post..Vegans don’t go to steakhouses.
Hi Tess
My husband and I went before my boy Dylan came along. So, you just reminded me how much it was and how fun it will be to take Dylan there.
I remember slide rock.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Giovanna Garcia’s last blog post..How to make a wise decision?
You have to “grab on to the rocks covered with algae” to get out — yuck! I’d probably have to stay in then.
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