Family & Relationships

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  Marc and Angel, a beautiful husband and wife team began their blog Marc and Angel Hack Life in 2006. Ever since they have been inspiring, teaching and coaching thousands of readers with stories of success, love, life and relationships!  I had dinner with Marc and Angel last summer and found them as inspiring and authentic as ... [Read more]


marc and angel fear quotes


Marc and Angel, a beautiful husband and wife team began their blog Marc and Angel Hack Life in 2006. Ever since they have been inspiring, teaching and coaching thousands of readers with stories of success, love, life and relationships

I had dinner with Marc and Angel last summer and found them as inspiring and authentic as they come across on their blog. I love following them on social media

They continuously post fabulous and fun photos of themselves enjoying life. They never fail to make me smile and wish that they were my next door neighbors!

They have 100 thousand raving fans, 1000 – 100 thousand subscribers, 100 million page views, and growing! 

Their first book, “1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently“ is a focused collection of short, concise tips and reflections on the little things that make a huge difference in our daily lives.  It’s available online on Amazon.

Note: And then there were three! From Angel’s Facebook page last Thursday: “It wasn’t easy… It was amazing. It was magical. It was worth it. Introducing Mac Austin Chernoff. Born Thursday, July 10 at 9:25 pm, 6 lbs 14 oz, 21 inches. We are in LOVE. 

Here are a collection of 16 inspirational Marc and Angel quotes that will inspire you to get over your fear and on with your dream! Don’t forget to share them with your friends.

Marc and Angel Quotes

1. Your biggest fears are completely dependent on you for their survival. Marc and Angel 

2. Regardless of fear or actual real world barriers, whenever you want to achieve something, you have to envision it and declare it. You have to keep your eyes open and focused specifically on what you want. It’s simply impossible to hit a target you haven’t declared, or get anywhere worthwhile with your eyes closed and your vision blurred. Marc and Angel

3. Don’t be afraid of facing your fears. They’re not as scary as you think, and they’re not here to stop you. They’re here to let you know that what you want is worth fighting for. Marc and Angel

4. So get up, get out in the stormy weather of the real world, and kick fear as hard as you can right in the teeth.  Do so by staring at it dead in the eyes and then walking right through it into the storm. Let the rain kiss your skin. That’s the first step. Because once you’re wet, you won’t fear the rain anymore. Marc and Angel

5. Failure is not falling down; failure is staying down when you have the choice to get back up. Ultimately, what you need to remember is that you are in competition with one person and one person only – yourself. Your toughest competitor is simply the voices in your head. Marc and Angel

6. You have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting every step of the way. Laugh at the confusion, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life as it unfolds – struggles and all.  You might not end up exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive precisely where you need to be. Marc and Angel

7. You want to be stretched to the edge of your ability sometimes. It needs to be hard and uncomfortable. That’s how your brain grows. We learn when we’re in our discomfort zone. Marc and Angel

8. Breath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret and frustration. Let go of the need for approval too. You don’t need any of it. The world is as we are inside. What we think, we see, and we ultimately become. Marc and Angel 

9. There’s no use in wallowing in negativity. You simply can’t expect victory while planning for defeat. Marc and Angel

10. You need to take small chances every day. It’s the best way to face any problem, crush every fear and overcome life’s greatest challenges. And you get just about as many chances in life as you’re willing to take. So never let your fear decide your future. Marc and Angel

12. Because your obstacles are your opportunities. Obstacles are put in your way to help you determine if what you want is really worth fighting for. ~ Marc and Angel

13. Move forward with gusto. Remember that the extent to which we sometimes allow fear to rule our lives is truly startling and unnecessary. Especially when you consider one very important fact about fear: It’s a total figment of your imagination. Marc and Angel

14. Great challenges make life interesting; overcoming them makes life meaningful. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. In its place will be something that you have left behind. Let it be something worthwhile – something you are thankful for. Marc and Angel

15. When your efforts are met with failure, you know you are on to something; because on the flip-side of that failure is a real, substantial accomplishment that doesn’t come easy. Your failed attempt is simply evidence that you are reaching higher. And “higher” is always the best direction to travel in. ~ Marc and Angel  

16. If you only remember two words from this whole article, let them be: “Stretch” and “Observe.”

Stretch:  As in… stretch yourself. Always push yourself to the edge of your ability, so you can expand it and grow. 

Observe:  As in… observe your mentors and those who are more skilled than you, so you can take notes and emulate them. ~ Marc and Angel

17. Believe that the answers are out there waiting.  Believe that life will surprise you again and again.  Believe that the journey is the destination.  Believe that it’s all worth your while.


In Celebration Of My Ordinary Life

An ordinary life doesn’t equate to a meaningless life. And an extraordinary life doesn’t equate to a successful life, even though we’ve been taught that it does. An accomplished life in the United States is associated with having a lot of money, fame and power. Used in the right way, they could be, but they aren’t ... [Read more]


celebrate ordinary life

An ordinary life doesn’t equate to a meaningless life. And an extraordinary life doesn’t equate to a successful life, even though we’ve been taught that it does.

An accomplished life in the United States is associated with having a lot of money, fame and power. Used in the right way, they could be, but they aren’t necessary in order to leave a mark on the world. 

The external validation, achievement, power and status that we’re lured into never leads to joy.

Our acute need to be or feel exceptional or special only intensifies the need to compare, compete and impress others. It only causes us to feel rushed, ashamed and isolated.

Magic happens when we are present and aware of what we have: a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, an early morning walk, a cool breeze on a hot summer day. 

Extraordinary relationships don’t come from physical beauty, exotic trips, big houses, fancy clothes and cars. I’m not against these things; I just don’t like being fooled by them.

Ordinary relationships are transformed to extraordinary through simple acts of kindness, compassion and love. They are mined through the fire of hard work, tragedy, and disappointment.

I’m on a mission to celebrate my ordinary and magical life. It’s easy to do when I pay attention and take in the wonder and joy that I find in simple things, everyday activities and experiences.

The significant and unusual events, the highest achievements and biggest accolades all eventually seem familiar and ordinary after a little time has passed.  But beauty and magic lie in the ordinary moments that fill the space in-between. We only need to be present to discover, savor and take them in.

These are not trivial or mundane moments. These are moments that define your life! Your actions reveal your character and values. These are the times that shape who you are and the legacy you leave behind.

7 Steps to Make Your Life Meaningful and Worthy of Celebration

1. Love who you are and where you are. Appreciate the person you have become and your life exactly as it is in the moment.

2. Treat the taxi cab driver, the barista and the bathroom attendant as sacred people. Make these interactions meaningful. Show them interest, make eye contact, small talk and add a smile.

3. Make others feel special. Help low-paid workers feel visible. Give a larger than normal tip. Make them feel that life is on their side. Help them believe the world is a generous place.

4. Choose to see everything with amazement and wonder: a new blade of grass, the shape of a cloud on a sunny day, the wrinkled hands of a grandparent and aroma of dinner cooking on the stove.

5. Notice and appreciate the most ordinary things: running water, sand between your toes, the color of your eyes, the coziness and comfort of your bed.

6. Slow down. Turn off your electronics. Reflect, pause and breathe deeply. Be still. Pray. Meditate. Love.

7. Don’t miss an opportunity to be of service. Be a giver. Come from your heart.  Help heal the world. Make it a better place. 

I have found that when I celebrate the ordinary, my life feels extraordinary. Happiness doesn’t elude me and all is well with my world.

The one thing that every human being has in common is that we all want to be loved. Some may not know this and others may deny this but it’s the truth. There are only two emotions, love and fear. If you know this and believe this, you’d think it would be easy to choose ... [Read more]


holding hands

The one thing that every human being has in common is that we all want to be loved. Some may not know this and others may deny this but it’s the truth.

There are only two emotions, love and fear. If you know this and believe this, you’d think it would be easy to choose love over fear.

But it’s not.

We’ve been told since childhood not to trust strangers and that some people are bad or not equal to others. Teachers often support our parents' beliefs.

We also live in a culture of fear. We are taught to be afraid of crime, kidnapping, minorities, ex-inmates, germs, terrorism and drugs. Society is manipulated by fear tactics. Fear sells and people and organizations profit from it.

In The Culture of Fear, sociologist Barry Glassner demonstrates that it is our perception of danger that has increased, not the actual level of risk.

If we are going to learn to consistently choose love over fear we have to stop listening to the negative media. We need to remember that we are intelligent people who can think for ourselves. We don’t have to follow the herd.

Fear keeps us disconnected, isolated and confused. Fear keeps us stuck in debt, addiction and scarcity-thinking. Fear keeps us in the future. Fear breeds more fear.

We don’t have to live in fear. It’s a choice.

I choose love. Love keeps us united, connected and content. Love allows us to feel seen, heard and secure. Love promotes service and collaboration.

I was blessed in my late twenties to find teachers, mentors and friends who showed me the path to love. Over the years this knowledge has allowed me to grow deeper in love with myself, life and the rest of the world.

If you would like to feel more love and less fear, you may find these tips helpful:

1. Open your mind and heart. Be open to a new way. Letting go of deep-rooted fear isn’t easy. It takes practice. Listen more and judge less. Initiate conversations and friendships with people who are different from you. Give others the benefit of the doubt.  Expect others to be kind and loving. Drop your preconceived notions.

2. Turn on your love faucet. Be kind. Train yourself to think and speak lovingly. Look for people who need your help. Be generous. Be of service. Those who have more must give more. Set the example. Go the extra mile.

3. Change your beliefs. Write down what you believe about crime, drugs, different countries, other races, poverty, etc. Choose to change your negative beliefs. Believe in the good in the world and in others. Look for proof to back up your new-found beliefs.

4. Keep a journal. At the end of the day, write down the love you experienced. Write down the kindness you witnessed. Write down the love you’ve seen expressed. What you focus on expands. When you look for love, you’ll find it.

5. Give the love you want to experience. Be the first to offer to help. Hold the door open for strangers. Look people in the eye and be the first to say hello. Love is a verb. Take action.

6. Appreciate the ones you’re with. Focus on others' strengths. Refuse to criticize. Be the first person to declare and demonstrate your love to your friends and family members.  Don’t ever hold back or withdraw your love. Be grateful for all the people in the world who love you.

7. Love yourself. Begin today. Speak well of yourself. Praise yourself. Celebrate yourself. Be willing to put yourself first. If it’s true that we can’t love anyone until we love ourselves, no wonder there’s a dearth of love being expressed in the world. Meet your own needs. Make it your no. 1 priority.

There is no reason to feel alone and unloved. There is no excuse not to be more loving. Make your choice for love today. Take a stand. Give love. Express love. Be love, loving. A whole new world awaits you.

What In The World Has Tess Been Doing?

"Faith is putting all of your eggs in God's basket, then  counting your blessings before they hatch." -Ramona C. Caroll We sold our home two months ago with the intention of finding another in the city, closer to hub's work, the airport, hiking trails and more;) We first thought we'd like a condo but soon decided ... [Read more]


"Faith is putting all of your eggs in God's basket, then
 counting your blessings before they hatch." -Ramona C. Caroll

7914 E Oak St, Scottsdale, Arizona real estate

We sold our home two months ago with the intention of finding another in the city, closer to hub's work, the airport, hiking trails and more;)

We first thought we'd like a condo but soon decided against one due to monthly HOA fees and all that goes with them.

Instead we chose to purchase another home. We love Arizona so much we see this as our last move. However I'm always open to change, unimaginable gifts, abundant blessings and unlimited opportunities, so one never knows!

We were determined to stay within our budget and find a home that fit our lifestyle. After four weeks we finally accomplished what we set out to do. 

I haven't been commenting or writing as much as usual due to this and a few other changes in my life. I appreciate your patience and will return to my normal schedule of commenting and posting in a few weeks with even more gusto, encouragement and passion for living a bold life.

All the hours previously spend commuting to the city, airport, hiking trails, etc will be spent improving my online presence and methods of serving you. I thank each one of you for your support and presence in my life. I am truly grateful! xo

Relationships that Nurture Your Spirit

Relationships are connection.

They are fun.

There is laughter and humor.

There are mutual dreams.

There is support for individual dreams.

There is respect and appreciation.

There is inspiration and motivation.

There is the delight of shared activities and experiences.


Taking care of mom

Relationships are about connection. 

They are fun. 

There is laughter and humor. 

There are mutual dreams. 

There is support for individual dreams. 

There is respect and appreciation. 

There is inspiration and motivation. 

There is the delight of shared activities and experiences. 

There are adventures and vacations to be explored.

There is the thrill of creating and accomplishing small and big things together. 

There is satisfaction in growth. 

Relationships allow for growth through challenges. 

There is the challenge of healing your childhood wounds. 

There is the challenge of letting go of the need to be right. 

There is the challenge of agreeing to disagree. 

There is the challenge of giving and receiving. 

There is the challenge of balance. 

There is the challenge of keeping your heart open. 

There is the challenge to keep things fresh and new. 

There is the challenge of accepting each other exactly as they are. 

There is the challenge of healing the relationship you have with yourself. 

There are projections that show you exactly what you need to heal.

There is forgiveness that begins within and extends outward.

There is fun and there is adventure. 

There is happiness and peace.

There is kindness and love.

Relationships are about connection.

They nurture your spirit and replenish your soul.